ftfe 20 decembra, 1936 ‘NAPREDEK” STRAN 3 Slovenska Svobodomiselna Podporna Zveza USTANOVLJENA 1908 Q LAVNI URAD: 245-47 IVEST 103rd STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Telefon: PULLMAN 9665 LL1NOIS UPRAVNI ODBOR: JOHN KVARTICH, predsednik, 411 Station Street „ BUDOLPH LISCH, podpredsednik, 1393 East 47th Street 8 cw’i ^ VVILLIAM RUS, tajnik. 245-47 West 103rd Street, cScio Ill ^ ° h '° ANTON ZAITZ, pomožni tajnik, 245-47 West 103rd strefr ’ ^ RK ?vT KU v H RHOWI 8 K n ^i; e 2 kt 5 ' 47 W fL 103rd StreefScago^ 0 ’ ^ - - - — _™v,«,xucjc, MIC 2 to -47 west ?03rd ^treet! chicago nu° posluJočih 8 mladinskih društev, na nasu društvenu sjednicu, a in tudi se smeje naši strahopet- nadzorni odbor: 1 3 1S . vreme svoju, onda ne nosti in neumnosti. ki, oiavite, da jesu na pravome Dosti o tem, raje se pripre c O rm s anji radlmo i pripre- krat lahko doma pustimo, da , ° , nasu m ^ ade ž za buduč- bodejo molile za zmago, in ko °' 3 buducnost bude. se pokrešemo z delavci drugih r]iier, 0 -f°v, r ?i ba reČi: Rakova bu * dežel, potem lahko ženski spol K Alde n ije moja briga, doma živi v pomankanju in rev- • 3C , 1 ona j zn al, nikad toga ščini, samo, da bode želja sve- izrekei ne bi, jer kakovi si put tovnih vladarjev in delavskih „ e as enakovim češ i hoditi, norcev izpolnjena. Kaj nam a o, raco, složno naprijed za mar za drugo, saj vendar vemo, ^ a f U ndučnost, za naš pomla- j kaj delamo, ali bodemo delali v aak. Zato pripremajte vašu takih slučajih, če pa tega ne jecu, da pohadjaju i društvene vemo, potem se bi ne smeli šteti *je mce, neka se priučadu za za civilizirane. Če verjame ali rus vo, koje če vama koristi a ne, je resnica, da se taki civili- i samima njima, jer dok dojdu zaciji sam hudič lahko smeje, PREGLED VAŽNIH DO GDDKOV DOMA IN PO SVETU VVILLIAM CANDON. predsednik, 1058 East 72nd Street JOSEPH H. GRILLS, Box 69, Mocn Run, Pa btIeet ' Cleveland, Ohio JOHN MARN, 618 W. Pierce St., Milwaukee, Wis. POROTNI ODBOR: FRANK PUCEL. predsednik, 17921 Delavan Road Cleveland ni,,„ FRANK MEDVED. Box 40. Yukon, Pa. Cleveland, Ohio VINCENT PUGEL, 1344 So. 64th Street, West Allis Wi k UREDNIK-UPRAVNIK GLASIll VATRO J. GRILL, 6231 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland Ohio' GLAVNI ZDRAVNIK-’ DR. P. J. ARCH, 618 Chesnut St., Pittsburgh, Pa. mestu, to je, onda jesu u društ- vimo na naše društvene dolžno- vU ’ S de se moreju samo dobro sti in priredbe, katere bodemo naučiti i za njihovu in vašo ko- imeli v bodočem letu, za naše rist 1 društvene potrebščine. Društ- Zato bračo i vi ostali, koji i- vo št. 211 je imelo pred nedav- mate djecu, a vaša djeca niso nim zelo uspešno domačo za- još u Slovenski Svobodomiselni bavo. Radi tega je članstvo Podporni Zvezi, dojdite sa va-1 sklenilo, da priredimo še eno in šim djecom, i ktamu pripelajte, to v soboto 2. jan. v spodnjih sijo DOPISI IN POROČILA ČLANSTVA Milwunkee, V, is. Z zaves- janko na zapaani strani čikaš- va ® e § a Prijatelja, koji ima dje- prostorih Doma. Zopet se bo tjo v srcu, da smo si prizade- .koga mesta. Zato si tudi jaz Ce ’ 3 nesu u nikakovem društ- za jedačo serviralo nekaj nove- vali na najboljši način izpolniti štejem v svojo dolžnost pov^- vu ’ da v *dij°> da naša djeca, naš ga, namreč gulaž. Imeli bomo to, za kar smo se zavzeli in dati svoje mnenje javnosti ter P Qm ^ a d a k- Vrtec 13 SSPZ, je domačo godbo in seveda tudi svoj namen v kolikor mogoče i se zahvaliti vsem posetnikom P ravo društvo za djecu. Ne za-, kaj za poplahniti gulaž. Član- dobro izvršili, jemljemo slovo ki so bili navzoči. " boravite, da se za djecu jako stvo se priporoča tukajšnjem od leta 1936 kot člani človeška Vdeležba je bila jako zado- ma *° 20, 25 i 30 centi Slovencem, da nas posetite in z družbe, in do organizacij, h ka- voljiva, posebno 'za tak dan kot m esečno. A ne zaboravite u nami zabavate na prvi zabavi v terim spadamo. smo ga naleteli. Ceste oziro- isto vreme < kod jesu vaša djeca novem letu. Ker ni sploh nobe- V dobi inventarjev smo in ko- ma ulice so bile kakor steklo U društvu SSPZ, u svakom slu- ne vstopnine, upamo, da nas bo uec letnih računov. Pri št. 24 srebro v toplomeru je šlo na- dadU ’ U svak °j nesreči niso sa- lepo število skupaj omenjenega SSPZ smo tudi ponosni, da ob vzdol tako naglo, da je bilo ob mi ’ onda oni ima j u svoju društ- večera in bomo se prav po do- koncu tega leta lahko pokažemo 7. uri zvečer že daleč pod nič- venu bradu ’ koji J ih pogledaju mače zabavali. Pa tudi člani uspeh m napredek. Niso viso- lo. Marsikatera “liza” je imela 1 bodri j u - A imaš li kakovi in- so prošeni, da se udeleže 100% ke številke, vendar po mojem vrv za vratom, ali pa ji je bilo šurenc ’ agent d °jde po novac, i vsaj ene društvene zabave. To- mnenju prekašajo rekord dese- treba dajati “puš”. Navzlic je sve ’ Kad s | bolestan, le- rej na svidenje dne 2. jan. v tih let. Posebna hvala vsem vsem tem neprilikam pa je bila žiŠ doma ’ nema nik °g a : ležiš u Slovenskem Domu na zabavi tistim članom, ki sle s svojo vdeležba dobra. bolnici, nema niKoga. Inšurenc društva št. 211 SSPZ. pridnostjo pripomogli do tega Zahvaljujemo se pevskemu ni;ie društvo. Zato bračo, pri- JohnMatekovich, tajnik uspeha. Prebili ste led, poka- zboru “Prešeren” za lepo petje P rema J te vašu djecu u društvu zali nam pot do cživljenja po pri nastopu. Zahvala gre tudi 1 to u Slovensko Svobodomisel- Gillespie, lil. Društvo št. tolikih letih spanja. Le tako Franku Prijatelju in radiu, ki no Pod Porno Zvezu, koje društ- 178 bo obdržavalo malo zabavo naprej, bratje, nadaljujte svoje sta privedla vdeležence s svojo' V ° se brine z svakog člana -1 ed - na Silvestrov večer v prostorih delo! Sledimo temu zgledu še melodijo m govorom v prav ži- nako ' br ' Johna Rugelna ln tem P 0 '! ostali člani društva, pojdimo še vahno razpoloženje. Hvala Vrt- A u ostalom se vam daje do tom vabimo v^e znance m pri mina delo za pomnožitev član- cu št. 139 iz Pullmana za petje vnanja, jer če nekoji pitati za- jatelje, da nas obiščejo m se z j stva. in muziko ter mladeniču Bla- sto ovo prije božiča nije bile nami zabavajo, obenem pa da Seveda, v mislih se obračamo žu Petanu, ki nam je izvrstno P rošle S odine naš pomladak se nam pomagajo spremiti to leto proti Chicagu. Radovedni smo, zaigral na harmoniko. Zahva- 3 * av i° P r D e božiča, a sadu bude ' zgo ovino pr o s os i— ( UiJ ali bodo tam pri “centralni vla- ljujemo se tudi Michaelu Vr- 3lavio nastupom nove godine bratje in sestre da ne pozabite; dr . spomnili svojih obljub in hovniku za vzpodbudljiv govor. 1837, koji se želi, da bi svima,m popeljite tudi svoje prijate-1 dolžnosti in v tem nastopnem Najvecja hvala gre pa star- 3ietnd DUd - osuuoin nemojte j , , , . _ letu nas osrečili s poslovnimi šem, ki so se trudili in žrtvova- pravicami v vseh tistih drža- li ter spodbujali svoje sinove in vah, kjer jih še nimamo. Zveza hčere do učenja za nastop na je potom preustroja poslovanja odru. Velik vtis so napravile hjeca moraju da so u pratnji zadostila zakonom in zahtevani na navzoče plesalke s petjem, r ° Re ^ a ' os a om ce e jos teh držav in v tem oziru menda Mary Lou Gratchner ln Mary ^. isa 1 e ^ amacije nase ma e ne bo posebnih zadržkov več. Jo Townsley, ter žele velik a- * P°<* upraviteljstvom sestre Sedaj pa še nekaj i z vesele plavž. (Dalje iz 1. str.) se baje pripravljali na velik zra¬ čni napad na Barcelono. Nova kriza pa je nastala zad- i nje dni, ko je madridska vlada zajela neko nemško tovorno ladjo, ki je dovažala vojni kon- trobant za španske fašiste. Kancelar Hitler je s svojega gorskega zatišja v Berchtesga- denu, kamor se je podal preko praznikov, zagrozil, da bo Nem¬ čija direktno posegla v španski položaj, če se zaplenjenega par¬ nika takoj ne vrne. V desperat-l nem poizkusu, da bi se to pre¬ prečilo, kajti v takem slučaju bi bil izbruh vojne v Evropi skoro neizogiben, je francoski premijer Blum izjavil, da je I zaboraviti, da če naš pomladak, in lahko s ponosom rekli, da Vrtec broj 13 darivati mnogo člani št. 178 so v resnici dobri, darila svojim simpatičarim, ali delavni in vredni svojega pono¬ sa. Tajnik društva št. 178 3trani življenja. Kakor je na- Hvala gre tudi igralcem, ki so Zahvala V dolžnost si štejeva, da se Rose Tirpak. Vi se sječate pro- zahvaliva za Surprise P;’.rty, šle godine, bračo, jer mnogi je- katero so nam priredili na 29. „ , ... , , , . v. K „„ lri su žalili, koji niso videli prired- novembra, ko se nama o tem še vada, priredimo eno domačo za-, nrav dobro izvršili svojo naio-: > J q ' . . , , _! v p n be pomladka. Ja ne mogu, da sanjalo m. Hvala za tako lepo .0 vsaso leto v pomoč druot- go v .gn Man otu*; . Po ^ št0 Mti , to „ vide ti dar i„, nasIanjai , ki ste na ma M blagajne. Zato ate tud, oe- sneti » Mi z. prem ene ^ shko J ^ poklonili A najin god. Ime- *t a J uljudno vabljeni vsi drust- da bomo njih nastop videli se Hiii člani in članice na to žaba- tudi v bodočnosti. t?’ J 3 sa Pričuj v soboto večer Zahvaliti se , motamo tudi > ^ b 0 ij e uspešnija. Mnogi- Mr. in Mrs. Mike Mačkovšek, % .; u Ra dne 16. januarja . haricain m na a a ’ ma članoma i članicama se tre- Mr. in Mrs. Charlie Mačkovšek, Poj.jih prostorih S. S. Tum no pa onim, i so ai c , . ; ja zahvaliti, koji več rade, a Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Baloh, Mr. veraje. Vabimo tudi sosedna ce in druga all . a ’ , • mnogi če ju sad nastopiti, jer je j n Mrs. Joseph Koračin, Mr. posetite. Igralajrej vsem scapaj, zadmi čas. Zato, bračo i ses^jjn Mrs. John Kovačič, Mr. in U ostalom, bračo, gledajmo, na so sledeča: da ova slava naše mladeži bu- Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Kostelo, da ir J' ; P 9 in /sem v - za dnji čas. 2 fcbi.M.Pmk-agodba. Za lač- kaj piipomogel oo nepne tre, koji od srca želi pomoči, ko-; Mrs. Anton Gerkman, Mr. ^ / u Z -J : 00 vsega dovolj, vanega uspe a. n T J " • je mu bude na čast, neka se pri- i n Mrs. Martin Mervič, Mr. in s topni;, j je zelo nizka, samo | odbor je de ova in se ’ j av i na zabavni odbor. Daklem Mrs. Peter Jene. Mrs. Kovačič, 0C za osebo,,torej nič izgovo- zadovolji posetmke ar j gjoga £e ge pokazat i na Mr. in Mrs. John Grošel, Mr. in l w ' Padite in pripeljite s sabo ije mogoče, upoštevajoč - januam 3> 1937 u dvorani M. Mrs. Mike Korbar, Miss Brand- Se dru ge prijatelje. Vdeležimo razmere. Bračič, -14th in Madison Ave. streter, Mr. John Kopina, Mr. ^ stoprocentno. . Brez dvoma, a oi ra Bračo i sestre, na rad, da po- Adolf Baloh, Miss Vodopivec, 4elim vsem članom in člani- več takih priredi ev m ’ kažimo, komu leži buducnost Mr. Marko in Joseph Kovačič, da si društvo Rožnik, st. 221 ® eč «o Novo leto, da bi se Vam zopet kaj sličnega umisli ob ob- 1r - ’ • Vrtca st. 160. la si društvo " . ’ ' . na šega društva na srcu. Svaki Mr. Jos. Kravanja, Mr. opet kaj sličnega unus i g e gto pomoči ili darivati, Kostelo, Tessie in Mary John Kora- v aše želje v prihodnjem letu letnici svojega ^ LCa sve če se imenovati naprednike čin, John in Tony Grkman, Her- ___ - v aprilu 1 o , 10 našega odsjeka 28. U ostalom man Brandstreter ter William Podvojila, uredniku tega lista svoje mlado člans vo o ^ p^ društvo št. 28 i Vrtec 13 SSPZ Marvič. Vsi v Yukon, Pa. 12 Polnile, Zveza da bi članstvo ki bo v aprilu 1937, m r; P a > da bi še mnogo let širil na- njegove enoletne abtb 33St 'V ] P , red ne nauke med-nami. Brat- Končno želim ski pozdrav' stvu SSPZ srečno Novo leto, v 4. C. Ermenc, član št. 24'nadi in pričakovanju se: večje * * • srečs, večje agitacije m se vec C hicag 0) IH _ p ra v gotov je medsebojne harmonije. član- želi svima članovima i članica- Dalje Mr. in Mrs. Kotar, Mr. vs.mu ma SSPZ: Sretna Nova Godina! jn Mrs. Golobič, Mr. in Mrs. m Za zabavni odbor, Andrew Steck in Rud. Golobič; Joseph Yamlrrovich Greensburg, Pa. * * * Mr. in Mrs. Anton Kosloglav, m0 °i'i '"*wa go, m _ p r av gotov je meusc^j- ‘ Qowanda, N. Y. — Letne se- Mr. in Mrs. Rud. Kosoglav, ' scF ? L em ’ da Je marsikdo misli, kaj bratskim pozdravom, gQ za nam j i odbornike za bo- Mary Kosoglav, Miss Wozel in • gr e ’ .. Jy Vzr °k, da ni nikakega odme- Victor Zupančič, doče leto smo izvolili ali ponov- Johnny Zakel; Claridge, Pa. 1^° naši priredbi društva Rož- Vrtca 160. # n0 izvolili. Božične praznike Mr. in Mrs. Anton Radišek; a f 3 št. 227 in Vrtca, št. 160 '"\ it ČQ član i smo preživeli v lepem vremenu, Wick Haven, Mr. in Mrs. Kor- i dP* fi Da nisem prej poročal Madison, Uk T ie jn iik seV eda po stari slovenski man, Pernos, Blairsville, Mr. in o . . v, ' — iramfl IR ZnailO, ua ' •> : J .. ,, . U™ l/Tllr« Oc+n AT v Tamoe Ma. p/ SSPZ. Za kljuČku te priredbe, jed članice, vama je '^nji navadi obhajali. Izmenjali si Mrs. Mike Gatc, Mr. James Ma- zrok to: jaz sem hotel slišati! naše društvo na svoji JIS a .; sezonska voščila in sedaj lahko son, Mr. Oliver, Hantar Wayno, od posetnikov, kaj je ! sjednici zaključilo, na šeg v miru božjem pričakujemo mi- Frank Stochurski, West New- mnnnc. -- -- —j: -i— i.,; mala zabava u ko kQ - a , u jj udem na zemlji, toliko ča- ton, Mr. in Mrs. William Steck, dokler evropski fašisti po- Madison, ter Rudolph, Edward, ua UCH elii bo nkT 9 L mnen je, to pa radi tega, j vi p | sem pued priredbo pisal, da j pomladka, 1 ca , n j anua ra 3. sa, Jr° vs i vdeleženci zadovolji- je odredjena na igjdne iza polnoma ne znore, če že niso, Louis in Angeleue Steck, Ruffs- 0 Postreženi in da bo program 1937, to jest posuje P viti _ tem se pa lahko pokoljemo dale, Pa. 3lmi v- naše sjedmee. enut0 kakor civilizirani narodi, v le- Če je kateri po pomoti izpu- ^ j pa sem že slišal rane- bračo, kako vam J e 11 P . na tu Gospo doven 1937 za dobičke ŠČen, naj ne zameri in naj mu občinstva, ki se pohvalno bilo, da boducnost J gv __ municijskih baronov in raznih bo izrečena zahvala. ^ 0 tej naši prireditvi, ki je mladjima. Iz t0g3 ’ nra biti u bebcev, kateri vpijejo, da so Andreiv in Manj Steck, ia Prva te vrste, namreč s rna, vama ili nama, mo mi ljudski voditelji in vladarji. Ruffsdale, Pa., R. F. D. 1, i ^gramom, odkar dništvo | srcu, ako razumlJ hl . du5n0S tJ Matere, žene, in dekleta za en- WestmoreIand County. (Oglas) 2mk obstoja s svojo pošto- moramo raditi za Francija pri volji vrniti Nemči¬ ji dve afriški koloniji, Kame¬ run in Togo, kateri so ji bile vzete po svetovni vojni, in ji tudi drugače pomagati pod po¬ gojem, da se Hitler zaveže, da ne bo še naprej neprestano rož¬ ljal z mečem in ogrožal evrop¬ skega miru. Anglija se je takoj pridružila temu programu. Gla- 1 som zadnjih vesti je madridska vlada obljubila vrniti zaplenje¬ no nemško ladjo, če pa se je! Hitler pri volji “poboljšati,” a-; ko Francija vrne omenjeni dve koloniji, še ni nič definitivnega znano. Ni dvoma, da se Hitler ! nahaja pred eno svojih najkri- tičnejših odločitev v svoji kari-! jeri, kajti če se spravi z drža¬ vami, katere dolži za vse ne¬ sreče, ki tlačijo Nemčijo, po¬ tem izgubi njegov domači poli¬ tični in militaristični program ves pomen, ljudske mase pa bodo še vedno v bedi, in kaj potem ? Vso te diplomatične skrival¬ nice ne morejo ustaviti razpa¬ danja starega ekonomskega re¬ da, ki je v teku širom Evrope.: Trajnega miru in prave spora¬ zumnosti se ne more graditi na stavbi, ki je gnila do temelja. -i’ ^ 5? Na frontah španske civilne vojne se ni zadnje dni zgodilo nič posebnega, razen da so fa-, šisti celo na božični večer zo¬ pet izvršili okruten zračni na¬ pad na Madrid ter zopet pobili; nekaj nedolžnih civilistov, in da so vladni miličarji fašistične plačance • pred Madridom zopet enkrat pošteno nakresali. Krva-i va borba, sedaj stopa v šesti mesec. Gorje, ki ga je povzroči¬ la je nepopisno, in razdejanje ogromno. Nekateri opazovalci pravijo, da je dežela pahnjena; najmanj za 50 do 100 let na¬ zaj, če bi se vanjo danes povr¬ nil mir. Da so Kitajci res najbolj u- ljudni ljudje na svetu, pokazuje incident, s katerim se je konča¬ lo zajetje diktatorja Čianga Kajšeka. Mandžurski maršal Cang Hsuehliang ga je namreč končno spustil na prosto ter se z- njim osebno podal v Nanking, roteč ga, da naj ne dopusti, da bi ga njuno nekdanje prijatelj¬ stvo zaviralo, da bi ga ne kaz¬ noval za njegov čin, kakor je zaslužil. Kajšek pa jo nato iz¬ javil, da je za svojo nesrečo sam kriv, ker je bil kot vladar in diktator 300 milijonov Ki¬ tajcev tako nepreviden, da se je Čangu njegova nakana lah¬ ko posrečila. O nadaljni usodi mandžurskega vojnega lorda bo odločeval centralni svet na¬ cionalne vlade v Nankingu. Cang, kot znano, je ugrabil Kajšeka vsled tega, ker slednji po njegovem mnenju ne nasto¬ pa dovolj odločno proti japon¬ ski agresivnosti. * s. * Obstoječi nevtralnostih zakon Zed. držav, ki je bil sprejet za časa italijanske invazije v A- besinijo, bo v maju potekel, in od kongresa odvisi, kakšen za¬ kon se bo sprejelo za protekci- jo Amerike pred vojno v bo¬ dočnosti. Sedanji zakon daje] predsedniku oblast oklicati em¬ bargo na vojne pošiljatve, ob¬ enem pa prepoveduje državam, ki so stricu Samu še iz svetov¬ ne vojne dolžne visoke milijar¬ de, dobavljanje privatnih po¬ sojil v Ameriki, medtem ko sej izvozu raznih surovin ne dela zaprek. Vprašanje nove nevtral- nostne postave bo brez dvoma v ospredju v kongresu, ki se snide januarja. Iz administra¬ cijskih krogov se poroča, da bo vlada priporočala postavo, ki bi dala predsedniku prosto roko, da odloča, katera stran je vojno izzvala, nakar bi se nasprotni strani smelo dovoliti nabavo orožja in materijala v Ameriki. Senator Vanderberg iz Mi¬ chigana, ki je član odseka za zunanje zadeve pa je temu na¬ sproten, dasiravno je naj višje sodišče zadnji teden izjavilo, da je sedanja nevtralnostna posta¬ va, ki daje predsedniku prosto roko v tej zadevi, ustavna. Van¬ derberg priporoča zakon, gla¬ som katerega bi Amerika z vse¬ mi državami trgovala na enaki bazi, ta baza pa bi morala strik¬ tno “cash” — kolikor kdo pla¬ ča, toliko pa bo odnesel iz de¬ žele, nič več in nič manj. ^ »ji ® Ameriški državni tajnik Cor- dell Hull je zadnji teden na za¬ ključni seji vse-ameriške kon¬ ference za mir v Buenos Airesu naredil zbranim diplomatom le¬ po pridigo o miru in demokra¬ ciji. Izrazil je zadovoljstvo s potekom zborovanja, potem pa je nadaljeval: “Demokracije lahko svobod¬ no izražajo željo vseh ljudstev za mir. Dočim so za vojaško pripravljenost v svrho obrambo svojih narodnih interesov pred napadalci, pa neprestano in z vsemi praktičnimi sredstvi, ki so na razpolago, delujejo za mir. One (demokracije) veru¬ jejo, da je mogoče zagotoviti mir edinole s tem, da se ustva¬ ri javno mnenje, ki bo odkla¬ njalo dejanja in izjave državni¬ kov, ki propagirajo nauke mi¬ litarizma. Zakaj bi državniki, zroč v preteklost, vztrajali, da je vojna neizogibna? Ako zgo¬ dovina, pove, da so bile vojne pogoste, pa istotako pove, da bi bilo prosvitljeno državništvo lahko večino vojn preprečilo. Vojna ni božji čin, temveč člo¬ veški zločin. Vojna je nekaj, kar je izzvano od zlobnih stra¬ sti. Sovraštvo, strah, pohlep, slavohlepnost, žeja po oblasti: to so sejalke vojne . . . Po¬ skus, da se bi vojno napravilo človeško, je nemogoč. Mi mora¬ mo vojno uničiti, ali pa bo ona nas.” Pametne in resnične besede! Če bodo kaj zalegle, pa je dru¬ go vprašanje. Novi uradniki za leto 1937 Društvo št. 25, Reading, Pa. — John Pezdirc, sr., predsednik; John Chudo- van, podpredsednik; Jos. Pilak, sr., 407 Tulpehocken St., tajnik; Anton Jaklič, zapisnikar; Anton Papich, bla¬ gajnik; John Pezdirc, jr., Karol Zur- kina, John Stubler, nadzorniki; John Pezdirc, jr., upravitelj Vrtca. Vse, kar se društva tiče, naj se blagovoli po¬ šiljati na naslov tajnika. Društvo “Sava”, št. 87, Cleveland. Ohia. — John Turk, predsednik;. An¬ ton Mostar, podpredsednik; John Po- lock, 6407 St. Clair Ave., tajnik-blagaj" nik; Frank Kaušca, zapisnikar; Anton. Mostar, Frank Sot, Josip Markovič, nadzorniki; dr. F. J. Kern, zdravnik. Društvene seje se vrše vsako tretjo ne¬ deljo v mesecu v S. N. Domu. Zastop¬ nika za Skupna društva SSPZ, Frank Kaušca in Frank Sot; za Klub dru¬ štev SND, Frank Sot; za delničarsko sejo SND, Frank Sot, za brezposelno akcijo, Frank Sot. Društvo je daro¬ valo iz blagajne $3.00 za Slov. Nar. čitalnico. Za Cankarjevo ustanovo je - bila nabrana na seji svota $4.25. Za španske delavce nabrano na seji svo¬ ta $5.00. Društvo št. 104, Chicago, lil, — M. Ribnikar, predsednik; F. Petelin, pod¬ predsednik; F. Matjasich, zapisnikar, Frank Šuštaršič, tajnik-blagajnik; Jos. Štirn, John Štirn, L. Setina, nad¬ zorniki. Seja vsak prvi petek v me¬ secu v navadnih prostorih. Društvo “Napredni Sosedje,” št. 144, Cleveland-Newburgh, O. — Peter Se- gulin, predsednik; Joseph Roleh, pod¬ predsednik; Gašper Segulin, 10709 Prince Ave,, tajnik-blagajnik; Silves¬ ter Urbančič, Joe Kanc, Louis Roleh, nadzorniki; dr. A. J, Perico^ zdravnik; Peter Segulin, bolniški nadzorniki; Gašper Segulin, zastopnik za Skupna društva SSPZ, Seje se vrše vsako drugo nedeljo v mesecu ob 10:30 do¬ poldne v S. D. Dvorani na 10814 Prince Ave. Društvo št. 221, Clune, Pa. — John Penko, predsednik; Frank. Starina, Box 26 Mclntyre, Pa., tajnik; Frank Kocijan, Box 128 Mclntyre, Pa., bla¬ gajnik. Seje se vrše vsako prvo nedeljo ob 1. uri popoldne pri John Penko na Mclntyre, Pa. PIONEER VRTEC Annual lVIeeting of Pioneer Vrtec Forest City, Pa. — The last meet- ing of Pioneer Vrtec for the year nineteen hundred thirty-six was held on December 20 and it will be long remembered for being well attended not only by the members but also by a number of pa.rents, for the good fraternal špirit that prevailed and for the amount of important business that vvas transaeted. Lcoking back over the year 1936, we can mark it down as a year of real progress. During the year we inereas- ed our membership satisfactorily we held a number of successful affairs, including a Christmas Party, a Hal- loween Party, a play, a summer out- ing and an indoor meeting. This ac- tivity brought a -large number of people in contact with our organiza- tion and helped to boost our rep con- ; siderably. Turning to the new year, 1937, we can say that we already have a good start towards a prosperous year of SSPZ activity because of the fact that we have eleeted a staff of ca- pable and experienced officers, name- ly, Wiliiam Pevc, chairman; Rose Painter, vice chairman; Angeline Pevc, | secretary-treasurer; Mary Zgaga, re- cording secretary and an arrange- ment committee composed of Mrs. Mary Rozina, Mrs. John Pevc and a third member to complete this com¬ mittee and to be eleeted by the two. It’s the first time in Office for Rose and Mary but (hey are both willing workers. I want to at this time take the op- ; portunity to thank everyone of the senior lodge members and other SSPZ boosters in Forest City, Browndale and Vandling and our members in i the rural sections for their generous response in every emergency through- ]out the year. I’m certain that the ar- irangement which carried us suecess- fully through the past year vvill con- ! tinue throughout the new year. Pioneer Vrtec Christmas Party ; A very interesting program was pre- sented by the members of Pioneer , Vitec. No. 1, at the Zvon Hall, in Forest City, Sunday afternoon, De- j cember 20. I From personal contact and observa- j tion I can truthfully say that our 'Pioneer Vrtec is fast becoming one of j the most active and best known frat- i ernal organizatiens in this territory. |What prompts me in making this j statement is the fact that we took in jtwo uew members just before the date of our Christmas Party and I had four other inquiries on the day of our program, which ali sounded like good prospects for new members. Why are people interested in our Vrtec? Well, I believe that I make no mistakje in dividing the credit equallyr between first the fact that the SSPZ offers the best insurance in the field today and secondly, the fact that ours is a cultural as well as fraternal erganization. We strive to develop the špirit of true brotherhood ameng our members. \Ve offer them an opportunity to develop vvhatever talent they may possess, encouraging them and urging them forward thru the simple means of creating the proper atmosphere for each indivi- aual čase. The Vrtec Christmas Party Sunday afternoon was very well attended. The hali was nicely filled with most of our old standbys and a number cf new boosters present. Our program \vhich was too long for me to include in this article, was one of our best. filled with pep and laughs and moved along smoothly, holding the interest of our audience from beginning to end. A number of the acts included a tap dance by Mary L. Kastelic and a group recitation by Jean Pevc, Gertrude Rozina (two year olds) and Lillian Rezina, who were especially pleasing to the audience, both acts being called back on the stage. Every last member practiced dili- gcntly and then on the final day gave ali they had and the effort was well wcrth vvhile. Everyone was well pleas- ed and went home considering it an afternoon well spent. At the conclu- sicn of the program the birthdays of two of our members, Angeline Pevc. our hard working secretary, and Ga- brial Gerstel were celebrated by ali of the members joining in singing Hap- py Birthday to You, and the presen- taticn of birthday cakes. We conclud- ed our program with a visit from Santa Ciaus and gifts for ali of our members. And so once again that season of the year when the Christmas špirit is in the air and Christmas parties are in order, has come and has gone al- most before we know it. Though we are terribly late, may we cordially cx- tend to you one and ali the season's greetings with the sincere hope that the new year will bring forth healtb. happiness and social and economi; j us tiče. -Joseph Drašler, Adxn. mm 30. decembra, igjg STR AT? 1 “NAPREDEK” VOICE OF ENGLISH SPEAKING MEMBERS "PROGRESS” GLAS ANGLEŠKO GOVORE¬ ČIH ČLANOV “NAPREDEK’ Confession of an Erring Soul S OME SAY that ali good people should go to confession at least once a year and that the most appropriate time is sup posed to be around Easter. I, being a liberal, and not at ali dogmatic about matters of this sort, choose to do that for Christmas, and counting upon the merry, forgiving špirit of the Season, I go one better and make it a public one. Did you read that article I wrote a couple of weeks ago about the sacred duty of each and every good member of the Society to attend the meetings of his lodge? And, if you did (deep down in my heart I really hope you didn’t, in view of the confession I am about to make), did you notice that tone of holy zeal -and wrath with which I castigated those terrible creatures who fail in this all-important duty to the lodge and Society ? And what’s worse, I perpetrated fulminations of the same kind in the Slovene part of “Napredek,” also. And to think that ali this while I was as black a sinner, in this matter, as- ever trod the earth, was, in fact, the last person to čast stones at others who for ali that I know might be as white lillies compared with my own horrible record. To make a sad story stili sadder I, now and herewith, do solemnly and publicly, admit and confess that the annual meeting of the Spartans—my lodge—, held on Decem¬ ber 13th, 1936, was the first one, after a rather protracted inter- lude, that I was actually and physically present at. As to ex- tenuating circumstances, there is one, which I hopefully pray will be given some considerations: ali this time I was fairly regu- lar in attending the United Lodges’ meetings, of which it can be truly said that they serve as a real clearing house of informa- tion in regard to the activities of SSPZ in Greater Cleveland, and that they are almost invariably a joy and a treat not to be missed. Now, seriously, how did it happen that I began to neglect the meetings of my own lodge? I was its president, for two vears, in its infancy, there was really never a time that I did not follow its activities or ceased to be interested in its progress, why, then, didn’t I go to its meetings? The answer may seem Proposed Pales and Re^ulations Go v- Chcitter BoX eminž the N. A* B. By Scrutinizer I could almost swear. The following rules and regulations, governing the administration, duties and rights of the National Athletic Board of the Slovene Progressive Ben- efit Society, were formulated in ac- cordance with the powers and privi- leges granted it under Article 43, Sec- tioh 376, and shall be in full force and effect when the Supreme Board ap- proves same in regular session.Amend- ments or changes to these rules and regulations will not be subject for ap- proval at the next Supreme Board Meeting since the By-laws provide that ali contemplated amendments thereto shall be published in the Of- ficial Organ of the Society not later than 30 days before being submitted to the Supreme Board for considera- tion and approval. Administration, Duties and Rights of the National Athletie Board Section .... The National Athletic Board (which may be abbreviated “N. A. B.”) of the Slovene Progressive Benefit Society shall consist of three members: The Supreme Vice President as its Chair- man, the Directors of the Juvenile De¬ partment and English-speaking lodges uu .. . .. at the mail- man. It's Saturday, yet not a, sign of December 23rd issue of Napredek.^ But quired to participate in, at least, one I urday, Sunday and lst Monday in | upon some reflection I ca ” nb ... e _ major event of the athletic program, : September (Labor Day) of each year The špirit of Christmas ■ ^ health and weather permitting. ; in the city or town chosen by the Su- I vailing tvithin my heart, tv Section preme Board. ’ [me lacking in power to be^sore aii 0 _ ! The OFFICIAL competitive events j a nybody. at So even the mail-man. The maximum appropi-iation allo- At hletic Meet, for j if he deiivered the aforementioned is- cated for each visiting Lodge te»mi hich ^ gociety ^ furnish team sue of NAPREDEK to some other ad- '^ a l nn not exceed the sum of thirty , t hieg and indlvidual re wards for ' dress, or tvhether it stili reposes un- ($30.00) and for each visitmg Vrtec i_ t . _„u„,, u„ +v,p in the mail-sack at the local merit displays, shall be limited to the molested in the mail-sack ar rne team, an amourit not to exceed twerity . , o A ttknii ■ n ' ± „ t t 4 ^t pornint folame him« Id. _ . . , , followme: events: Softball, balina, post-office, I cannou uidmc ($ 20 . 00 ), and for each local team, an u , e , , ' - , T - , mvself and I have .L«,*,nrt rr, nn ..h,if t u i I horseshoe pitchmg, track and field, fact I feel guiltymyseii,aim ^ and art exhibitions and contests. amount not to exceed one-half (%) of the amount allocated to each visit¬ ing team. The maximum appropria- J Section .... tion, for an annual National Athletic i AH softball games will be played Meet, shall not exceed the sum of ! with a 12 inch inseam bali. The two reasons to feel that way. First of ali I failed to contribute anything to last week’s issue, and second (which the cause of the first reason) I ivj.ee l, sufcui iiut eAeeeu me suni. ui i witn a iz men liiseam ua.u. me pvnnnded mv ordinary three hundred and fifty dollars ; latest Spaulding rules shall be the of- [ f^^nd ^mail bv about five thousand CdlORfl Abl nnr) iv« no onont tržili +V«c» -P4»4<-%1 n>n4/4n 4 vi n U frnmoo intrrrltnn O' : 'VocKcIlU. 11 J _ ing under the Christmas t-ree ort the stage, with boxes full of present* stockings filled with candies a J fruits. This was a fitting climax to the elaborate program and a compi ete compensation to the kids for their tience—and of ours as well, The af. fair ended with a free supper f or a y and dancing afterward. Remarks: Santa Claus lost hk speech, after listening to such a l onK program, so when his tum came to say “Hello” to the kids, it was in a real piano pianissimo manner. The audience could not hear him. “Jo-j 0 “ Jacksi was seen running to the back stage now and then with a stein f U ]; of beer, saying: Don't say it to any. body, it’s for Santy. If you know Seli More Tickets, you know who Santy was. — Mrs. Putz and Mrs. Zaitz f roia ($350.00), and in no event will the : ficial guide in ali games involving (5000 %) And upon further amount, advanced towards prelimin- plays not specified in these rules and the'nnssibilitv that many Lodge No. 19 were the busy cooks 0 f ary expenses, be more than one hun- i regulations. A team shall consist of r ®J lect10 ^ 1 p - ■ —-—' Tv ' r,w TT ’° - players and each team wiU [ other + people^id^ikevvise how can I the evening. delivery of my Tony Ule, Vic To ffie Frank Pintar. Matt Grahek, Edwln Putz and M. G. Kuhel did their share dred and fifty dollars ($150.00). Alij ten. (10) _ _ — such subventions shall be made pay- j be allowed to carry five (5) players as ! Furthermore I have not even able, unless otherwise specified in j substitutes. Fast delivery of the bali ; ™ _ the mail j DID re . j f 0 r Trail Blazers. J. Vraničar did a il these rules and regulations, to the!shall prevail while the use of spiked nnLsiirci rea g ^ ^ christmas the work for Lodge No. 100, W hil e treasurer of the local National Athle- (shoes shall not be permitted. A team ; cel ^e. e y nder Yule tree | Jacob Putz was the maestro for Lodge tlc Meet Commlttee. shall be eliminated from further com- j d J b t only the names of ;No. 19 behind the bar. Anton Zaitz Section petition after losing one game. ! openea inaeea, »uu u. , . _____ ~ ^m Vrhnvr.it -.- the senders hastily looked over... I S. Tome and M. Vrhovnik were m The N. A. B. shall have the right to Section - have rea( j their messages ex- charge of the program, and Trail assess the Lodge or Lodges, sponsor- I The track and field meet shall con- [pressed in the most poetic manner, Blazer girls served as waitresses. Aliče ing a National Athletic Meet, up to j sist of not more than five (5) events ! C onveying the merry špirit of peace | Puzell and M. Kuhel accompanied the as its Secretary and Treasurer, and a third member as its Vice Chairman Section .... The third member of the N. A. B., who shall hereinafter be referred to 10% of the profits made or assumejfor men contestants, three (3) forj and good-will. Alas, many a time I singers on the piano, other mušic was evading, but it is an honest one—I thought that the membership was perfectly capable—and no doubt it was, and stili is—of get-j 81 ™' 1 b ® ehgibie for election. in čase ting along without me, m other words, that I wasn t needed. And offlce his p 0 S iti O n shall remain vacant i honestly believe that there are many members who gradually until the Supreme Board, meeting in fall into the same attitude, with similar consequences. In this regular session, elects someone to fiii čase, the loss was totally on my side, because ali this time I section _ missed the company and closer association with as fine and alert The athletic jurisdiction of this a group of young people as anybody can find among the younger American Slovenes, but it could have been just the opposite, and the responsibility of payment of a !women contestants, and three (3) each ireflect, if everyone is as ungrateful as ifurnished by the orchestra and ty corresponding percentage of the losses i for boy and girl Vrtec contestants. i am!— i recordings through the amplifj-ing incurred. In no event, however, shall j The choice of events shall not be j system. They ali did good work and the assessment on profits or the as- ! completed until the expiration of the | ° 1! the 20 th Vrtec No. 139 held its ; s p ou i d p e complimented. I deseribed as the Vice Chairman, shall he eleeted sumption of losses exceed the sum of final entry date. initial Christmas party, and what a I the a b ove program as I understood it, fifty dollars. ($50.00), neither shall Section party it was! Good attendance, a | and jf an y word of unwelcome criti- there be levied an assessment on! „ , . . _ , . .. . igood program, a good time for ali, in- cism ^as been uttered, I said it onlv profits if the total expenses incurred, ' f ates , t Spaulding rules shall be the children and (believe it --- in preparing and completing the ath- , the officiai guide in ali horseshoe,. 0 _ letic program, is more than two hun- con ests ‘ The competition To see those youngsfcers on the stage, dred and fifty dollars ($250.00). sha11 be King es and doubles - eagerly awaiting their turn to per- Section Section .... i f 0 rm before the microphone, was both AH contestants must be members of a pleasure and—afterwards—a sur- the Society and in good standing. The jprise. The program began at about minimum period of membership re- i4 P. M. and at 7:30 the 26th number quired shall be four (4) months dur- | was yet to be heard of—Santa him- ing which not less than four (4) ; self. In spite of the duration of the j monthly assessments shall have been presentations I liked the whole affair and I was not the only by the Supreme Board in regular ses¬ sion for a period not exceeding the term of the Supreme Board. Any member in goodstanding, having been a member of the Adult Department of the Society not less than two (2) years, who is an active member of an English-speaking Lodge and has quali- fications requisite for such Office, The N. A. B. shall have the right to | appoint Assistant-athletic Directors i wherever advisable for the best inter- ests of the Society. The duties of the Assistant-athletic Director shall be as- [' signed him by the members of the N. .. . . , , _ A. B. representing the district in paid and forwarded to the Supreme ; very much, which he resides and shall be respon- sible to him, only. His work, in rela- tion to the N. A. B., shall be as an board shall extend over ali Lodges advisor. and Vrtec Units of the Society. These ! Section shall be divided into three (3) dis- ted in a National Athletic Meet, a the program was ali Slovene, including member becomes lapsed before the the usual speeches, a short play (in expiration of the fourth (4th) month i which six members of Vrtec 139 made following the month in which the i the initial bow in Slovene), some live- ; Meet was held, he shall not be eligi- i ly singing by mixed and girls’ chorus without a doubt in manv cases it is—it is the lodge that suffers tinct athletic districts: The EASTERN | J he N - ^ , B - ,f ad hav f e tbe right to w e to participate in the next Nation- of Slovan, and movies. The second J s _i—v-;— -<■ ii— «<■ choose and limit the official competi- i al Athletic Meet. In the event a part consisted of individual singing re- tive events of the National Athletic i Lodge or Vrtec unit uses an ineligible ! citals and declamations by members Meet program for which the Society ; player, it shall, automatically, forfeit of Vrtec No. 139, and a number or two I which shall comprise of the State of and not the individual delinquent member. | Pe nnsylvania and ali points directly It was a good and thoroughly interesting meeting. The queci- j north and south of her boundaries; tions that came lip before the house were candidly and intelli- j the central which shall compnse ., ,. , i j-. . i , , . i j j , ,, of the States of Ohio and Indiana and gently discussed and after the debate was concluded and the |all points directly north and south of shall be obligated to furnish trophies, ali games in which that player parti- by Gratchner-Townley duo from Vrtec medals or other awards of merit. Ali , cipated. ; 160. As usually speechmaking was trophies, medals or other awards of Section .... not appreciated by the audience; they vote taken, there was no sign of ill feeling on the part of anyone their boundaries; and the WESTERN i m f lfc shall be purchased by the Sec- An entries must be in the hands of did not čare for it and they did not participating. Before I knew I was on my feet, talking and tak- ^hich ^11 comprise + of the^State^of ,^ a ° prop ® iated for ' the^romonon !the Secretary of the N. A. B. not later it. (A hint for the future). ing part in the discussion of various issues and problems submit similar performances in the future, No harm meant. I \vould also suggest that in the future the Slovene poete (recognized) be remembered and their Products of art in poetry be srt tuted in lieu of some amateurish ma¬ terial that was submitted to the i and bo.vs to recite at this program. Unless the people understand whi the youngsters say on the stage, gardless of how well they may mei orize to accent the miscon rhymes—, ali the effort on the part of the composer and the performet become nuli. It is useless to say that everything that rhymes is—NOT poe- try. If no suitable material is avail- able, vre stili have recognized standard works that could be used on any pro¬ gram of this kind. “Pa brez zamere." A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPER- OUS NEW YEAR TO EVERTONE! PS: — Auf Wiedersehen, M. Au Cour- rant. Illinois and ali points lying to the ; ! ^ u. e p;— ; n The performance of Slovan was al- north, south and west of her b oun- ^ National ^ Meet ^ ! opening date of the ^ Athletic |^^^^^although they Section ... disposed. He shall, also, be the cus- Meet. An entry fee of fifty cents ; can do h 6 *’*' 61 ’ 'Their male representa- The Roli Coli -u,.«. v “ v - | j- — 50) npr rontpstant must accomnnnv ,was not at full Strength) . Each district shall have, as its chief j * odia , I \ ol A , ab a ^ ble ^ , a ?“ i P ment the entries. Should an entranr, fail director > 8 M- G. Kuhel, the Supreme Their Ever since its inauguaration, Spar¬ tans have been staunch boosters ot ted to the meeting. On the question of aid for the victims of daries civil war in Spain on the loyalist side I lost, for which I am sorry, because I firmly believe that should the fascists win, it ' iocaTsupervVsor"and organizer"of ath- bou & ht with the Society’s funds. will be a sad day for democracy not only in Spain and Europe letic activities, a member of the N. A. Section ... competitive event, his entrv fee shall the fact that the i uveniles taking part but throuehout the civilized world I even believe that we in B - » 8b all be his duty to stimulate The n. a. b. shall have the right to !be r P etained b the Secretary of the m the play “Mali Vandroček" appear- an ' aga ' n DUt tnrougnout tne civilized WOiia. 1 even Deneve mat ve, ln jntereRt and ath i e tics among the vari- charge an entry,fee for each event or N A B and , ater transferred to the ed for the firsfc tim e on the stage, tbe basketba11 ^ague. Team has not America, will have to pay for it one way or another, possibly by : ous Lo dges and Vrtec Units, in the group of events. It shall be the duty National ' Athletic Fund ,speaking in Slovene, they did good. started goin ^ at top speed as yet.bat being again dragged into a world war. I can only hope that my district he represents, by setting-up a ;of the Secretary of this body to keep ^ _ However, the stage scenery did not fit lo0 ^ f or '_ a st years champs to be la Should an entrant fail Treasurer" oT the "sspz' ! the Inter-Lodge League, whether m to participate in, at least, one official ° . Z ?“ m j mdoor baseball, bowling or basketbaH, Section f ,, , ,, District Athletic Board, by directing t a record of the collection, re-imburse- lears will prov e grounaiess. . ithe organization of intra and inter-.ment and retention of ali such pay- Any lodge or Vrtec unit, desiring to Interesting questions were also asked and answered in re- j lodge league competition (wherever | ments. He shall, also, furnish the lo- be represented in the softball tourney gard to the part the lodge should take in the life of the com- i possible) and by inducing members to cal Lodge and Vrtec teams wlth enti-y but not having sufficient players to ' ■ „„„„„„i , , , ■ , , , i participate in sports events of ali blanks for ali official competitive form a team, may unite its players mumt> in _,eneral. Aiter the meeting a member approached me kinds. Every six (6) months, he shall events or “Major events,” as they may, with those of another Lodge or Vrtec and wanted to know about the Cultural Club of the Slovene Na- i be required to submit a written re- tional Home, whether classes in Slovene literature for adultsip° rt of his work to tbe Director of ere conducted, etc. It was a fine meeting and I enjoyed every ; speaking Lodge ( SeC retary N. A. B.) minute of it. And it was grand to'hear several members say,! section “It’s niče to see you again!” Especially, if such a niče girl as! The members of the N. A. B. shall Mary Turkovich savs it' serve in their respective capacity with- ^ ' out remuneration except as, otherwise, provided in these rules and regulations and the By-Laws of the Society. Each member shall be re-imbursed for ali What followed after, how a goodly portion of the Spartans went over to the annex of the National Home where “srnjakova večerja”, v/hich climaxed the meeting of “Lunder-Adamič,” No.« . , „„ ... T , , , , , . ’ jpostage expenses incurred with cor- Ai) SSBZ, was waiting for us, I don t have to include in my con- respondence and parcel post in con- otherwise, be referred to. unit, handicapped likewise. In ali such Section .... , cases, the Lodge or Vrtec unit, having When t\vo (2) or more lodges, or i a majority representation on the team, groups of lodges, located in different j sball be credited with victory or de- sections of the country, desire to stage i fea t. The majority representation a National Athletic Meet, the N. A. B. shall be based on the starting line- the play, and neither did the national i the playoffs - Martager Hočevar has a costumes worn by females, for accord- ; very nice team lined up. ing to the meaning i got out of it, it Members attend basketball games took plače in the United States. The played every Wednesday evening !t Schweiger kids were good in 'their dia- st - Clair Bath House. First gaa> e lect, but their actions were too me- ■ s t ar ts at 6:45 p. m. and admission ia chanical, which reminded me of the lbe sma U sum of 5 cents. Games are old fashioned pantomine. However, ; very interesting and thrilling. B et being novices in this respect and only set of games played than anywhere in nine to twelve years old, this blame the clty and for 5 c you can't should be layed to the inefficient di- ! wrong. rection. If there were an appropriate , _ . .. - Remember Spartan meeting ni«s- shall investigate into the athletic fa- U P S m eac n game. This rule shall endmg to the play, the people prob- Attend their social and SP 01,14 cilities, convenience of location and a PPh’ to no other event except soft- ably would appreciate it, but there events. other qualifications of ali such appli- ■bali. was not any—so tvhen the curtain fell Again you'H find a lb-t of Sparia” cants and then make a report of their Section .... my laryngeal congestion was relieved’ members' Mavbe vour name is l «* 4 findings. accompanied by recommen- Team trophies shall be awarded to G ^ ve the kids a chap ce to show them- ' If not, you should become a memM dations, to the Supreme Board for the softball and track and field cham- ln r ° les tb ey can portray, na- of the Spartans and SSPZ as M consideration and approval. * pions, only. Permanent possession of tUra ly and with understanding. R e - offer you the be.st insurance for t« Section.... these trophies will be had when a °! ltc ? me ’ we must g‘ve ! same or less assessment than W fession, I hope. Anyway, one doesn’t confess pleasant experi- nection with his duties and each shall ___ .... _ ....... .. a _ ..^ 6 , re|00luc ur iess wall _ ences, one simply enjoys them. be ePtltl ® d to one per diem and mile- j t b th duty of the mem beri team has won the cham Pionship three ^ bp dlt to thep- Performance, and to!other Slovene organization or in®i If after r«di„g ,L pieee some of y„u no !o„ger think meiZ «» “ ““ , „ a paragon of fraternal virtue, le, me assure yon that you are m**,«* ~?«» «e» ^ Si right, but allow me one consoiation—that the confession of j 1 'L,“ ,U c ,“5i,T N , ‘ t A h j Aralst.nt-thl.Hc Director, to' forma- S t6 pl"ce“”n™ r “n ah iSler”e»eS? »'»""‘meS TOn^on t?.° , H ' ““ ? ‘mumoS erring ways may turn a few equally erring brothers and si.sters s. is for sufficient reasons, unable to I late ’ m collaboratlon Wlth the secre - P n a11 ° ther events ' noor. how e n ,„„ ° n : , e conv ention šport affairs? back to the right path. With that thought in my mind, let me- attend : h e ^ay^ empower some other | uon^Athletir^ef ComSttee?^^ Section Sro r ’z h aTz C ° Uld he faU ° n the Stage ' ” '““‘““I member of an English-speaking Lodge |“ ™ eet y o mm lt gee, a A11 contestants shall be provided the pmgi-am^Movt^fon ^ Part —V.J.G. |t0 yeprese.it him by giving him ai C , omplete fumnclal , report '. showlng all |with sleeping quarters free of eh™ views of the ^h^°^l5 0llo ^ ed ’ pre ' -j ivritten authorization which shall be d.sebursements and receipts m con- If , however, any entrant fails, without a8 well as of the nloT^ 6 u Playlet A Year of Achievernen+s for Ou+lookers presenfced to the Secretary of the N - TZZZt Ll” + f c + l a il sumcient cause ’ to participate - » n 0 . mn —•~ I . y given by vrtec say: Season’s greetings to you ali! CLEVELAND-COLLINWOOD. Ohio. — Now that Christmas is over, every- one is going around with pad and pencil in hand or a “worry wrinkle” in their foreheads trying to make a reso- lution they know they’ll keep. I made my one and only resolution. I make a resolution never to make a resolution again. There’s a big catch to this resolution though. It’s a temp- tation to make real pretty resolutions. The Outlookers resolve to make their organization a bigger and better one in the coming year. Let’s go over some of the important things they did during the past year. First, we got a scrapbook and v/ork- cd on it with fervent enthusiasm until we have it almost finished. It’s not a perfect work of art, but it’s something that we can remember the small as well as the big things that took plače in the year of 1936. The amount of money in our treas- ury has been inereased gradually and favorably. Let’s keep it up. In connection with sports, we won almost ali the baseball games. It’s a sha me. that the final games for the trophy could not be arranged. A. B. Our meetings were well attended. Section _ The number always being around | Total subventions, a p p r opriated j twenty. The December meeting topped j from the National Athletic Fund to- it off with about thirty-five attending. wards expenses incurred in the prep- All of our parties were very success- ! aration and soneummation of the an- ful, and we hope to have more in the jnual National Athletic Meet, shall be future. j based on the number of teams and An orchestra has been formed, [contestants entered. A full team shall program, and to submit same to the : sin „ le maior pv ’ prlt b „ , . . . . -- jciuiik nev- Secretary of the National Athletic j or VrtP c ,:_„ i p ^ s ) bdga ; ^ J, ery well . with their indoor ^ a 'Z*™- Vrho y. nik a nd Frank™ bringing a result that anyone can be proud of. Our “Vrtec No. 11,” or the “Garden Melodiers,” as they are call- ed, have the privilege of being the first Vrtec orchestra. And last, but not least, we have in¬ ereased our membership with about fifteen new members. consist of not less than fifteen (15) contestants, ali of whom shall be re- The members can bring their dues to me at the meetings starting with our first meeting in January. Tm going to 1ry a little something The greatest j now. Each month ITI announce the number being brought in, in the j members whose birthdays fall on that month of December. j particular month. There isn’t that a record to. be j. Here goes! Ta-ta-ta. Ta-ta-ta. pl ° ud of? . (The bugle.) We are honored to pre- Let s look m the bag and see what sent the people whose birthdays fall plans the new year has in store for us. in the month of January! An initiation party, a get-together | Sophie Bohinc, Albert Benasich, dance, track for both boys and girls, Frank Yagodnik, Eleanor Kraitz, Jo- swimmmg, plcnics and outdoor events seph Leskovec, Frank Pucel and Anton galore! Everyone attend our meetings and help plan the details for ali this. You’ll see for yourself that it’s lots of fun. Prinčič. Happy birthdays, members! In the meantime, I’ll be saying HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone. Anne E. Gačnik, Sec’y Board not later than sixty (60) days thereost oTquarteJi2. re<,Ulred ^ ^ ’ rab^enTcted^S^ 16 Play ’ Prefer - after the conclusion of the Meet. Any hi t?Iiaciea °utaoors, would be an athletic equipment, belonging to the section - 1 ea advertising of the SSPZ juvenile Society, used in the Meet, and ali ^ shall be compulsory for everv 10vemen ^ via moving pictures Thic trophies, medals or other awards of contestant to wear an SSPZ Athletic was _ reap y enjoyed by ali. Somethine- merit left over, shall be returned to Emblem while actively engaged in any ; Wen . t wron B with the sound apuaratn« the National Athletic Board Secretary : event of the National Athletic Meet S ° instead of the talkies we P !pn r i^!. U !i m,lo« Meel ptalc 's; Ohfc', “ e before this date. Section .... j The Lodge or Lodges, having repre- The N. A. B. shall direct the work isentation on the local National Ath- Tbe second part of the of the English-speaking member’s con- letic Meet Committee, shall be direct- r eally the “špice” of t Pb0gram was ference to be held in conjunctlon with responsible for the success or fail- was the reason that 'tu a l ' and this fV« a o ttva 11 o I TVrtTc\£\I-r. I UfP Af ilViO TV/Total- Bfif +4».^ _ r- ... 'U6 PGOtDlft HlH not tire of waiting*so long P ^ P ’ e d ^ d The members of the N. A. B. shall j Open events shall be sponsored as Z youngsters were ^mnlifiert 106 * 5 eef. ir, vocriilar oece-irvv, niTnm. fln arirleH ottvon. . ’ . tUat eVerVOUe - , P the annual National Athletic Meets. Section ure of the Meet. Section so every meet in regular session once every an added attraetion, with the permis- 1 L1 . meveryone eould understand year. It shall have full power to en- sion of the N. A. B. Members, repre- q°'! that was s Poken or sune n force rules and regulations governing :senting organizations similar to our i0me an nounced this mrt nf *u " . - . . .... uui program, anr« k,. u.-_ oi the Joseph gtupka Sophia posch Kob^l, Emil Ann opehek Jos. Tomšič Cent A’ Stanlev Gorjanc, Ann Emma gtupka Inter-Lodgc Mary Dogolin CandQn. Adolph CandQn, Marion Charleg Koman Elizabeth Ka^ a Hornov £c, Stella Eleanor Rupnik Race, gtanlf? fhi - —-..= suiuiar to our - —tnis nart athletic events within the Society. Aiown, shall be eligible to compete pr °o ra m, and by his entieimr majority vote shall be necessary to j NOTE: Sections have not been mm, ! fu encoura ging whisDers g actl0PS ! nnnrovp nuestinn IberpH hpnoncp it- -... .. num ‘ the yomi K t„, 6 yuispers he made, ei Engagement Announc^ approve any question. 'bered because it Ls very nrobahlp tne y °ungsters feel aT T ._ . . „ , 4 . additional rules and regulations afraid to say or sine thl un * I C 1 ®veland, Ohio. - Mr. Rules and Regulations Pertain.ng to be added in the Sre tt WERE natural and thlj PartS ' Anton Zupančič, 20550 Naun^Jft the Ann„a.l NaBaua, Ata.pti,. \ ^ ^ be ^ tOO mi l" & hit ' Of lodge NO. ^ somewhat changed. e to niention them ali sn h® program announce the engagement • MICHAEL VRHOVNIK | G00<1 girls and bovs'’ of USt say: daught ® r . Stephanle to MT- O- r—« gvnik, were _ y .’ course, they Laudenbach, son of Mr. a ° fl the Annual National Athletic Meets Section .. Tho_JS[ational Athletic Meet of the ler^^og .. ogressjve Benefit Society ; be held qn eonsecutive -days, Sat- [« LjubVjMž g-) Secretary of N. A. b! j when r ®^ arded a ~ few »ir uudenbach - 20101 N8“ Chairman of N A b f, really «hoved hi s l a v ! b BSPZ AVe ' ' B - the multitude of boy s and y ir ^ r ° ugh 1 MORE BE FOtTNTt ON FAGF bmS ■ bHm (hbBIh