Slovenski Dom Newsletter Volume 7, March 2009 POROČILO PREDSEDNIKA DRAGI ČLANI IN ČLANICE SLOVENSKEGA DOMA V imenu upravnega odbora z veseljem poročam o napredku Društva Slovenski Dom v letu 2008. V tem letu smo imeli živahen in pester program, in pa tudi nekaj žalosti. Izgubili smo dva ugledna člana Slovenskega Doma. Gospod Jože Skulj nas je zapustil 28 oktobra pri starosti 71 let in Dr. Peter Klopcic nas je zapustil 9 decembra v 83 letu starosti. Obema smo poslali venec in sožalje družinam v imenu Slovenskga Doma. Spremljali smo jih na njihovi zadnji poti. Naj počivata v miru. V preteklem letu je Vaš odbor vložil veliko ur prostovoljnega dela za Slovenski Dom. Poleg rednih sej, je odbor organiziral več kulturnih in društvenih prireditev. • V začetku februarja smo skupaj z Slovensko šolo in z odborom Dom Lipa organizirali obisk in razgovor med študenti iz Slovenske šole in Slovenci ki stanujejo v Domu Lipa. • V začetku maja smo organizirali Environmental Day skupaj z Slovensko Telovadno Zvezo (STZ) in posadili nekaj čez 500 hrastov (red oaks). • V začetku julija smo organizirali kulturno razstavo za Slovenski dan in razstavili različne predmete iz Slovenije. Hvala vsem ki ste posodili te predmete za razstavo. • Nadaljevali smo z zbiranjem knjig Slovenskih pisateljev v Kanadi da ohranimo našo kulturno dediščino. Če kdo želi pomagati pri zbiranju knjig se priporočamo. • Prenovili smo tudi našo spletno stran Poglejte si jo. • V začetku decembra smo imeli božični banket v dvorani Marije Pomagaj na Manning Ave. Med gosti ki jih je bilo okoli 200, so bili člani in članice Slovenskega Doma kakor tudi predstavniki drugih slovenskih organizacij. Igral je orkester Matija Leberja. Kulturni program je vodila Majda Resnik in se je začel z nastopom gospe Bernarde Cemas ki je predstavila svojo pesem, "Slovenski Dom na Pape". Za tem je nastopil pevski zbor "Naša Pesem". Priznanje Slovenskega doma za izredno prostovoljno delo pri Slovenskem domu je dobila Majda Resnik. Štipendijo Slovenskega doma je dobila Annemarie Muhic. Priznanje za dosežek diplome na York univerzi je dobil Randy Dresar. Nagrado za najboljšo izvirno pesem je dobila Bernarda Cemas. Finančno nagrado so dobili Dom Lipa in Slovenska Šola. Kot vsako leto je bil tudi letošnji dohodek banketa in srečolova namenjen podpori Dom Lipa, Slovenski šoli in štipendijam za slovenske študente. Zahvaljujemo se vsem ki ste prišli na banket in s tem podprli slovensko kulturo in slovensko skupnost. Še posebna hvala pa našim sponsorjem in vsem ki ste nudili pomoč da je banket tako lepo uspel. Letos zopet planiramo več kulturnih prireditev in aktivnosti in vas prisrčno vabimo da se udeležite teh prireditev in s tem podprete medsebojno povezovanje in ohranitev naše kulturne identitete. Če imate kakšne ideje za bodoče prireditve vas prosimo da jih predstavite odboru. Velika dvorana na Pape Ave je v najemu Grkov ki pridno plačujejo najemnino. V mali dvorani imamo redne sestanke odbora in pa našo pisarno. V prejšnjem letu smo prenovili moško stranišče in v tem letu žensko stranišče. Tako da je Slovenski Dom v dobrem stanju. Tudi letos smo debatirali kako se usmerimo v prihodnost. Ustanovili smo "Building Fund" ki bo služil našim željam po novem Slovenskem Domu. Rabimo več članov zato prosimo vse sedanje člane da vključite svoje potomce in prijatelje v Slovenski Dom, ker to je naša bodočnost. Preden zaključim bi se rad zahvalil vsem članom in odbornikom za sodelovanje in podporo. Bodimo ponosni da smo Slovenci in da imamo Slovenski Dom ki nas povezuje in nudi priliko da ohranimo našo kulturno skupnost. Oscar Koren, Predsednik BOZIČNICA-2008 Slovenski Dom's annual Christmas banquet (Božičnica) was held on December 6, 2008 at Marija Pomagaj parish hall in Toronto. Despite the dangerous driving conditions created by a heavy snowfall that had begun that afternoon, the banquet was very well attended. The evening commenced with a social hour when old friendships were renewed and new ones formed. Among the guests were members of Slovenski Dom and their friends, representatives from our sponsors as well as from other Slovenian organizations"-Slovenska Šola, Dom Lipa, Društvo Simon Gregorčič, Slovenska Telovadna Zveza, Slovensko-Kanadski Svet. The formal part of the program started with greetings and best wishes from the President and Vice-President of Slovenski Dom. In his opening remarks, the president emphasized that Slovenski Dom is a registered non-profit organization whose mission is to promote Slovenian culture and heritage in Canada. He invited all other Slovenian organizations and clubs to work together to make Slovenian Canadians proud of their heritage. We enjoyed a delicious Slovenian dinner and scrumptious desserts. We held a draw for a door prize just before the band started its first set. Our music that night was provided by the Matt Lebar Enseamble, which entertained us with Slovenian songs and lively dance music. At the first intermission, guests were entertained and engaged with the evening's cultural program. The cultural program began with a recital of the poem "Slovenski Dom na Pape" by Bernarda Cemaš, winner of the Slovenski Dom poetry contest. Next, a ladies choir, "Naša Pesem", from the Slovenian parish in New Toronto, performed a number of Christmas carols and Slovenian folk songs. During this first intermission, a number of awards were also presented. This year's recipient of the Outstanding Volunteer Award was Majda Resnik. Other awards included the Achievement Award to Randy Dresar, the Poetry Contest Award to Bernarda Cemaš and the University Scholarship Award to Annemarie Muhič. In addition, Dom Lipa and Slovenska Šola received cultural/financial awards. Congratulations to all 2008 award winners! Annemarie Muhič, Oscar Koren, Majda Resnik The second intermission featured a Raffle Draw. The numerous and varied prizes were generously donated by our Slovenian sponsors, members, guests and other Canadian organizations. As on previous occasions, two youngsters from the audience helped draw the winning tickets. The singing and dancing continued late into the night and a good time was had by all. Oscar Koren, President Wine Growing in Niagara Canada's largest and best known wine region is in the heart of the Niagara peninsula, home of the world-reknowned Niagara Falls. The Niagara area has been producing wines for almost 200 years, but only in the last 20 years has it recieved international recognition for producing premium wines. In total, approximately 7000 Ha of vineyards produce 34 Ml of wine annually with 500 grape growers and over 100 wineries. Early European settlers in the 1800's tried to grow European varieties in Canada with little success, mainly due to diseases and extreme cold during the winters. During the 100 years that followed, most cultivated vines were wild species native to Canada. These grapes, Concord and Labrusca varieties, were excellent for juice and jams. Although the wines produced were drinkable, they had a peculiar taste, often described as 'boiled strawberries' or 'foxy'. Since these wines were inexpensive and easily available locally, many people learned to tolerate and even enjoy them. In the mid 1900's, a large influx of European immigrants came to Niagara including numerous Slovenians, who were welcomed by fellow countrymen who had come earlier in the century and had settled on mixed fruit farms and vineyards. All these people had a major influence on the wine industry in the area. More recently, new grape plantings have consisted of varieties of winter hardy French hybrids and more sensitive European Vitis vinifera species. However, there are risks. A major limitation to growing vinifera grapes is the cold winter weather with temperatures reaching near-20 C resulting in vine damage or death. Cool and wet seasons sometimes result in underripeness. However, in "good" years hot summers, cool autumns create a growing season which results in excellent wines. Harvester Wines of Chardonnay, Riesling, Pinot Noirand Merlotfrom the Niagara win awards internationally. Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio, Gewurztraminer, Gamay, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon wines are also produced. Niagara is also one of the largest producers of Icewine, typically made from Riesling or Vidal. Icewine grapes are left on the vine until December or January and are only harvested between -8 and -13 C. The result is a concentrated, very sweet wine with intense flavour and complexity. Canada has it's own appellation of origin, the Vintner's Quality Alliance or VQA designation. It helps consumers identify the origin of Niagara wines while the producers benefit from adherence to high standards for quality. Niagara also boasts a world class Cool Climate Wine Institute at Brock University, focusing on wine industry research and professional training for industry experts. Harvesting Icewine Today, Canada's Niagara region is recognized as a quality wine producer and a world class wine destination. Tony Molek POETRY CONTEST WINNER - 2008 The Slovenski Dom Poetry Contest 2008 prize winning poem was crafted by Bernarda Cemaš. She recited it to an appreciative audience as a part of the cultural program at the 2008 Christmas Banquet - Božičnica. Slovenski dom na Pape Živo Pape bilo Slovencev je središče, za po vojni preživelih zatočišče. Ohceti dvorana, športa in predavanj, mlade varovala je brezciljnih tavanj. (Sedemdeset šest'ga leta se veseli na poroki Nade, Jožeta vrteli, Minka prazne je želodce napolnila, mim'grede slovesnost lepa je minila.) Se Slovenci razselili na vse kraje, vestnim Grkom hala zdaj zavetje daje. Če dvorano novo boste kdaj gradili, merkajte, da mladež boste pridobili. Se razrastle naše bodo korenine, zven slovens'ne blage tu nikol' ne mine. Da pomaga zvestim se osvajat znanje in deliti se zvestejšim vsem priznanje. ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION Editor's NOTE: Slovenski Dom applied for and succeeded in obataining a Green Grant for tree planting from Evergreen. Trees will be planted at the park in Bancroft this spring. Contact has been made with other Slovenian organizations with an offer to share some of the grant money to assist them in meeting their tree planting needs. Evergreen sent the following brief article to provide encouragement to home gardeners to enjoy home grown produce from their gardens or even their balconies. Tony Muc, Editor Starting Seeds By late winter many of us have had enough of the dreary days and are beginning to long for sunshine and the return of spring. Why not get a head start by inviting some green indoors? Starting seeds is a great way to garden in small spaces and without a lot of equipment or tools. Growing your own food is fun, healthy and makes the final harvest that much more delicious. t^ Ontario To begin, purchase soil and seeds -or find a friend with a green thumb who is willing to share. Cherry tomatoes are easy to grow, and heirloom varieties (these are open-pollinated types that have had their seeds saved over many generations before the start of large-scale industrial agriculture) come in interesting shapes and fun colours like yellow and green. Bell peppers are a fresh option while hot chilies will spice things up. Your favourite herbs like basil, thyme and oregano make easy-to-grow choices. Next, raid your recycling bin for a good container: you can use a clean yogurt or margarine tub or the bottom half of a milk carton. Poke holes in the bottom for drainage, and place on a plate to catch any extra water. Then, fill your container with soil almost to the top. Water gently, and pat down the soil to ensure it settles. Follow the directions on your seed packet and plant to the required depth. From here, it's up to nature with a little help from you. Keep your garden warm, away from drafts and in a location with lots of sunlight. (Make sure it doesn't sit in direct light all day or it will dry out.) Water sparingly every two to three days-you want to provide moisture, not a flood. When the first true leaves appear and the roots have matured, you can transplant your seedlings into larger containers and eventually move them outside. Evergreen Evergreen is a national not-for-profit organization that makes cities more livable. For free gardening resources and to learn more about Evergreen and the Green Grants program, visit EDITOR'S COMMENTS Having stepped in to try and fill shoes occupied by previous volunteers, my first reaction is to take my hat off to my predecessors and thank them for the efforts they have expended to edit the Slovenski Dom Newsletter. It is my fervent hope to be able to make a small contribution toward advancing their aspirations and those of Slovenski Dom. Every organization needs a channel through which to communicate with its members. A newsletter has historically been the channel of choice. However, times change. A newsletter acts as a tool for "pushing" information out to its members. While it can also provide a platform for members to express their opinions or air their creative expressions, that only happens AFTER a lot of "pulling" occurs to get content in the first place. Marketers consider "push" to be an "active" (and accordingly favoured) way to deliver messages soliciting business or cooperation. By contrast "pull" is considered to be a "passive" (and accordingly unfavoured) way to do so. Sadly, my opinion of marketing be it "push" or "pull", especially in North America, is rather low. What comes to my mind in this context is the old Slovenian saying - "Dobra stvar sama sebe hvali." A translation of that saying is something like "A good thing is its own best praise." The movies version of it is something like "Build it and they will come." That's where my stepping under the editor's hat complements my volunteering to try and advance the cause of Slovenski Dom's web site. Right here I am issuing and appeal, AND A CHALLENGE, to all of you to get involved in the Slovenski Dom web site - It is not a static web site that simply "pushes" information at you. By contrast, it is TOTALLY OPEN to your input, like FaceBook or YouTube, but it has a Slovenian focus. Anyone who visits the site is permitted to create an account, FREE OF CHARGE, thereby becoming a Registered User with basic privileges for posting material and participating in discussions that may arise. If you identify yourself as a member, and are verified as being in good standing, a range of extra "Members ONLY" privileges becomes available to expand the features you can access. It has been said that "Slovenski Dom je dom brez doma." That is true in a physical sense. People routinely lavish huge amounts of energy and emotion on such bricks and mortar physical symbols and achieve many good results and benefits doing so. However, it seems to me that, unfortunately, such physical symbols have also served to fragment and separate communities rather than unite them. Times have changed. Nonetheless it remains a truism that "Home is where the Heart is." In that sense the internet and the Slovenski Dom web site provide a virtual home where anyone, anywhere, at any time with at least a bit of Slovenia in their heart can visit and share their thoughts, hopes and aspirations regarding things Slovenian. If YOU participate, the site will become whatever YOU, want it to be, not what some "webmaster" wants it to be. The only limitations that will be imposed will be those of decorum and good taste. Aside from that the sky is the limit! Visit the web site and participate in building a 21st Century virtual Slovenski Dom on the Internet! Slovenci, izbuditi se. Izgradite novi Slovenski Dom na Internetu! Tony Muc, Editor PROGRAM FOR 2009 Potica Challenge ......................Sunday, March 29, 2009 Občni Zbor-Annual General Meeting ........................Sunday, April 26, 2009 Environmental Day with STZ ........................Saturday, May 9, 2009 Cultural Exhibit at Slovenski Dan .........................Sunday, July 5, 2009 Bus Tour .................Saturday, September 19, 2009 Christmas Banquet - Božičnica ...................Saturday, December 5, 2009 Check the Slovenski Dom web site regularly for more details and the latest updates. Visit: and become a registered user FREE OF CHARGE. Identify yourself as a member of Slovenski Dom and, upon verification of your status, you will be able to enjoy many added features and priveleges only available to members.