tedna Jo tedna KANDIDATI se ogla¬ šajo po konvencij, na katerih bo. j 0 demokrat je in republikanci zbrali svoja predsedniška kan- i je samo še kakega pol ko predsednik vedno previdno leta. Medtem Roosevelt • s - oiči in se ne neče izraziti niti . eI io niti na drugo stran, niti u bo niti da ne bo kandidat, pa t8 S e v zadnjih dneh pojavila vsaj d va možaka, ki sta prizna¬ la da bi z veseljem sprejela to I čast- To sta new-yorški distrikt- | „1 pravdnik Thomas E. Dewey, republikanec, in John Nance j Garner, demokrat iz Texasa in j sedajnji podpredsednik Zed. držav. Dewey je še mlad mož in z iz- I jemo slovesa, ki si ga je prido- 1 bil tekom prosekuci j proti raz- I dim raketirstvom v ameriški 1 metropoli, nima drugega rekor- | da v javnem življenju. V govo- 1 ru ,ki ga je imel pred nekaj dne- I vi v Minnesoti, je napadal Roo- | seveltovo administracijo, dolžeč j jo, da je v deželi ustvarila “de j fitistično razpoloženje.” Po nje- ] govi razlagi bi bilo edinole tre- 1 ba vrniti “zaupanje,” ki ga biz- 1 niški krogi sedaj nimajo, pa bi j se vrnila prosperiteta in vse bi j bilo zopet v redu. Programa ni J Dewey podal nobenega. Glede podpredsednika Gar nerja je znano, da iz dna srca mrzi progresivne reforme New Deala, in da je proti njim izza kulis vodil učinkovito sabotažo od začetka Rooseveltove dru¬ gega termina. Garner je zagri¬ zen reakcijonar in velik ljub¬ ljenec kapitalističnih interesov. Organizirano delavstvo te deže¬ le bi se moralo pripraviti na hu¬ de dneve, ako bi ta južnjaški Burbonec prišel v Belo hišo. _ VOLUME m. Official Organ of The Slovene Progre*- •ive Benefit Society Glasilo Slovenske Svobodomi¬ selne Podporne Zveze Cleveland, Ohio, December 20, 1939 This issue in two sections REVOLUCIJA NIHILIZMA: TO JE KON¬ ČNI CILJ ADOLFA HITLERJA NUMBER 177 Hoče biti navzoča na festivaju! je nadvlada, izključna svetovna Hermann Rauschnigg, bivši predsednik senata v Gdansku in nadvlada. On utegne biti hlad- ’ zi h 1 < den izmed krožka nokrven računar in celo veščej- ntimnih sodelavcev Hitlerja, ši od drugih državnikov v vod- n se je končno prostovoljno po- stvu posameznih faz tega boja, < al \ inozemstvo, ker se ni stri- ampak glede končnega cilja svo- ujal z nacijsko politiko, je av- jega življenja je absolutno fa- to! knjige Revolucija nihili- natičen in obseden. On zrna,” v kateri podrobno raz¬ členi a program nemškega na¬ cizma. Danes živi v Zedinjenih državah. Za neko ameriško re¬ vijo je napisal članek, kjer med drugim čitamo: veruje, da je nemškemu ljudstvu usoda določila, da zavlada svetu. In z najglobokejšo gorečnostjo veru- j je, da je njegova misija, voditi’ svoj narod do tega cilja. Ako 1 g pri tem preliva kri nemškega |||| KHI Hitlerjevi cilji so mi znani iz njegovih lastnih ust. Pred leti pomena je priznal s cinično odkritostjo vse one reči, ki se danes uresni¬ čujejo. Zarisal je svojo svetov-j no-revolucijonarno alijanco s! takega fanatizma je_ torej_ tre-1 AGNES naroda v potokih, je zanj brez ’ a. On vidi le dvoje: na - Sovjetska Rusija izključe¬ na iz Lige narodov Mnogi sodijo, da je to prvi korak, da se pri¬ pravi tla za “sveto vojno 5 ’ proti komunizmu A' eniška izguba. Naj večja po¬ morska bitka v sedanji vojni se je bila prošli teden daleč od po- zorišča vojskujočih se sil—ob obali južno-ameriške republike Urugvaj. Tri angleške križarke so se spoprijele z nemško bojno ladjo malega tipa, “Admiral Graf Spee,” ki je bila v spopadu _ _ — . _ tako težko poškodovana, da je V četrtek prošlega tedna, 14. korak Like narodov izkazati zelo še komaj ušla v zavetje nevtral- decembra, je v naglici sklicano značilnim. Lahko je to začetek nega pristanišča v Montevideu, zasedanje Lige narodov izklju- “svete vojne” proti komunizmu, Urugvajske vlada je Nemcem čilo Sovjetsko Rusijo, pod ob- katero je v prošlih letih brez po¬ sebnega uspeha oglašal fašizem. eni strani neznatno Nemčijo, na | drugi Nemčijo kot svetovni na-j rod prihodnjega veka. S stališča j zadovoljno smeji na sliki, je dovolila 24 ur časa za popravi- tožbo, da je brez povoda izvršila a, kar pa. očividno ni bilo do- čin vojaške agresije proti Fin- volj. Po naročilu iz Berlina je ski. Ligin svet je predlog za iž- poveljnik bojne ladje v nedeljo; gon Rusije sprejel soglasno, ra- zvečer odplul iz pristanišča ter zen da so se zastopniki štirih ,,, , ... . I jo razstrelil. Tako se je ladjo'držav vzdržali glasovanja. Ju- Mlada gospodična, ki se tako, ^ internaciji za dobo vo j ne> j goslavija je bila ena od njih, o Sovjetsko Rusijo, projektirano uničenje Francije, zdrobitev an¬ gleškega imperija, svoje načrte TEKST AR, tajnica ba računati na posledice, ako bi : mladinskega vrtca “Comets” v Hitler zmagal. Sedanja vojna v Hitlerjevih glede ameriške poloble in svoj mislih ni zaključni dogodek. Je pohod v kolonijalne teritorije, j to ena izmed serije vojen in upo- V tistih dneh mi, ki smo ga po- rov, v kateri ne bo noben del slušali, vsega tega nismo mogli sveta ušel, ne da bi občutil udar- smatrati za kaj drugega kot div- ce, bodisi na znotraj ali na zunaj, s strani tega revolucijo- narnega dinamizma. Celo Ame¬ rika ni varna pred Hitlerjevimi grožnjami. Leta 1933 sem bil na kosilu Ambridge, Pa. Te dni je posla¬ la v glavni urad 22 prošenj za vstop v mladinski oddelek, j Manjkalo ji torej samo še trije dodatni člani, da bo kvota izpol- j njena, in Agnes bo sigurno med \ oziroma uničenju, kajti na mor-! stale tri pa so bile Kitajska, Gr- ju so čakala angleške križarke, čija in Finska. da obnovijo napad nanjo, ako bij Ko se je glasovanje o istem Francija je zatrla komunistično stranko v trenotku, ko je stopila v vojno. Fašizem v Italiji že od začetka razglaša boj proti ko¬ munizmu za svoj cilj. V Angliji še ni odprte kampanje proti ko¬ munizmu, toda v teku je akcija za prikrito zatiranje. V Zedinje¬ nih državah je klic za boj proti Med aspiranti, katerih imena se često omenja v tej zvezi, je še več drugih, ki se predstavljajo javnosti kot “favorite sons” dr¬ žav ,v katerih imajo svoj dom. N. pr. senator Taft iz Ohio in senator Vanderberg iz Michiga¬ na, oba republikanca ,in pa bivši governer McNutt iz Indiane ter senator Wheeler iz Montane, ki sta demokrata. Nobeden izmed omejenih se ne more primerjati z Roosevel¬ tom. Wheeler je bil svoj čas progresivec, ampak njegova progresivna slava je zadnja leta •precej zatemnela. Bogati inte¬ resi, ki kontrolirajo bakrene rudnike v Montane, s katerimi je bil nekoč v hudem boju, so se¬ daj popolnoma zadovoljni z njim. Pri zadnjih volitvah so šli z njim vred v,bo j ter mu po¬ magali poraziti nekega new- dealskega kongresnika. Taft in Vanderberg sta republikanca običajnega konservativnega ko¬ va. New Deal je med preprostim ljudstvom zbudil velike nade in mnogi se danes čutijo prevara¬ ne. Po skoro sedmih letih je v deželi še vedno najmanj deset milijonov brezposelnih, akorav- no je industrijska produkcija na isti stopnji kot je bila leta 1929, ko se je Amerika nahajala na višku “prosperitete.” Nihče no¬ če vedeti, kaj je vzrok temu, da- siravno je razlaga otroško eno¬ stavna: stroji, vedno večja in Večja mehanizacija industrij¬ skih obratov, ki je sposobna pro¬ ducirati več kot kdaj prej s če¬ dalje manjšo človeško silo. Na drugi strani so vplivne Manjšine, srednji sloj, sestoječ iz profesijonalcev in trgovcev, ki brezmejno sovražijo Roose¬ velta in njegov New Deal, ne za¬ to, ker so lačni, ampak ker ne z aupajo njegovi fiskalni poli¬ tiki, o kateri so prepričani, da Prinese višje davke in morda tu¬ di inflacijo. Zato se ni čuditi, ako je “Gallupov poli” nedavno Pokazal, da je 41 odstotkov o- (Dalje na 4. strani) ci. jan j e človeka, ki trpi na mega¬ lomaniji. Toda kar se je zdelo nemogo-i če tedaj, ždi danes na robu u- resničenja. Lahko si torej pred-! .... . v stavljam, kakšne bi bile posle-; P 1- * Hitlerju in sem slisal nje- dice kompletne in odločilne Hit-1 8'°ve nazore glede Zedinjenih lerjeve zmage. Taka zmaga bi j držav. Začel je z idejo, da se Ze- pomenila prevrnitev vseh člo-j dinj ene države v očigledsvojih veških odnošajev. Potegnjene bi; velikih socialnih nasprotij naha- ne bile popolnoma nove črte sa-j J a J 0 na robu krvave revolucije, mo političnim mejam, temveč Namignil je, da bi mu bilo lahko prevrnjeni bi bili vsi temelji i podnetitito revolucijo a!i pospe- človeške družbe. Revolucija na- ®iti njen izbruh. Potem bi Ame- ijonalnega socializma bi zdro- Hka ne bila nikdar več v stanu 1 priti na pomoč zapadnim demo- .; kracijam v Evropi. Hitler je šel dalj: nacional- i nemu socializemu in firerju je | poverjeno poslanstvo, da iz ame- ! riške plemenske mešanice usta- , ri resničen narod. On, Hitler, bi prevzel in nadaljeval “Wash- ingtonovo nalogo” in prekrojil koruptno denarno demokracijo v pravo ljudsko demokracijo. | Obenem bi se zopet uveljavil “nemški značaj” Zed. držav. Se- | verna Amerika bi postala'nem- | ška država. Fantastično? Ne, ako bi poslušali Hitlerja. Mehika tudi igra vlogo v Hit¬ lerjevih osupljivih načrtih. Sir Henri Detering od Royal Dutch Shell oljne korporacije ga je uveril, da je Mehika najbogatej¬ ša dežela z najbolj nesposobnim prišla na odprto morje. Posad- predlogu vršilo v zbornici Lige, komunizmu dvignil kongresnik ka na krovu nemške ladje bo j se glasovanja iz enega ali dru- Dies, ki spretno izrablja svoj od urugvajskih oblasti interni- gega razloga niso vdeležile sle- položaj kot predsednik odseka rana - deče države: Mehike, švedska, za neameriške aktivnosti. Ni Danska, Norveška, Latvija, Lit- dvoma, da kapitalistične demo- vanija, Estonija, Kitajska, Bol- kracije sveta v agresivni Sovjet- garij a m Švica. S pridržkom sta‘ ski uniji vidijo večjo opasnost Hegivood Broun umrl. V New onimi veselimi delegati, ki pri- Yorku je umrl znamenit ameriš dejo prihodnjega maja na Zve- ki časnikar Heywood Broun, ki g] as0V ali zine stroške v Cleveland ter bo- j e bil od ustanovitve leta 1933 do prisotni na Narodnem mla -j naprej predsednik unije časni- | kar j ev, takozvanega N e w s- j dinskem festivalu. za resolucijo Holand-I za svoj obstoj kot pa v nacijski ska in Belgija. To je bilo prvič, da je Liga na Nemčiji in fašistični Italiji. Zato bi ne bilo nič čudnega, bila vse prav do najglobljih in j najbolj osebnih predelov člove škega življenja. Tisto, po čemer Hitler hlepi Za praznike N aha jamo se v sezoni iz¬ menjav raznovrstnih daril. Tudi Slovenska Svobodo¬ miselna Podporna Zveza je prejela za Božič lepo dari¬ lo v obliki velikega števila novih članov v članski in mladinski oddelek. Priča¬ kuje pa še eno darilo, kate¬ rega lahko poklonijo zvesti člani in članice pred za¬ ključkom poslovnega leta. In to darilo je—plačanje asesmenta d r u štvenemu tajniku ob pravem času. Že leto za letom so objavljena taka obvestila v naših gla¬ silih, a še nikoli ni bil po¬ ziv za točno plačitev sto¬ odstotno upoštevan. Potom povrnitve asesmenta ta me¬ sec je bila članoma dana prilika, da imajo del ases¬ menta že plačanega pri društvu. Ali smemo priča¬ kovatiJ da poravnate za¬ ostalo pred 30. decem¬ brom? Svojemu tajniku bo¬ dete na ta način pripomo¬ gli, da bo odposlal mesečni asesment ob pravem času, kot določajo pravila. Ako bo to storjeno, bodete orga¬ nizaciji podarili posebno darilo, s katerim bodete pred vsem razveselili osob- je glavnega urada. Član¬ stvu SSPZ tem potom izra¬ žam željo za VESELE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO. MIRKO G. KUHEL, glavni blagajnik , , » . , • io ! papermen Guilda. Bil je šele 51 1 ’ k ‘ časa, ko je biez vsa- ako bi napele vse sile, da doseže- Pise, da sta z očetom, ki je { / TT _, . _ Rega uspeha skušala zaustaviti (za tajnik lokalnega društva SSPZ, šla na delo, od hiše do hiše, in v teku dveh dni sta dobila 20 čla¬ nov in članic za Vrtec št. 44. Na pomoč ji je priskočila še Fran- ces Rosenberger, predsednica omenjenega Vrtca, nagovorila dve prijateljici k pristopu in ta¬ lci star. Umrl je za pljučnico in agresijo fašističnih držav -onemoglostjo srca. Broun je bil “ ■ , , , . . ; kar sta bili odgovorni predvsem pravi orjak po telesu m tudi po Av ... . „ * Anglija in Francija) eksistira samo še na papirju, kako državo izključila iz svoje srede. Nemči¬ ja, Japonska in Italija, ki so bile nekoč včlanjene v Ligi, so odšle iz nje prostovoljno v znak pro duhu, v pisanju in izražanju pa resničen mojster. Bil je nemir¬ na natura ,toda značaj prvega reda. Njegov simpatije so bile slej ko prej na strani malih in jo nekak sporazum z Nemčijo. ( Proti slednji so se končno odlo¬ čile iti v vojno radi kršen ja med¬ narodnih obligacij. Toda Rusija je v njih očeh hujše zlo—v nji ! vidijo državo, ki pri korenikah ogroža kapitalistični sistem po vsem svetu. , . v, ,, oo \ zatiranih, živo se je zanimal za : . . , . T . 1» „ .fevd,™«** m 22. Po-, Saeeo-VanKttl, n Moo- L, *“ <*««• »!«• trudila se bo, da bo ostale tri pridobila, predno se kampanja zakl j uči. Definitivno je bilo do sedaj tekom kamjjanje vpisanih v SS¬ PZ 200 novih mladinskih članov. Z gotovostjo se lahko računa, da se bo lo število več kot podvo¬ jilo, predno bo kampanja za¬ ključena. V kampanji je sedaj 12 kontestantov in od vseh se pričakuje, da bodo dosegli za- željeni cilj. Ob času, ko to pišemo, pre¬ ostane za kampanjo samo še enajst dni. Na aktivnem kam¬ panjskem seznamu še niso za- neyja in druge žrtve delavskih bojev. Vsled tega je mnogokrat Neko zaupno poročilo iz Washingtona javlja, da se je vprašanje glede nastopa proti iz zeneve javljajo, komunistični stranki v Zed. dr- agresivnost Poročila prišel v konflikt z lastniki lis- da je ta Ligin korak povzročil ža vah razpravljalo na privatni tov, pri katerih je delal, toda splošno zadovoljstvo. Nemcem se ji predsednikovega kabineta kapituliral ni nikoli. Svoj čas je; to baje se posebno ugaja, ker o kateri ni bilo v javnosti nič po- kandidiral v kongres na socialis-i upajo, da bo odslej naprej Ru- ročano. Vsi navzoči so se 'baje tičnem tiketu. Pozneje so bile sija pripravljena za tesnejše so- striniali v tem da ie 7 ah*tio kn njegove 1 simpatije na strani delovanje z Nemčijo. V Moskvi, niunUtične stranke^zaželjivo. to- “enotne fronte’ 'demokratičnih .1 e vest o izključitvi izzvala le da bili so raznih mnenj giede na- sil. Letos v maju je prestopil v j ironičen posmeh. katoliško cerkev, sodi se, največ; Sovjetska unija je postala pod vplivom svoje druge žene, članica Lige narodov v septem- gledališke igralke, katero je bru 1934. Tam je govoril v nje- spoznal, ko je pred nekaj leti nem imenu bivši vnanji komisar organiziral gledališko družbo v Maksim Litvinov. Skozi' na.sled pomoč brezposelnim igralcem. ‘Mein Kampf,” knjiga, ki v j pet zastavil svojo besedo prilog čina. Nekateri so svetovali, da Bela hiša podvzame direktno ak¬ cijo, dočim so bili drugi mne¬ nje, da bi bilo bolje, ako bi se pojavila “spontana zahteva” v kongresu. Prodrl je slednji na- nja eta je Litvinov zopet in zo- čj n . Vpričo tega se sme pričako- stopana mesta Chicago, Mihvau- j nac ijski Nemčiji zavzema mesto: Abesini je, španske, Avstrije in. juk , kee, Bridgeville, Sirabane, For- biblije, je posta a prepovedano, Češkoslovaške ki so druga za n ju. ^ i-. •• vi rt wi rtlrrt J OTTI 1 O n A M Lil O* A 1 V 0*1 >0 T n I A rt vi rtTvuX i rt i. . vati “fireworks,” ko se v januar- kongres zopet snide k zaseda- čtivo za nemške državljane.I drugo izginjale s površja ter Knjigarne je ne smejo proda- j apeliral na demokratične sile, e st Citg, Sheboggan, Librarg, Burgettstoivn, Renton in mno- . . . , , , ,. .. go druge naselbine, ki imajo ak- Jati in umaknjena je iz vseh da se zedinijo v paktu kolektivne tivna društva SSPZ v svoji sre- tek—samo še enajst dni! in koruptnim prebivalstvom na „ , , svetu. Nemška kri in nemška i di. Nic vec odlašati. Cas je uspešnost bi torej razvila to de¬ želo do gigantičnega obsega. To je bil vzrok, zakaj so bili pred leti poslani Hitlerjevi agenti v Mehiko, da prično “psihološko vojno.” Isto se je storilo glede Južne Amerike. Oni, ki mislijo, da se Hitler zanima samo za južnovzhodno Evropo, se resno motijo. Dve poti vodita do ustvaritve nacij skega imperija. Ena vodi preko asimilacije centralne in južne Evrope do cilja, ki je •7 drobitev Rušil e. To .je st&r nu- . črt ki ga je zasnoval general j nemški ladji dovolili odhod m Ludendorff: ustvariti verigo va-1 zdaj se je zvedelo, da se je vr- zalskih državic pod nemško kon-! « lla v N emcijo, a *oi a% noje knjižnic. Kot se je zvedelo, se jej varnosti ter s tem zajezijo to storilo, dokler ne pride v jav-| fašistične agresije, nost nova in pi^edelana izdaja, val Koledar prireditev SSPZ Preokret v sovjetski zunanji ČUDNA ZAGONETKA Svet se je čudil, ko je nem¬ ški luksuzni parnik “Bremen” ob izbruhu vojne v Evropi za¬ četkom septembra uspešno iz- begnil angleški mornarici, po¬ tem ko je zapustil luko v New Yorku. Po več tednih se je zve¬ delo, da je Bremen na poti pre¬ ko oceana vzel severno črto ter varno priplul v sovjetsko luko Murmansk. Nedavno so Rusi j iz katere bodo črtani odstavki, v; politiki je prišel po lanskem sep- katerih je Hitler nekoč rjovel tembru, ko sta Francija in An- PETEK, 22. decembra — Bo¬ žičnica Vrtca št. 11, C0LL1N- WOOD, O., v Slovenskem delar j monakov- domu na Walerloo rd. trolo. Baltiške dežele, Poljska, podonavske dežele in Balkan; dalje Ukrajina, pokrajine ob Volgi, Druži j a in Kavkaz, ki se naj bi ločile od Rusije—vse te dežele naj bi tvorile federacijo držav, v kateri bi edino Nemčija načelovala armadi, vodila zuna- . (Dalje na 2. str.) la enkrat tekom vozje v nepo¬ sredni bližini angleških bojnih ladij, ki bi jo bile z lahkoto tor¬ pedirale, ampak tega niso sto proti boljševizmu. Nedavno / pa | glija z notoričnim je bilo poročano, da angleška skim paktom prepustili češko vojaška komanda dovoljuje vo- slovaško svoji usodi. Prošlega SOBOTA, 23. decembra — jakom, ki so na fronti, citati Hit-! maja je bil Litvinov odslovljen, j Božična zabava društva št. IS, lerjevo knjigo. Zanimivo je tu- Letos, na dan 24. avgusta, je Ru- j GIRARD, O., za dane I rtca št. di to, da angleški vojaki smejo; sija sklenila nenapadalni paktI 'M- Miklavž obdari stare in z nacijsko Nemčijo. Stalin je mlade. očividno prišel do zaključka, da citati Maksov “Kapital.” Iz Moskve se poroča, da je tamkajšnja radijska postaja te; §g a - 0 ter n j ma j 0 bodisi poguma člane Vrtca št 72 SYGAN, Pa., dni ostro napadla svedske socia- a] . >(Ja bj , e ^stavile' - ^ ~ *? liste in glasilo njihove stranke. )fagiflt . žniin agresorjem se ne Imenuje ji 1 suzr / ie 111 1 1 a|)Ce izplača več ukvarjati z državami, ki dosledno popu- SOBOTA, 23. decembra — Bo¬ žičnica z dramsko predstavo za v dvorani društva Bralstvo št. 6 SNP J. kapitalističnih interesov, ki si i drznejo napadati vrlo rdečo ar-| Akcija Lige narodov proti Ru- ... , .v i siji je sama na sebi brezpo- - mado, ki je s toliko nesebično- memb kajti liv Lj koli . mlMAVKEE WL -lo.Vrt^io „o ArtrtiAP Hprrm- 77,?o/i Hall, 5th in National SOBOTA, 23. decembra — Božičnica Vrtca št. 33 “Balkan is., st j o priskočila na pomoč demo kratični finski republiki.” Da¬ lje: “Ti takozvani socialisti so padli tako nizko, da je njih list ; kor ga je kdaj imela, je že dav- v j no šel po vodi. Fincem, ki se tr- Ave. Začetek ob 7:30 zvečer. Po rile. časopisje v Angliji, ki na-j dose g e i stopnjo najslabših pa- vzlic vojnemu stanju uživa pre- r i§kih bulevarskih listov. Toda cejšno svobodo, je ogoročeno in, ves sve t in tudi švedsko Ijud- ne brez vzroka, vprašuje: kak-! gtv0 bo spoznalo nesebično delo sna vojna pa je to? j (Dalje na 4. strani) riovratno zoperstavljajo ruski ! programu ples in prosta za aia. armadi, je v moralno zadošče- PONEDELJEK, 25. dec. nje, ampak koncem konca je si- Božičnica Vrtca št. 100 Rožnik gurno, da jih bo premoč Rusije Juniors,” CHICAGO, UL, v Ber strla. Kljub temu pa se utegne gerjevi dvorani. Začetek ob 3. ta ! uri popoldne. STRAN 3. “NAPREDEK” 20. decembra, 1930 ZAPISNIKI ZAPISNIK SEJE GLAVNEGA UPRAVNEGA POD ODSEKA, Z DNE 20. SEPT. 1939 127—Franku Kosem, svoto Dr. št. $15.00. Dr. št. 222—Mile Pavelich, svoto treh mesečnih asesmentov. , Dr. št. 227—Stanley Robavs, svoto Seja otvorjena gori označenega dne $ 2 o.OO v pomoč plačitve operacije, za j?o gl. tajniku Rusu, ob 1. uri popoldne, katero se ni izplačalo odškodnine, nakar je odsotnosti gl. predesdmka m p r §t. 230—Mary Mofreda, svoto treh podpredsednika izvoljen br. Anton Zaitz, J a£eslnen t ov> za nadomestujočega predsednika in br. STAROSTNO PODPORO PO $5.00 Rus, za zapisnikarja. MESEČNO S PRIČETKOM 1. NOV. Poleg br. Zaitza in Rusa sta navzoča Jg3g gE ODOBRI SLEDEČIM: tudi brata Kuhel in Vrhovnik. j Dr št 2 —Johnu Hervol. .Zapisnik zadnje seje je bil preCitan, pr - t 7 _ Mike Ko ttar. sprejet in podpisan. Dr. št. 76—Josephu Hoznar. Zadeve predložene po glavnem tajni- [ Dr št 53 _ LaSalle) iin noiS) vpraša, nov to leto; izgubili so članico sestro| odbor so: M. Stem, L. Karish, Mahnič, j 74 Martin Logar . 16.00 Marie Morhen, katera je umrla, hi pri | Spoler in M. Dermota. ; 80 Frank Rahne . 19.00 Vrtcu so tudi izgubili članico Irene Ko- i Predlagano in sprejeto, da se apeli-! 89 Joseph Klemenčič. 7.00 kal, katera je bila ponesrečena po avto j ra na vsa društva v Zapadni Penni, da J Frances Borin.31.00 in od tega umrla. št. 126, so dobili pre- ako imajo kakšna priporočila za kon- j 102 Mary Oblak. 15.00 -- vencijo ali spremembe Zvezinih pra-1103 Nikola Stipancic . 16.00 vil, da to pošljejo do prihodnje seje| 123 Anna Aubel. 15.00 federacije na tajnika L. Karish. j Mary Ann Schudlick. 15.00 Sobrat Rednak predlaga, da ako slu- j Josephine Hren..33.00 čajno umre kateri odbornik federacije, j 140 Paul Mitch, Jr.. 18.00 Nikola Gozdanovich..30.00 143 Joe Lukich. 15.00 cej novih članov v mladinski oddelek; umrl je društveni predsednik sobrat Barilar. št. 236, so dobili 2 nova člana v odrasli oddelek, št. 196, nič posebnega, Vrtec se zahvaljuje federaciji za pomoč, št. 86, so dobili 1 novega člana v mla- j da se pooblasti društvo, katerega je bil dinski oddelek, št. 139, sporočajo, da I član, da mu v imenu federacije nabavi ne morejo poslati zastopnika na sejo. venec v svoti $5.00, katero svoto bo Poročila se sprejmejo. federacija povrnila. Predlog sprejet. Po poročilih predsednik povabi vse Društvo v Avella, Pa., se hoče zdru zastopnike, da vstanejo, in dajo zadnjo žiti z drugim društvom, da skupno vo¬ ku se resi sledeče. i a ko bi bilo mogoče dobiti filmske slike I čast umrlim sobratom in sestram. Društvo št. 23 — Johna Pešec oporo- g loven jj e za 2 i. ali 28. januarja, 1940,' čitanje naznanil in pisem: Tajnik či- ka, v kateri je volil svoto $300.00 svoje- ter pod kak šnimi pogoji. — Sklenjeno,; ta pismo od Vrtca iz Sygan; se vzame mu prijatelju Georgu Tomasevic m j da/gre t j a br M Vrhovnik, kateri dani na znanje. Pismo od Odbora Slovenske- $200.00 za pogreb, se odobri soglasno, bode že izbran Za ostalo se v ^ ošteva j ga Dneva, v katerem se apelira na fe- ker ne nasprotuje pravilom. j sklepe zadnje glavne seje. I deracijo, da izvoli 2 zastopnika za kon- Društvo štev. 72. —^ Br. John Rezek,| Bj . Vrhovnik p0r0 č a> cj a s0 gotove' ferenco 3. decembra. Vabilo se sprejme.! se dnik zaključi sejo ter se zahvaljuje lihnske slike zadnjega atletičnega ses-j Nagrade društvom za nove člane: št. zastopnikom na sodelovanju. lijo delegata za konvencijo Zveze. Tista društva, katera nimajo dovolj članov, da sama volijo delegata, so pozvana, da takoj stopijo v zvezo z društvom Avella, Pa. S tem je bn uuevm red izčrpan. Pred- želi nadaljno posojilo na certifikat, ker tanka IndlanapolisUj Ind rabi nadalj no pomoč bolj kot imenovani koristniki. — Prošnja člana je odklo¬ njena, ker je proti zakonu posojevati Zaključe¬ no, da so na razpolago društvom brez- 102—za 12 članov, št. 239—za 2 člana, št. 80—za 1 člana. št. 89—za 8 članov. I Matt Spoler, zapisnikar . plačno, ako imajo na razpolago opera- št. 196—za 1 člana. št. 121—za 3 člane. ! torja” in pa 16 mm. “projector.” št. 41—za 4 člane. na vrednost istega dopušča ~ ! Br ' Vr h°y nik P oroča > da se i e vdele-: Pritožbe: sobrat Rednak se pritožuje 1 Društvo štev. 149. — George Muc je “ 30 ' letalce dru f va št ® v ', 2 f’ Madison,; n a odbor federacije, radi nevršenja svo- imenoval za svojega koristnika zavaro- ‘ n . e ' a . Je Vi> ® ova a ep ’ 00 j jih dolžnosti, kei ni preskrbel venca ob valnine od $500.00 Stanley Bencicha, 1 f at « m vse skozl dobro vzpe '! smrtl sobrata Banlarja, kateri je bil nriiatelia ki mu ie v deiansko nomoč la ' — Vzet0 na znaaje ' I predsednik federacije ,ter predlaga, da Ker oporoka ni nasprotna določbam Nadalje poroča br ' Vrhovnik, da je j se da odboru ukor. Sobrat Karish in Ker oporoka m nasprotna določbam j zasledil pomoto pri Vrtcu žtev . 171 v | spoler pojasnujeta, kako je do tega številu pridobljenih članov za prvo'prišlo, da federacija ni poslala venca, | četrt-letje, vsled česar je Vrtec opravi- j da tukaj ni bilo namena da' se ne da, j čen do nagrade $10.00. — Sklenjeno, da ampak nesporazum med odborom, ker so mu to svoto izplača. j se ni vedelo, kdo ima pravico to nare- [ PRIDE SE NA INVESTICIJE IN SO- diti. Predlog sob. Rednaka, da se da i j GLASNO JE SKLENJENO, DA SE GO- ^ odboru federacije ukor, sprejet, j TOVINO VLOŽI, ALI KUPI SLEDEČE j VREDNOSTNE LISTINE: j $5,000.00 delnic First Federal Savings & i Loan Association of Pueblo, Colorado, s obrestno mero po 4%. I $5,000.00 delnic California Federal Savings and Loan Association of Los IZDATKI — SSPZ DIS- BURSEMENTS pravil, je soglasno odobrena. Starostno podporo se nakloni nasled¬ njima: Josephu Hauptman, od društ. štev. 13, | po $5.00 mesečno. Lawrencu Sapotnik, od društ. -št. 38, po $3.00 mesečno. Dar od $10.00 se nakloni Patricku Gratton, od Vrteča štev. 62, v pomoč plačitve operacije. POD RAZNO SE REŠI NASLEDNJE | ZADEVE: Ponudbo za oglas v programni knjižici the First Yugoslav Radio Hour of Ame¬ rica, oddajan po postaji WGES, Chica¬ go, se'odkloni. Poročilo br. August Kollander, pa- BOLNIŠKA PODPORA Sick Benefit Claims Plačana — Nov. 10 — Paid 15 Agnes Zupančič .$32.00 Joseph Kurtz . 15.50 j 22 Ann Trauner .. 6.50! Louis Banich . 31.00. 26 Christine Glazar. 27.00 Leander Makuc. ?. . 26.00: John Kern . 31.00 j Frank Fende . 25.50 37 Mike Moran . 7.00 j 38 Frank Grilc. 10.00 J John Schober . 38.00; John Schober . 27.001 John Matule . 22.00! 39 Charles Palovvski. 26.50 j Mary M. McGinn ..’. 15.50 149 Albin E. Putzel. 15.50 John Chebul . 15.00 Anton Roncevieh_.v.31.00 Anton Fajon. 15.50 Anton Lužar .38.00 Matt Lubich.33.00 155 Silvester Kastelic. 15.00 178 Frances Cerar . 15.00 Paul Jesih . 31.00 200 Caroline Basa . 13.00 Charles Ceryak.. 13.00 201 Valentin Marinšek. 8.00 220 Anton Homec . 17.00 Leo Junko . 15.50 221 Sam Sobolovich . 27.00 Pauline Machak. 22.00 222 Katie Prpich . 25.00 Jadwiga Rybnik. 17.00 | 223 Jennie Petelin... 39.50 236 Celestina Vasquenz. 30.00 Joe Novak. 9.00 Paid Sobrat Dermota poroča, da se njih; društvo pritožuje, da je bil zapisnik za d- | nje federacijske seje prepozno priob- j čen v glasilu. Zapisnikar odgovarja, da i je bil zapisnjk spisan, toda ga je poza-! bil poslati. Pojasnilo se sprejme. Poročilo odbora za pripravo SSPZ j Angeles, California, s obrestmi po 4%.| Day; sob. Kvartich in Spoler poroča-j $5,000.00 delnic Cass Federal SavingsI ta o tem, da za tako prireditev bi bilo! and Loan Association of St. Louis, Mo., j najbolj pripravno tisto mesto, na kate- j I rem smo imeli lansko leto piknik fede-! I $5,000.00 delnic Superior Federal Sav- j racije. Poročilo se sprejme, j ings and Loan Association of Fort; Agitacija za novo članstvo: sobrat! j Smith, Arkansas, s obrestmi po 4%. j Karish predlaga, da Federacija plača | $5,000.00 City of Harvey, Illinoi^, Gen- tudi prihodnje leto nagrade društvom | j eral obligation bonds, 4%s, to yield 4%,| za nove člane in to: 50c za člane vi due 7-1-58 od tvrdke: Lewis (V-illiams; odrasli oddelek, in 25c za člane v mla-| 107 wil liam Mackovsek . 16.00 j dinski oddelek. Predlog 'sprejet. j 498 Anna Petrekovich . 15.50 $8,000.00 City of Hamtramck, Michi-j Sobrat Kvartich govori o važnosti i 109 NeRy Fritzel . 15.50 gan, 4%s, Public (Vater System Exten-j kampanje za novo članstvo; posebno, Apolonia -Meyash . 17.50 stopnic za svoto $110.00, naToseTuuI j?™ d « e to y ield about! sedaj, ko imamo pred vrati konvencijo' ^ Kos ^ .' . £00 štev. 10, Chicago, 111., se odobri. */ 25 od T tyrdke M ' B ' Vlck & Co " Zyeze ’ * p ° treba ’ da vsa društva' J Matilda Tomšič . 39.00 Br. Kuhel naj dobi ponudbe za novo Ch ^L°’J“ f w „ V0dl ;> 0 v ^j o aktivnost tako da se bo, 79 ™ B ^™° . 5 '°° ograjo vrta na posestvu štev. 2 v Chi-' j« 09 Rutherford County, N C.. na konvenciji lahko dalo poročilo, da, 120 ^ ® '. . „„„„ in io 7 orariiti 4, -S, Road & End 8 e bonds, due 1-1-41, je Pennsylvania naredila vse, kar je Michaela Pultz. 15.00 lonudi, t prodaje d.Mc 5040 W,sh- j ^ **»«*■■• B -»m«,* Z,e-!j ington Corporation po $35 še odkloni.! ^..Chicago, Illinois. ze. Apelu a na zastopnike, da agitirajo ker je ena prenizka. Nasprotno je br. i $5.000.00 Camden County, New Jer- j m delujejo za Zvezo. Apelira na zastop- Kuhel pooblaščen podpisati listino, za! sey ' 4%s > Park bonds ' due 1 - 2 - 62 - to nike in društva, da delujejo za mladin- Plačana — Nov. 22 3 John Dražan.,.$32.00 9 John Železnikar. 15.501 John Klintz . 19.00 j 10 Rudolph Gorjup . 15.50 Elizabeth Olivani. 21.50 29 Louis Krall. 15.50 Valentin Kochevar.25.00 34 Joseph Mestek .21.00 MaryKoos. 15.50 67 Urh Burja . 15.50 87 Anton Kotar . 15.50 Anton Mostar..;.27.00 92 Henry Singer.. 13.00 Antonia Stimac . 14.00 7 Pristopil od dr. št. 144: Joe Kuntz, 27, C. 40789. 8 Pristopila od dr. št. 39: Keneth Sinkovich, 20, C. 41758; umrl: Joe Zuder, 45, C. 20627. 9 Novo pristopila: Jennie Železni¬ kar, 18. 14 Novo pristopil: Tony Papish, 22, C. 25261. 18 črtan: Anna Dežman, 18, C. 20100. 19 Črtana: Joseph Poropat, 35, C. 41047, Katherine Poropat, 34, C. 41046. 22 Novo pristopili: Felix Blazich, 43, C. 25268; Frances Klarich, 31, C. 25266; Mary Stroy, 24, C. 25269; Ed- ward Bencik, 39, C. X25264; Helen Perko, 20, C. 25267; Ada L. Bencik, 38, C. X25265; Matilda Hren, 29, C. 25263; Anna Urbančič, 31, C. 25262; prestopila od dr. št. 230: Anton Qua- litza, 21, C. 41708; Sylvia Qualitza, 20, C. 41701. 25 Novo pristopil: Martin Popich, 18, C. 25270. 26 Novo pristopili: John Zaman Jr., 18, C. 43156; Valeria Artelj, 18, C. 43158; Rudolph Bratina, 18, C. 43157; John Ažman, 18, C. 43159; Fred Basel, 18, C. 70103; črtani na¬ zaj sprejeti: Fred Kochevar, 18, C. 41014; Carl Benasich, 36, C. 5611; John Poznik, 37, C. 22584. 28 črtana: Angela Baričevac: 18, C. 70052. DOPISI IN POROČILA ČLANSTVA A 'nP o (Dalje iz 2. str.) ske šole S. N. Doma. Pridite na predstavo ali pa ji pošljite ma¬ li dar Pred seboj imam pismo “Tu rojene Slovenke,” mi ga je svoj čas izročila, da ga smem obja¬ viti. Ona pravi glede šole slede¬ če: “Pridem v dotiko z osebami vseh vrst in še nikdar nisem sli¬ šala, da bi bil ta ali oni zani¬ čevan, ker zna govoriti svoj ma¬ terin jezik; pač, spoštovan j e tak človek. Poštena oseba se ne sramuje svojega jezika, ampak .0 k rit^ Kr je ponosna nanj. Znanje sloven- 1 i' 1 ^ «< si r« d - C 0> G V* cl' eer ' ti* 2‘ skega jezika mi je še vselej I hasnilo. čimveč jezikov človek V ei ". fw of UL. nugUot XVUllrl.IlU.ci . ija,— | , , - c robrodnega zastopnika v Clevelandu, ki| E je ponesel v staro domovino filmske stvari za posnemanje, slik za SSPZ, se vzame na znanje. Ker rabi posestvo ši,c». o v Chicagu popravilo zidu, strehe in verande, je br. Kuhel pooblaščen popravilo dati izvesti, I _ ko dobi potrebne ponudbe gradbeni¬ kov. Ponudba za barvanje oken,' verande in i 41 Josephine Rosenberger . 29.00 Ludvik Katz. 17.00 Anton Bone. 29.00! 125 Martin Jordan . 16.00 61 Frank Smerdel . 13.00! 126 John Gašperšič ... 31.00 Frank Dolinšek .. 15.50 132 Antonia Pecanic. 31.00 63 Louis Udovich ___ 9.00 Jennie Supancich. 15.50 85 Anne Plaveč'.... 5.00 1 142 Anton Primozich.. 31.00 Anton Grady. 17.00 * 158 Louis Beers.15.50 Andrew Gorjup ,. 31.00 zna, boljši je. Kdor se zanima, da se jih nauči, se tudi za druge 29 črtana: Rosina Gorz, 25, c. 20025.; stvari zanima. Poglejmo malo 35 c° 25273 riStOPil: JOe Knapich ’ 1 ‘ naokrog sebe in prišli bomo do 46 črtana: Joseph Frankovich, 39, c. j zakl jučka, da kdor izmed naših 24082; AmaiiaMinerich, 37 , c. 16258. ljudi, ki je prišel do kake višje fOU 1 stopnje, je pohajal v kako Slo- 61 Novo pristopila: Anne Knaus, 18, C. —; prestopila od dr. št. 200: n Louis skelo, 25, c. 22822; Angela; vensko solo ter da ga je ponos skeio, 18, c. 23906. j in zavest slovenskega naroda 66 ^™f opil: Max Dolenc ’ 21 ’ privedla do te stopnje.” O, ZoA 11. 70 S a ShabetsTc St 25 2 S la jo S S ! ^ in drugače cenijo naši Demoizes, 23 , c. 25279 . mladi Slovenci znanje sloven- „„ „ ■ , ■, ^ , skega jezika, katerega temeljni 72 Novo pristopila: Dorothy Catton, 18.; . .. . . 80 črtan nazaj sprejet: John Ramšak, Pouk SO zajeli V Slovenski soli. 18, C. 211843. 84 črtan: Anton Mesec, 48, C. 22296. 175 Louis Stock . 7.00 176 Mary Mogert. 24.00 188 Joseph Penko .,. 15.50 192 Joseph Camloh.. 7.00 Frank Baloh. 3.00 198 Victoria Bertosa. 9.00 Victoria Bertosa . 14.00 Christine Eržen . 25.00 Christine Eržen . 12.00 Emma Stupka. 33.00 ... 31.00 .. 13.00 89 Novo pristopila: Anthony Tome, 18, C. 25280; Henry M. Ursitz, 18, C. 25281. 101 Novo pristopila: Dominiek Sterm- lon, 29, C. 25282; Rose Mosnik, 37, C. 25283; prestopili od dr. št. 233: Julia Sabo, 19, C. 20034; Elizabeth Sabo, 18, C. 41337; Cecilia Saršon, 47, C. 21966; Mike Shutak, 33, C. 70034. podaljšavo Trust Agreement-a s Lake! yie j d 4 ^’ od tvrdk ® M ' B ' vick f Co ' sk ‘ f f stivak Shore Trust & Savings Bank, Trustees. $ 5 . 000 - 00 Morgan County, Kentucky, V korist federacije. Sobrat Kvartich Br. Kuhel, gl. blagajnik poroča, da bode $7,000. vrednosti bondov Central odplačanih dne 1. ok- ceni 101’/2. Vzeto na 160 Joe Skok. 15.50 4% Road and Bridge Funding Bonds,! govori, da bi se še enkrat apeliralo s| 161 Louis Mahkovtz. 11.00 due 7/1/49-56, to yield 4%, od tvrdke posebnim pismom na vsa tista društva, j 162 Ignac Groznik . 30.00 John Piško 2.00 219 Joe Tominšek - 24.00 Jacob Leskovic 22.00 235 Anthony Serca. 8.00 John Leskovic 26.00 239 Martin Persin . 35.50 John Žerjav. 10.00 Lewis, Williams & Co., Chicago, 111. j katera še niso priključena federaciji, I John Jakobe, Sr. . 31.00 Ker je dnevni red izčrpan, zaključi j da se priključijo. Ravno tako, ako je 176 Valentin Mogert. 29.00 predsednik sejo ob 6. uri zvečer. ; mogoče, da se odbor federacije udeleži Martin Pavšek . 37.00 WILLIAM RUS, j sej teh društev ter jim pojasni, zakaj je 189 Philip Nuncija . 6.00 gl. tajnik-zapisnikar. ‘ važno in koristno da se priključijo. j 203 Frank Kovač . 17.00 ANTON ZAITZ, i Predlagano in sprejeto, da se pismo i 215 Anton Stefanich .. 15.50 nadomestil joči predsednik, j pošlje na vsa društva, katera še Hišo | 216 J °hn Hoyak . 31.00 - : priključena federaciji in se^jih povabi,! 225 Els ^ e Montanari . 9.00 ZAPISNIK ; da se priključijo. Dalje, da se ta apel pri- ; 226 Josephine Smodic . 20.00 Za" zastopnika' nTprosiav! v"Madiso-1 letne seje ^Padno-pennsjlvaiiske Fe- obči tudi v glasilu. Frank Kolenc, Sr. 8.00 nu. 111.. štev. 28, je določen samo br ! deracijc SSPZ, vršeče se 26. novembra, Sobrat Karish predlaga, da se or- Joseph Bratony lo.50 M Vrhovnik * [1939, v Slovenskem Domu, Pittsburgh, ganizira angleško govoreča Federacija ! 234 Laura Morra . 15.09 V pretres se vzame zapisnik zadnje i Pa ’ i sspz - Sporoča, da imamo v Zapadni polletne seje, ki je splošno grajen. Vse-! Podpredsednica sestra Helen Dermota | Penni. okrog 15 angleško govorečih; Service Co., 6% tobra, t. 1. po znanje. Blagajnik nadalje poroča^ da ima pri- ; bližno $33,000.00 gotovine na roki, pri- - pravljene za investicijo. Sklenjeno, da se z investicijo počaka do prihodnje seje, da se ugotovi, kakšen učinek bode| imela vojna v Evropi na denarni trg. hiiie nreveč nenotrpbnih dphat nospbno I odpiej sejo ob pol enajsti uri dopoldne - društev, in da bi to dalo našim mlaj — o asesmentu, v glavnih točkah je po- i in s P oroča . da je predsednik Federaci- j Šim članom in njih društvom prilož- a ^ a j a j k jjjy^ a |j zm ešan, da ne odgovarja' ^ brat Barilar umil. Kei ni ona zmožna, nost, da bodo aktivnejša v agitaciji za pravilnosti. Urednik-zapisnikar naj bi i da vodi se j° v slovenščini, prosi, da se. Zvezo. tudi glavne točke, sklepe seje, priobčil' ' zvod predsednik za to sejo. Zastopniki od štirih angleško poslu- takoj po seji na prvo stran glasila pred- Nominirani za predsednika so bratje: jočih društev, kateri so prisotni na tej j g zapisnik v celoti priobčen _ Za- /J a 1 1 Dcimota in John Kvartich, Der- j seji, se strinjajo s to idejo, iznašajo pisnikarja se na to opozori. ! mota odklanja, Kvartic sprejme, ter je; razloge, zakaj njih društva niso aktivna Za boljše razumevanje kampanje Mla- i i zv °lj e n enoglasno. ; pri federaciji. Oni ne morejo govoriti \ dinskega Festivala in izplačitve divi- Brat Kvartich se zahvaljuje zastop- in ne razumejo dobro slovenski ter se dende je dodatno zaključeno: Kampa- : nlkom dl '«štev za tako lepo udeležbo, ne udeležujejo razprav na seji. nja traja od 1. oktobra do 1. januarja, poda kratko poročilo o smrti pred- Pri tem predlogu v razpravi sode- 1940. Vpoštevani v kampanjo bodo čla-! aedn ika federacije Barilarja ter jih po-: luje več zastopnikov, kateri se vsi stri¬ ni, za katere bodo prošnje v gl. uradu! K0Ve ’ da se vzdignejo in izkažejo zadnjo! njajo, da se organizira E. S. Federation prejete v mesecih oktober, november in' ^ as L ! 4er ,i e bil predlog sob. Karisha, dopol- december, 1939. — Kandidat se mora' Ta Jnik poroča, da je na seji zastopa- njen, da se povabi na prihodnjo sejo kot tak prijaviti s prvo poslano prošnjo! nih 20 društev po 48 zastopnikih. So-! federacije vse angleško poslujoča dru- novega člana. Vsaki kandidat sme pred- brat cl P cic od društva iz Coverdale na- | štva v zapadni Penni. s posebnim pis- lagati nove tudi za sosedni Vrtec, ne! znan J a > da on ni zastopnik društva, ker mom, na kateri se bo vzelo posebej na 7ovi prosilci kreditirani njegovo društvo ni priključeno federa- razpravo organiziranje E. S. Federation. Plačana — Nov. 18 — Paid 3 Andrevv Kuhar .....$15.50 Peter Banich . 15.50 Bernice Žagar . 15.00 5 Frank Rozman . 31.00 8 Jacob Hribar . 21.00! 11 John Widmar . 13.00 19 Louis Kucic . 23.00 20 Louis Trbežnik . 31.00; 23 John Volk. 9.00 j 24 Mary Huda j . 31.00 i 27 Angy Pevc . 30.00 Frank Rupnik, Sr.. 31.00 Louis Ostanek. 9.00 44 Joe Jurak . 22 00 48 John Grili . 13.00 [ John Janežič .. 17.00; Anton Kolar . 3.00 59 Martin Birk . 15.50 Steve Belendic .. 15.50 Plačana — Nov. 29 — Paid 4 Josephine Jensen. $15.00 Frank Gregurich . 15.50 Frank Roseč. 15.50 Jacob Remshe.36.00 Jacob Remshe . 15.00 Antonia Mlinar . 25.00 42 Vinko Mihelčič. 15.00 Elizabeth Cestnik . 12.00 43 Pauline Kolenc. 16.00 54 Ann Stefanich . 15.00 John Zobetz, Jr. 4.00 Anton Seme . 12.00 Rose Pucel . 30.00 Ignatz Jerich. 15.50 Louis Fink . 15.50 55 Valentin Luznar. 31.00 76 Victoria Jerin . 19.00 117 Pauline Bazil .. 42.00 Frances Berganini . 15.00 Jack Muhvich . 21.00 199 Frank Polantz. 15.50 211 Marv Skrabec . 31.00 Mary Skrabec . 17.00 218 Frances Priniozich. 15.00 227 Blaž Oremus . 26.00 103 Novo pristopila: Jennie Penko, 42 C. 25284. 104 Umrl: Anton Beton, 41, C. A6337. 106 Novo pristopil: Jack Runtich, C. 25285. 17, 113 Črtan: VVilliam Raspet, 16, C. 251J7 umrl: Peter Gruden, 37, C. 23847. Znanje jezika je podlaga na¬ predka v drugih panogah, tako v petju kot slikanju, ker brez ! zunanja slovenskega jezika ne more nihče zajeti temeljnih vr- lin Slovencev v takem obsegu, kot pa če se ga priuči in rabi. Za¬ to pošljite svoje otroke v Slo-1 vensko šolo S. N. Doma. šola se vrši vsako soboto v S. N. Domu in je prosta vsakomur, ki se za¬ njo zanima in želi pouka. Torej, v nedeljo se vidimo na predstavi Repošteva v S. N. Do¬ mu! — Za Prosvetni klub S. N. Doma: Erazem Gorshe, tajnik. 0» i- 0*” C«« 1 ! tbe 1 of bc 1 ( eig^ 1 ' Chri BIOS 1 ery- men the exp lica tbe the dri’ 115 Črtan nazaj sprejet: Frank Mar- kosek, 49, C. A15831. 120 Novo pristopili: Anton Duša, 21, C. 70104; Adolf Lunder, 28/ X43164; John Japel, 27, C. 43162; Mary Per¬ ko, 38, C. 43161; M. Sintič, 29, C. 43163; črtana nazaj sprejeta: Mary Trampush, 41, C. 41436; črtani: Fan¬ nie Kosec, 46, C. 42121; Mildred Sin¬ tič, 18, C. 42120. 126 črtana nazaj sprejeta: Margaret Kirin, 40, C. 14543; črtana: Rosi Fuček, 48, C. 22988; umrl: Anton Barilar, 40, C. 10591. 132 Novo pristopil: George Komadina, 18, C. 25287. Skupaj-Total . .. $3,418.00 M. G. KUHEL, gl. blagajnik—Supreme Treas. SPREMEMBE V ČLANSTVU PRI DRUŠTVIH SSPZ ZA MESEC NOVEMBER 1939 samo za svoj. Novi prosilci, kreditirani enemu kandidatu, se ne premeščajo v| ci h’ am P ak se tukaj nahaja kot opazo- j Predlog z dopolnitvijo sprejet, korist drugega kandidata. ' j valeč. Vpraša tajnika, če je poslal pismo ! Predlagano, da se zapisnik te seje j Dividendo se plača odraslim članom! za t0 se j° tudi njegovemu društvu. ! prevede v angleški jezik in se priobči v razreda B in C., ki so dobrostoječi dne j Tajnik poroča, da je on poslal pisma! glasilu. Sprejeto. 31. okt. 1939, in takrat že dve letni ; za to se i° na vsa društva, katera so pri- Volitev odbora za pripravo SSPZ člani. Za mladinski oddelek pa se povr- ' kl iučena in nepriključena federaciji. Day; v ta odbor so izvoljeni: tajniki ne asesment plačan meseca oktobra in! Predlaga, da se sobrata Cipcica sprej-' Ernest Kvartich, odborniki L. Karish, j novembra, 1939, na ime tajnika ali j m e kot zastopnika. Predlog sprejet. I M. Spoler, dr. F. J. Arch, J. Kvartich, | upravitelja Vrtcev. Sledeča društva so zastopana na seji: A. Rednak. Seja zaključena ob 6. uri zvečer. št. 239—3 zastopniki, št. 10—3 zastopni-! Za zastopnike za sejo Odbora Sloven- (VILLIAM RUS, ! ki, št. 80—2 zastopnika, št. 234—2 za- skega Dneva sta bila izvoljena John gl. tajnik-zapisnikar seje.! stotnika, št. 142—1 zastopnik, št. 176—2 Kvartich in J. Mur. ANTON ZAITZ, 'zastopnika, št. 89—3 zastopniki, št. 102 Sklenjeno, da se vrši prihodnja fe- j nadomestujoči predsednik.' —2 zastopnika, št. 175—2 zastopnika, št. deracijska seja v nedeljo 25. februar- | _ 2—2 zastopnika, št. 172—2 zastopnika, ja 1940, v Slovenskem Domu, 57 &! ! št. 41—2 zastopnika, št. 202—4 zastop- j Butler St., Pittsburgh, ob 2. uri po- I niki, št. 218—1 zastopnik, št. 86—3 za- poldne. stopniki, št. 177—2 zastopnika, št. 236— | Plača odbora in vdlitev odbora federa- 5 zastopnikov, st. 126—4 zastopniki, št.jcije: Seja je sprejela plače odboru za 196 —2 zastopnika. i prihodnje leto kakor sledi: Predsednik Finančno poročilo: Sobrat Karish po-1 $2.00, podpredsednik $1.00, tajnik $7.00, 60 John Arko . 11.00 Martin Škufca . 15.50! Changes in Membership by the SSPZ John Petrovich .. 15.50! Lodges for the Month of Nov. 1939 Barbara Strelich. 27.00 [ Dr. št. 64 Anton Premro.. . 8.00 | Lodge No. Ivan Krcell . 16.00 Jela Stipancic . 25.00! 70 Frances Gratton . 15.00 j Edvvard Hribar . 9.00 Louis Bavdek .. 11.00! Anna Rus . 32.00 1 črtani nazaj sprejeti: J. Zupan, 29, C. 10497; J. Svobodnik, 41, C. 23647; J. Jeraj, 18, C. 9002; črtani: A. Mla¬ dic, 36, C. 10145; T. Žlogar, 17, C. 14025. 3 Novo pristopil: Edward Omahen, 18. RAČUN DOHDOKOV S. S. P. Z. ZA MESEC NOVEMBER ZAPISNIK seje glavnega upravnega odseka, dne 20. oktobra, 1939 Radi odsotnosti predsednika in pod¬ predsednika otvori sejo gl. tajnik br. I Rus, ob 10. uri dopoldne gori označene-i roča, da so bili dohodki v zadnjih trehl blagajnik $3.00, zapisnikar $5.00. Nad ga dne, v gl. uradu, v Chicagu, Illinois, mesecih $19.45, izdatki $42.79. v blagaj-; zorni odbor vsak po $1.00. Za nadomestujočega predsednika je ni se nahaja $77.30. Poročilo se sprejme, j Volitev odbora: Seja je izvolila sle- izvoljen br. Zaitz, zapisnik piša br. Rus. 'Blagajnik, sobrat Mur poroča, da se - deči odbor federacije za leto-1940: Pred- Poleg teh dveh sta prisotna še brata svota $77.30 nahaja pri njemu. Poročilo’ sednik John Kvartich, podpredsednik M. G. Kuhel in M. Vrhovnik. ! se sprejme. ! Jurij Previc, tajnik Louis Karish, bla- Cita se zapisnik zadnje seje pododse- Poročilo nadzornega odbora: Pred-i gajnik John Muf, zapisnikar Matt Spo- ka, odobri in podpiše. sednik sobrat Rednak poroča, da je j ler, nadzorhi odbor: predsednik Anton Čita se dopisa gl. predsednika in pod- | nadzorni odbor pregledal knjige ter jih; Rednak, odbornika^ A. Menart in Frank predsednika, s katerima se opravičita, našel v redu. Poročilo se sprejme. j Matko. ker seji prisostovati ne moreta. — Se, Poročilo zastopnikov: št. 234, nič po-[ Pravila federacije: Predlagano in vzameta na znanje s odobrenjem. ! sebnega. št. 239, eneg-a novega člana v | sprejeto, da pravila ostanejo kot so Odobri se oporoko Martina Pavlic od; mladinski oddelek, št. 142, 4 nove člane i prečitana. društva št. 192, v kateri je voljeno pri- v mladinski oddelek, št. 211, nič poseb-! Priprave za konvencijo Zveze: Pred- jatelju Josephu Camloh $100.00. nega. št. 202, nič posebnega, št. 41,! lagano in sprejeto, da se povabi na pri Nakloni se soglasno naslednje izredne društvo dobro napreduje, so dobili 2 hodnjo sejo federacije vse izvoljene dele- podpore: . nova člana v odrasli in 3 nove člane v \ gate za konvencijo Zveze, na kateri se Dr. št. 15—Anni Moran, svoto dva- mladinski oddelek, št. 172, nič poseb- bo razpravljalo in sklenilo, kaj bi bilo mesečnega asesmenta. nega. št. 2, nič posebnega, št. 175, so! dobro in koristno prinesti na konven- Dr. št. 67—Antonu Vatovec v prilog dobili 3 nove člane v mladinski odde- j cijo. sina Edvvarda, $15.00. lek. št. 102, društvo je aktivno, št. 89, | Predlagano in sprejeto, da se izvoli Dr. št. 80—Johnu Rumshock, svoto društvo in Vrtec dobro napredujeta; iz- j odbor za pravila od 5 članov, kateri bo treh asesmentov. ! gubili spet enega člana, sobrat F. Kle- pregledal vsa priporočila, društev in Dr. št. 123—Johnu Lamut h svoto treh menčič umrl. SSs 176, društvo zelo lepo i spremembe Zveznih pravil ter f!h pri- asesmentov. napreduje, so dobili precej novih cla-;nssei na prihodnjo sejo. Izvoljeni v la Mesečni asesment Obresti od bondov Interesi on bonds . Dividende od delnice Dividends on stock . Obresti in odplačila od hipotek Interest and principal on Mortgages . Najemnina od posestev Rental on Real Estate .. Plačana posojila na certifikate Repaid certificate loans: Dr. št.—Lodge No. 18 George Rozman 20 Jacob Okorn 24 Frank Kopač 24 Matt Pink . 26 John Zaman 89 Frank Klemenčič 104 Anton Beton 149 Frances Flanik 149 Joe Brozovich . Pristojbina za posojilo Mortgage Loan fee . Vrnjeni davki od posestva št. 7 Refund of taxes on Real Estate No. 7 Skupni dohodki Total Tncome ... 167 Novo pristopil: Stepheu Jandric 28, C. 43165. 172 Novo pristopil: William Zmrzil, 18, C. 25288. 175 Novo pristopila: Dorothy Derlink, 18, C. 43166. 176 Umrla: Mary Morget, 42, C. 23069. 181 črtan: Edward Chuck, 16, C. 21825. 185 Umrl: Joe Blatnik, 51, C. 23890. 192 črtana: Mary Petkovšek, 31, C. 41095; Martin Forte, 36, C. 40758. 196 črtana; Elizabeth Polovscak, 32, C 23323. 198 Novo pristopila: Rose Hočevar, 24, C. 70106; Frank Maner, 38, C. 70109; črtani nazaj sprejeti; Bernard Schultz, 22, C. 43060; Nick Dietz, 25, C. 43061; Victor Fink, 21, C. 42144. 199 Novo pristopili: Molly Gooding, 22, C. 70110; Walter Govedich,- 30, C. 70111; Dominiek Fortini, 24, C. 70112; Aliče Fortini, 21, C. 25290. 204 Novo pristopila: Earl Shobel, 33, C. 43161; Josephine Debeljak, 25, C. 25291; črtana nazaj sprejeta: Mollie Trebeč, 16, C. 22136; Joseph Karda, 22; črtan; Rudolph Mesoje¬ dec, 18, 22503. 207 Črtan: Matt Debeljak, 40, C. 41780. 219 Črtan: Paul Dynes, 17, C. 40195. IZ TOKA DOGODKOV i con gn in as qu be on (Dalje s 1. str.) Sovjetske unije in njene ar¬ made.” Nemiri v Jugoslaviji. Kakor poroča new-yorški “Times,” so v nedeljo 17. decembra v dalma¬ tinskem mestu Split izbruhnili veliki nemiri, tekom katerih je okrog dva tisoč delavcev demon¬ striralo proti rastoči draginji in napadlo policijo z revolverji in kamenjem. V spopadu, ki je sle¬ dil, je bil ubit komunistični vod¬ ja Mile Buljanovič, in šest poli¬ cistov je bilo ranjenih. V četr¬ tek prošlega tedna so se vršile velike demonstracije proti dra¬ ginji tudi v Beogradu, katerim so sledili ulični boji, v katerih sta bila dva policaja tako resno ranjena, da sta ranam podlegla. h r ljene demokracije. Ako pa se umakne, ali bo prisiljen se u- makniti, se nimamo nadejati nič dobrega. New Deal je navzlic vsem svojim napakam in nedo- statkom še vedno edini up ame¬ riškega ljudstva. ENAKOPRAVNOST 6231 St. Clair Ave. j Cleveland, Ohio Liimjšk’/* delo—interne cene decembra. 1939 oV ERFLOW VRTEt^CONTitlBUTlONS^^^r~ get goina Prin ^ i mee Gng on Deceni- | Ckicann Br ! dgemlle ’ Strabanc, ber *’ 19 39 was fairly well at- ntinued from Vrtec Section) i , “ >l< * all! There is no ^® nded - Plans were made for a I We to hse! ' • • K shouldn’t bo ? ew Ye ^'’s Party on December NAPREDEK STRAN 5. ^ITH our juniors (Cont: jgus enrolled 20 new members, J® enro11 juvenile mem- 31 at 2:0 ° P- m. At this partyj nd then along came FRANCES ,, ° can be insured vvith | We Wl11 exchange gifts, to each Christmas Party on December 22nd. Aliče Popotnik, Rec. Sec’y Vrtec 5 Hemolytic Anemia ! christmas memories rOSENBERGER, President of|' he SSPZ for as little as 15 member is requested to bring a the Vrtec, and added two of her fu a mon th ... Hovvever, i ^It^ranging in priče from lOc Flash! Flash Frances Rosenberger is quite friends to bring the total to 1 ^ n f e the reward offered by the to 25c .vithin 3 of the required quota. °7 1C 7, 1S §reat in comparison an excellent exaniple of t J 1 tbe . _ cgopcration. detennination and ,.°°7„ eS ®, Veryone to exer cise a | ^° Pular „ witb the boys these Kingsters vvill'be together to jj ere is an excellent exampl e of ho ne assessme nt, it be- c 0 opcration, detennination and . ° 0Ves - - n rtion combining to net the de-! ieasonab l e amount of discretion C ays ‘ (We vvondef whothe lucky ■ re d results! THANKS and ! I * Writin S up new members. on ® wil1 be? > Kingsters KINGSTERS. ATTENTION! What—Christmas party. When—White Valley Hall. When—December 24, at 6:00. Yes, that’s the- day when the girl would belong to it. It was ( also said that we would have | _ another Hobby Sliow, whicli By F. J. Arch, M. I). URBANA, 111. — Three short was a lot of fun. Sup .Medical Examiner SSPZ years ago Vrtec 8 was excited 7 bere are a f ew distinct forms as Christmas drew near. We the birth of jesus ! of anemia and cause of vvhich is upvp nrenariim for a small nro Angel Gabriel was sent to Nazareth, tu. „_. , Were Preparillg IOr a falUdll pro- to a Virgin whose name was Mary i • ° ' s0rne t° xic agent gram vvhich we \vere to give at and who was espoused to a man called Producmg blood destruction. the home of our president Hen- Joseph. The angel came to Mary and These are the so-called hemo- ry Rok . T hen, on Christmas Eve said: “Hail Mary. iull of grace; The i v <.:„ onomiau o-,, : Lord is with thee, biessed are thou . 1C dnemlab > which are the ie- the chmax was reached. We had among women.” When Marv heardj °f ly s i s , or solution, of the a guest speaker from Chicago these wordsshebecamefrightened. But; red blood celiš. The lifeof a red Mr. John Rok, who was intro- f 1 P oilffol COlH "Ppov not Umil 11 1 II, have a time of their life. Do yoti remember the swell time we C0NGRATULATIONS to ali Their intentions of remaining | Bertha » do you stili think a. had last year? Well, we’re try- t hree and may your Christmas ™ embers of tb e SSPZ should , of your tea cher, Mr. Lom- ing harder than ever to make chee r, Agnes, be more satisfv. „ sinc( f e - for we don’t vvant! even better this year. With wholesale” lapsations once the Pow does it feel to be an un- games, dancing, goodies, and minimum membership period is cle ’ Ra y m °ud S.? ? ? ali that goes with it. You could up. There are iwo kinds of Peter Georgiadis is quite a members — those who join with gentle man and attends ali the meetings regularly. Ali the members of the “Rož¬ marin” singing society and the Comet lodge are ali glad to hear that Gus Rosenberger is jn gby adding the 3 you need to the 22 you have, and the/Nevv Vear made happier vvith a FREE TRI P to Cleveland, lots 0 f new friends, and a Festival ° f becomin g PEP - you’ 11 never, never forget MANENT MEM B E R S, and those who join undecided and insincere as to purpose, the 0nly eleven more days re- latter belonging to the TEM- muin of the J uvenite Festival j PORARY division. From ex- Cumpaign —But, perhaps, by! perience we know that a cer- the time j r ou receive this issue I fain percentage will drop out of the “Napredek,” there will i within a year, but if we can, be left only ten, nine or even ' keep that figure close to aver-; ^ embers to attend the Cultural eight, for we have an idea the age, the results of the Juvenile whj ch is close approval and be endorsed with t0 e „^® al the word S-U-C-C-E-S-S in big T We W <>nder Wlty” Louis Rosenberger has to make frequent trips to the Of¬ fice? TEKSTAR is not Marion Gaul never attends the only contestant who lacks j th e meetings ? three members of reaching the Willis DeHart hasn > t been at . qualifying mark, for we have tending the meetings? MARY KLEVISHER of Pierce. Margaret Tekstar didn’t at- W. Va„ with as many members j te nd the last dance? to her credit as our Comet as- j We haveiVt heard of you talk- pirant, and FLORENCE ZIT- ing a5out the lad from 0hio KO, President of the Concor -. much> Jane? (Are you mad at dians who, also, is three short him?) of the victory margin. Altho Joe Y anchar never attends! one is welcome - Sel1 as man y we have not her entrv yet, we the meeting? (I wonder if bash- tickets as y° u can ' for our ad * as fast as theMher ! f "L". ess is the ' mi “ istratrix is » ivin « » qualifv, their pictures, too, wil! be given a conspicious plače in , „ „ _ , hard to reacn the quoia oi lo Mary Sumrok is so bashfulj The final rehearsal of our members anu ix she succeeds, when she talks to the boys? j Chritsmas program will be held the CONCORDIANS will be Musical Revieiv ! at Tivoli Hall, Friday, Decem- represented by two members at “Whistle While You Work”, ber 23 at 6:30 p.m. Ali that are the Festival. That piobably will while turning the Wheel of | on the program be sure to be there. Pictures of ali four winning eontestants and a brief bio- graphical revicw of each appear in today’s Vrtec Section, and Mihvaukee, Wis. — Attention Balkan Jrs., the annual Christ¬ mas party of Vrtec 33 will be held December 23, 1939, in Ti¬ voli Hall, So. 5th and W. Na¬ tional Ave. The program wili begin at 7:30 p.m. There will be movies shown by Brother Vr¬ hovnik. Santa vvill also be there to give candy and nuts to the children. After the program we vvill have dancing. Brother Matt Pink vvill play. Ali Vrtec mem¬ bers who ai'e not on the pro¬ gram vvill have to pay admis- sion. The ticket prices are. adults 25c and children up to the age 15 vvill pay lOc. Every- i nistratrix Marge Jeric that an-1 The boys tease John Uhernik ful prize to the one that sell£ other of her charges is trying about a certain Kate ? the most tickets. our Organ. Our Festival trip minners are: Julia Kramzer, Evagene Chad, Violet Widgoy and Louis Zni Ali the girls and boys better next May, yet vvinning this re- 1 vvard just before Christmas could be considered a Christ- dersich each aualifvMff in thel be a distinction that no other Progress. dm smh, each qualiiym m tfte I Unit will gain . 0 r is there i order named. Although the trip ; ^ + „ . , , , , , • some other unit aspirmg to to Cleveland and representatio fame? We certain i y h0 pe i start sa y^ “My Prayer” if at the Festival as guests wil ! . not onG) but several Yhe y waa t to get anything from not actually take plače untll Y.. ch units! Santa Claus. Ali the boys and girls are heard saying “Thafs What I To the best of our knowledge j Want for Christmas.” mas package vvith this notice no official selection has been Well, guess vve’d better sign attached, not to be opened un- made by the BALKAN JU- Q ff ; f or we are rLlnn j ng ou t G f til it’s Ume to board the train NIORS of MILWAUKEE, but! words> bu t fj rs t we vvish the for the SSPZ National Juvenile we have received an applicationj Editor, Supreme Board and ali Festival. . . But knovving al- for a new member vvith the, the y r t ec units a very Merry ready vvhat the gift is, it won’t name of NORMA STAMPFEL, Christmas and a Happv Nevv be hard to leave the vvrappings j Secretary of the Vrtec, entered Year. the angel said, “Fear not, for thouj b i nnd ^pii „„„ T*’ shait have a son and thou shait name; 10 °?, Ce 18 ,, app 0 ately one d «ced by our president. Ann him Jesus. The Hoiy Ghost shaii comej nlon th so that under normal, Strozar and Ann Gazinikar sang ° f . the Most : c u ndition s about one-thirtieth of the eV er beautiful Silent Night Hi_h shaii overshadow t.hpp the total number of red blood High Shali overshadoTv thee,- ule totai numoer oi rea Diood in Slovenc Severni short nlavs Mary then arose and went to see her , 11 , 111 Slovenc, ocveiul bliort piay& cousin Elizabeth and stayed there about ce s must oe replaced daily. were presented, which I dis- p mnnt.hs nnrino- fliof time OF t.hi« rlpmfinrl F h o -Tu 1 n 4* i- i i ^ become more rapid and imper- Pbc nex l Gnristmas vve gave fections become evident. This an °G ier pi a Y- Again vve piled results in the throvving into the on Mrs. Kmet, blood of imperfectly formed ' vbo I now rsa l* ze > did so much celiš, both smaller and larger to make our affairs successful. than normal and containing less | Vea l bou 8b we Rid the some 'than the normal amount of | things vve did the year before, hemoglobin. These celiš are then j t^iat is vve had plays, singing, unable of carrying out their ^iits given by Santa) vve had loads of fun. After the party a At the last meeting our mem¬ bers agreed to have a Nevv Year’s party \vith the money vve received from tvvo months free dues. This ! par tv vvill also be held at Tivoli Hall. The date is December 27. It vvill begin at 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon. Come in costume. This party is for members only. Refresh- ments vvill be served and many games vvill be played. So don’t forget the 23rd and 27th! Norma Stampfel, Sec’y. iround it, though, it might give as the proposing member. It some one or tvvo many an an- has us guessing whether that xious moment and try their pa- j me ans she has been acclaimed tience like it’s never had to be h s their Festival Contestant... j tried before, betvveen now and o formal announcement, hovv the arrival of the big day. The Musketeers SPARTAN JRS. Cleveland, O. — Well here ever vvill be made until it is, I am again vvith nevvs about the definitely, knovvn vvho the Bal-! Spartan Jrs. Since this is the A special very Merry Christ- kan Juniors vvill sponsor... -» r -.11 ! - . p« , 1. _ _u.24-1* wi/\ nf. j ,, , First of ali our Christmas Milvvaukee, Wis. — It’s been quite some time since I’ve vvrlt- ten in the Vrtec section. Christ¬ mas is just about here but it can’t come soon enough for me. My mother has been baking last issue for 1939 I thought 11 cookies, but I can’t have any mas is what we wisb for ati This Saturday vvill find me at-: would also write. December 22nd at 7:00 p.m. Th party vvill proceed after a short meeting. Ali rnembers are asked to bring a ten cent gift for the gift excliange. There vvill be re- freshments and also mušic for our Festival Campaign wimiers tending the Christmas Partv and eontestants, and smcerely hdd by our Milvvaukee Juuiore | Party w,U be held on Hud,.v hope that numbered among their a nd I have a hunch tneies go- happicst and most thrilling ad- { ng to be some very good nevvs ventures in 19)0 ivill be their awa iting my arrival. JOHN trip to Cleveland ichere thcy MAREN has already let me in mil be seated as “Guest Repre- on 0 ne of the surprises, vvhich sentatives” at the greaiest fra- au tomaticaIiy eliminates iu as _ iernal stage shoiv, whcre nciv suc h, vvhile the other one —; aanung ieet. friends galore mil be made, we ll —y° u ’ll just have to wait. , , k Dartv souevnir booMets fitted with UIlt il next vveek to read abouc, nevvs about b 1 autographs, pictures snapped it . .. On your toes every last v: it h cameras, etc. ' one of you! LET S go ovci e * top and brealc evenj existmg Juvenile eontestants to the record with the biggest ava- lanche of new members the Supreme office has ever had to a . . J 7 » / ^ In J: n until Christmas. Mom said it vvouldn’t do any good to sneek any because she has them count- ed. Christmas also means a va- cation for us. I hope vve have lots of snovv so I can go sleigh- riding, I want a pair of ice skates for Christmas, but mom said I’m too little for ice-skates. It seems like our mothers and fathers always think vve cliil- dren are either too big or too No definite date has been de- small for the things vve like. I three months. During that time Eliza-, For this demaild the facilities of tinrtlv rpmomhnrs beth gave birth to a son whom she 1 the blood formimr orvans iro ' /, T( . ‘ , ' named John. “ lorming oigans are successful. I participated by In those days a decree went forth ‘ ld equate. \\ h e n more than this giving a speech in Slovene. from the Roman emperor Augustus. 1 is required the mechanism of There vvas snovv on the ground commandmg that ali the subjects of | red celi formatioil must func- and Santa had no tronblo o-,.t his empire should be counted. So ali G- . , . , . dIlu c,dnLd nda no troUDie gtt- went to be enrolled in the city to which; tl0n at s P eecl - ting there. What fun, vvhat they belonged. In ali anemias the demaild for g if tS( w hat food. Wo content- Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem, red celiš illCreases ill propor- edlv retired to avvait tho novi room for them in the inn near by. ! This causes their formation to Therefore they left the town and took shelter in a stable. There, in that poor stable, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born. Mary wrapped the child in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger. Shepherds while watching over their flocks were aware of an angel speaking to them and they became very much frightened. But the angel said, “Fear not, for I have brought tidings of great joy. This night is born to you in j the city of David a Savior who is Christ i functions perfectly. The Lord. You shaii find the baby in : jr or a wb jl e the demand may number ’ °f G 16 members spent a manger, wrapped in svaddling b m ] cnmnlctclv niot GlC rest of the evening at my clothes.” They praisefi the Lord and Ue m0 ‘ e 01 mss COmpieteiy met., . T “ sang: “Giory be to God on High, and In a short time, hovvever, the re-. bome ’ and Ihere vve danced. It on Earth Peace to Men of Good wiii.' gnit of frenzied ovei nroducti on ' the first time I savv Henry L7TethishSabe S j r e 0 sus. and ^ to | resuits in fatigue a wearing out | Rok dance ' now 1 hear he ’ s a vvhen Jesus was born at Bethlehem, of the machinery, and the pro- k red Astaire II. fhus vve spent thiee wise men came from the East to 1 duction becomes more and more 1 I ba remainder oi the e /ening unsatisfactory vvhile at the c i anc i n o> s i n oi n 8> being merry same time, the blood production and § a y> un tii we turned the becomes less and less. While the r ^ a i cnda i' to avvait the next fluid volume of the blood may \ Christmas. be maintained vvithin normal Christmas nineteen thirty- limits, the cellular content falls eight arrived. It had been a fevv searc or the Child and they should be i ow normal. This is refleeted vears since vve had oreaniz“d bring him word so that he may adore . “ llla we Ilau organizma, Hime also. vvhen they found little Jesus, | no '- on iy hy the blood examma- an d vve vvere at the dance-mad they fell down and adored the Child and | tions but by the signs and symp- . a tr e , We had an abie accordion- offered Him goid irankmcen.se, and toms resulting from the de- i s t in our n-roup Andv Stro- myrrh. That night an angel warned; , , ... . . ! -'vnu.v ouo ihem not to return to Herod. Therefore, 1 cre &smg functional efficiency of ^ a r; so vve decided to have a they went by another way back to their j the blood. .dance ratlier than a program. country - _ A peculiar type of anemia Virginia Kmet and Rosella Bla- nnpy T*/r j tj |* vvhich is hemolytic in character z i c h must be given honorable OOI A Men S Jt)OWling is encountered in young vvomen. mention for the vvork they did This anemia vvas knovvn in old- to decorate the plače so beau- | en times as the “green sickness” | tifully among beautiful Yule- because of the peculiar pallor it tide decorations vve danced, and produced. In this type there is j Santa danced too. Just a shade no reduction in the number of 0 f sorrovv prevailed, for so red celiš, but none of them con -1 many members vvere alniost tain the noraml quantity of eighteen, and by the time the hemoglobin. For this reason n ext Christmas arrived they chlorosis, as this form of a ne- W ould be adult members. mia is technically called, is a chlor-anemia, that is, an anemia in vvhich the predominant fea- ture is a lack of coloring matter. It is thus apparent, hovv, re- gardless of the primary origin of the anemia, if it is long con Jerusalem. They asked, “VVhere is this aewborn King of Jews? We have seen His star in the East, and we are come to adore him.” Now Herod, the king, learing this, was troubled. He assembled ali the chief seribes and they told him, “Christ is born in Bethlehem of Juda.” Herod told the wise men to go and League CONCORDIANS HIT 2582 SERIES The Concordians bombarded he ten pins in earnest in last week’s bovvling session vvhen i:hey took the Spartan Bine •Jays over in tvvo games. The blasted a 2582 series vvhich in- eluded a 941 game. Both scores vvere good for second plače in their classes. J. Japel vvas high for the Concordians vvith a 529 series vvith a 202 game and T Duša had a 520 series vvith a 203 game. For the uiilucky Bluc Jays vvho hit 2508 series vvith a 938 game vvhich they dropped J. Može had a 581 series vvith a 203 game and 200 game. F. Končan had a 528 series and L. Batis had a 215 series vvith a 234 game. Next comes the important The Spartan Cavaliers ran into another snag vvhen they vvere beat tvvice, by the Uto- pian Eagles. For the Utopian Eagles J. Glavic had a 567 series vvith 223 and 202 games. P. Mandla had a 502 series. For the Cavaliers B. Schuster had a 582 series vvith the high single game of the day of 244. S. Žagar had a 535 series and J. Janežič a 512 series. This year finds our members scattered over the State. Some of us are men and vvomen of the vvorld, some of us are stili students. Wherever they are, I knovv they fell as I do as tinued it eventHally becomes Christmas dravvs nearer. There is going to be sometrung miss- ing during the holiday season — our Christmas celebration to- complicated by disturbances in the formation of the blood. Ane-1 mia may, as is obvious, be due to many causes and accompany. S ctbel - many diseases just as it may Again I repeat the old, old ex- have various characteristics one pression vvith sincereity to ad or more of vvhich may predomi -1 my friends vvhom this might nate. leach: to Mr. Vrhovnik; mem- 51 bers of the Vrtec staff, and to A Merry Christmas and a a d members of the old Hiavva- Happy and Healthy Nevv Year than brancli. to the entire membership of , „ _. . . A Merry Christmas D- F I Ar-h And a Ha VPy New Year > tao ’ 1 ' ^ These ivishes 1 extend to you SSPZ! Havvks J. Kikol had» a 505 se- Indecd, indced, l do. ries and E. Benedict a 501 series. I - Flo STANDINGS Team tune of 12 have their campaign huts in the ring —Ofi these 4 have passed the grade, and at least 6 more members are ex- peeted to enter the contest be¬ fore its close and ali of them, we hope, vvill vvin a FREE TRIP. We vvant every contes¬ tant to reach his goal of 25 or 15 nevv members. Missing from our list of cam- paigners are Chicago, Milvvau¬ kee, Bridgeville, Strabane, For- est Gity, Sheboygan, Library, Burgettstown, Renton and other aetive SSPZ communities. Ovhj eleven more days to Go! Lefs handle! Good lučk to ali! Comets Bits Ambridge, Pa, - Well, herc we are again after a long ab- cided upon yet but vve knovv also vvant a nurse set, but I The Spartan Yankees making that there vvill be a skating par-! suppose I vvon’t get that either. cheir comeback took tvvo games because she’s afraid I’ll be cut- ting my fingers just so I can put bandages on them. I vvant to be a nurse vvhen I grovv up ty. A11 lodges vvill be vvelcomed to come to the skating party (even out of tovvners). The more tlie merrier. I vvill write sence. First vve vvish to say hello to ali our Vrtec units from far and near. Next vve vvish that ali Comet members vvill please take notice that our general meeting pLceTŽoO ^nnin JheS^I representative at the Festival At thik meeting tke C-=-i Co™ « ^ ^ to teli you more about it in a I but she doesn t like that eitlier. future “Napredek.” ji suppose Pil have to be a Novv something about the j dancing teacher. That s vvhat May Festival vvhich vvill be held! she vvants me to bc. m May. Our representative is Our meeting vvas last Satur- Billy Wapotich and I hope he j aay, and vve talked about our has' his fifteen members before! Christmas program, vvhich vvill the contest closes. If ali mem- be next Saturday. We girls and from the Lunder-Adamic. E. Centa had a 563 series vvith a 204 game. The Falcons by taking tvvo games from the Spartan Presi- Spar. Presidents Združeni Brati Concordians bers give a helping liand we may be able to get an extra boys have been studying and rehearsing our parts. We also fifteen more and have another | talked about the Nevv Year’s dents vvent into a tie for second plače. For the Utopian team J. Jerse had a 540 series and T. | Lunder Adamič Gruden had a 506 series vvith a 225 game. For the Presidents Spartans (Contlnued from pftge 6) Members note: Due to the falls on Christmas day, secre- S. N. H. on Friday, Dec. 22! SCHEDULE DEC. 24 Alleys 1-2 — Spartan Presi- T. Bolka had a 588 series vvith dents vs Spartan Cavaliers. a 217 games, R. Lisch had a j Alleys 3-4 — Utopian Falcons 538 series vvith a; 203 game. In last vveeks late game the: vs Lunder Adamič. Alleys 5-6 — Spartan Yan- Zdruzeni Brati upset the Uto- \ kees vs Združeni Brati. Alleys 7-8 — Utopian Havvks Dom. At tlu Dnu of offieers vvill take plač* ali of you members and j remind you to come istival. party vve are going to have on pian Havvks in ali three games Alleys 7-8 Utopi: ir bi L' the 27 th of December. The boys T. Debelak had a 539 series and vs Spartan blue Jays. X tu 1 “d glrI S ot the SS« Z have *! Juhu Leskovec a 505 senca for i Alte™M «m ann I - < Otu to’ the i much imlrtheveryl»y and [tlie Zdruzeui Brati, for the | cordiaus vs Utoplatt Eagles. /S VLOGE v tej posojilnici zavarovane do S5.000.00 po Fcderal Savings & Loan Insurance Corpo¬ ration, VVashington, D. C. Sprejemamo osebne ln društvene vloge Plačane obresti po 3% Sl. Ciair Saviugs & Loan Co. 5225 £t. Clalf Avcuttt 5670 So come i / . SfoTAKr B 20 decembra, 1&3SJ DO YOU KNOW THAT - SSPZ Has Nine Modern Plans of Life Insurance for Adults and Juveniles? PROGRESS Fraternalism in Action The SSPZ paid to its members $4,000,000 in benefits since organization. ‘NAPREDEK” » ROM THE DRECKNfS DESK « CHRISTMAS REMINISCENC ES ANI) GREETINGS Balkan Juniors Xmas Partv Chnllengers , Up-To-The-Minute I || C (Uljrtstmas Oltft Miivcaukee, Wis. — With the v ! At the annual meeting of the j -two big fishes on a piate, : Challenger lodge ,all of the old Aud we ate > and we ate ’ and we ate ' and. wc ate, Yes, Christmas vvill soon be bere. We can t; yuletide špirit prevailing every. By Pete Elish slick that no one could catch up ‘Let’s A Short Story have another drink, i to our tricks.” M. Vrhovnik officers were re-elected to serve | yet there was plenty for those who were _ w .the Challengers in 1940. The i a t e , I overlook or forget its real significance and ^t:s j w }^ ere a nd everyone endeavor-i officers are: chairman, Mat- But it was a crime to end the good. Mike, the tali, thin man leaned j \eah, that n ti lit} bili deal vital relations to life no matter what our.personal i j to prepare as ioyous andjthevv Turk; vice-chairman, « me -'- . „ .. back in his easy chair and vvaved makes me laugh. Senator Hart belief may be, for in one way or another we are | contented christmas day, as i Peter Elish; secretary-treasur- TT T 4 hata ° 1 ur , impr ff 0n f , th< ! at a short, fat, red-faced, bald-j was a newcomer and like ali affected by the špirit of giving Avhich has in-j ible for hig family and ! er, Frances Serca and Evelyn! U,llted L °dge s fish fry. And if headed man sittmg directly in nevvcomers he began to realize vaded nearly every home in every commnnitv of himselfj Vrtec 3 3i “Baikan Jun- Ambrose, recording secretary. you 1 there you sure I front of him. ! that it wasn’t very profitable to our country this season of the year. « iorS ” jg alg0 scheduled to cele _ j The vote for each office vvas miased a - plen !j'. , . “* IakG * a J 3c ?, tch ’ he ad , d * d - Hve ° n . th f ^ nat f S sal ' We see the glitter of beautifully decorated L t Yrr1 _ in J unanimous Our congemal host, Krist Sto-. “OK, Senator, acquiesced the I ary, so he tried to make some ] store windows and stop with curious crovvds, L d ‘ j abor ate nro 1 ' kel ’ certainly took cai%e of the pleased little man, ‘Til make it extra money. At the height of 1 mili ing and pushing, to admire the artistic har- | R ^11 conslst of recita'! Delegate to the Convention ! ladies that night . . . Concordi- a Christmas special for our suc- the utility bili fight, the utili- mony of color and handicraft. We marvel at the j “ Qn of poemg; ginging of Christ _j Delegates nominated to the an Srs “ ces £ ul „ year -”, ties needed b Y vot e and Sena- imaginative powers of man and wonder what his j mag caro j S) instrumental solos, ■ SSPZ Convention to be held in inventive genius will bring us next. The bolly, j acrobat and tap dancing and ! 1940, are Peter Elish and Mat- the mistletoe, the evergreens and tinseled packages ali add to 0 ther talent. i thew Turk. The election vvill be the scheme of attraction, inspiring one to loosen first the heart- Inconiunction with the pro-1 held in sprir.g. , , , . strings and then open wide the purse strings and not stop until | gram Brother Vrhovnik has fa-! ! &Ce had an uncanny way 0t “You’re telling me, you bet; ed to make a few dollars. He bottom is reached. Few grips are as mighty as that of the yule-. yored our invitation and w ni be tide špirit when it catches up vvith us and takes hold. j preS ent to show the latest SSPZ In our thoughts we older members are carried back to the . movieg of 1939> e xposing the days of youth, vvhen the year’s biggest thrill centered ar0Lind 1 g even th Athletic Meet and Cele- -_~~ ~~~ — Santa Claus and the Christmas tree ablaze with lights. We treas- i. . IndianaD0 i is and gayest and largest affairs to be die . Dl f“ and bophie Japel are the Senator joked. some arguing he agreed.” ure those memories of expectation and excitement. Some of " : other importa.it »ineral acti- staged by them. A good orchea-, avaiiable for engagements-see j «Well, why MOt I, «ko “Yeah,” Mike interrupted. can stili see ourselves hurrying downstairs early Christmas | vities that have taken piace! tra ia being boofe, and prepa- j “ s • V Th ' i V« elected anyway, yeah;"You went to this greenhom, morning, leaving behind bedroom slippers and stili in liightshirt | th . , he A come dy, or| rations are already under way nle Japel ‘ f ‘! ce "f®™« hls : who got you that campaign con-; Hart, and told hmt he could get or long \vinter underwear, to see if Santa or his good representa- : two vvill also be induded ' ’ for this affair/Watch this col- S P leasure at bein g the only man tribution that I bluffed the big ten grands if he voted vvith the tive brought us the things vve vvished for . . . There, behind the ; ’ f pvonin „. no i umn for more details. among ten gals ; • ' Ev er y body | b ° y S in kickmg in? Who made Utilities, and he accepted. You kitchen stove, or in the chimney corner, or over the fireplace. , ,, , ,, „’ | ‘ singing, “Oh, Johnms, Oh. to the deal vvith Gus the Greek and got the 25 grands, Hart got 10, a hung stockings filled to the top vvith candy, nuts and fruits of grand oid Santa himself Boivhng Joe Zorman. Better change your bis boys, and that tieup vvith net profit of 15 for you besides ali kinds . . . And around the Christmas tree (If vve vvere for- and his presentation of a packi | Challenger bowIers are asked i *»*•, J«; •; ^cdto-] Mayor Hennessy of Tilton after. what you made. You have told tunate to have one), on the table and under it vvere boxes, neatly f . nTld nn n dT mmishino- to attend the weekly sessions covered that ^ heie there s he vvas dead set agamst you, me this story at least a dozen age ot !oy, and an admonishing | ^ ^ ^ ^ Bowling i smoke there’s fire. - Result: j sure , it cost a little money, but j times.” Alley on Tuesday at 8 :00 p. m. bole in her dress ■ • • M - D ” do ! what of it. We vvon didn’t vve?” i “Well, I did teli you,” the Observer you stil! like grey trousers ‘ “ Tb e people elected me, Senator vvas beginning to teli _ Elsie mixing pleasure vvith busi- Mike,” the Senator sarcastical- another ‘deal’ vvhen a firm CONCORDION SRS. ELECT ness * • • Agnes Jeric’s heck- ]y commented.” knock vvas heard on the door. ling, “Too many cigarettes!” “That’s a laugh, let’s have a Mike vvent to ansvver the door. At the annual meeting of the brought an abrupt close to, d rink on that.” “A fellovv to see you,” ho rovving Eddie Dietz and Ray, “Well, vve hav r e been having tor’s Hart’s vote to vvin, of Allberg from the Spartans and unusual success in the past fevv course. I held out until they Joe Zorman ,our dual personali- y ears> hav-en’t vve Mike?” in- gave me my priče, and on a ty (Uto-cordian) . . . That neck- q U j re d the thin man. hunch, I kidded Hart if he vvish- ; lace had an uncanny way of Dance bouncing up into the most ‘in-! we have, ev T er since I became: seemed agreeable. I vvent to TheChailensrers are planning l nocent ” conversation • • • Mary! y0U r campaign manager,” boast- see Joe, the lobbyist, and told to hold a dance in February I Lunder borr °wing ? to hold ?... | ed the little man. j him that Harfa vote could be that promises to be one of the! Tal “ t scout f P lease ^ oteEd 'j “Go on, take ali the credit,” gotten for 25 grands. After gayest and largest affairs to be staged by them. A good orches-1 vvrapped and tied, full of surprises, joy and gladness. THOSE wor(] for ; ach and ever y child WERE HAPPY DAYS! Lucky the boys and girls vvho vvill have ; p regpnt those thrills of joy and excitement thrust upon them this com- T . ", ’ . _ , . , , , , , Follovving Santa‘s presenta- mg Christmas morning, for great happmess, such as vve older members once experienced, vvill be theirs. We have talked vvith people, lots of them ,vvho have told us that the story of the origin of Christmas, as it is taught to boys and girls in churches and schools, is ali a myth, and is the most successful money-making, publicity stunt the vvorld has ever knovvn. tion everyone vvill be able to en- joy the remainder of the eve- evening dancing or vvhatever enjoyment one chooses. Concordian Srs., No. 120 (Slo- “Some of These Days” amid The drink tasted pleasantly, j vvhispered to the Senator. Fiom the above mentioned j zne Sestre), the follovving offi-! ga i es of laughter. Change your : and Mike vvent on, “Yeah, vve “Tell him to come in.” thero is no doubt that not only , cer S vvere elected ; ! brand, S. J. . . . A ring-around- j slayed ’em, it will be Senator j “Are you State Senator l the chudren vvdl be thnUed, but | p res ident, Jcsephine Zakraj- a-rosie, ending in a primitive; j ame s H. Brighton for another Brighton?” the stranger asked True enough, there is a commercial tinge to the Christmas j al ®° the parants ’ who w ; b ®; sek; vice-president, Angela Ja-1 fashion vvith Indian vvar vvhoops j f our years, and after that, vve ! as he stepped on the threshold. holiday as there is to almost everything else, but it is good for j able to ^ acch f the happy a " d | sinski; secretary, Agnes Jeric; accompanied by the chanting of j C an retire. What you say vve j “Why yes. What can I do for everyone that vve have such a season for it means more money in contGnded emotlons whicb the recording secretary, Mary Vid-j Celeste, vvas the finale of a per-j buy a chicken farm, and let you, young man?” the pocketbooks of people vvho have jobs vvith vvhich to buy the i cblle!ren expose. I mar; treasurer, Agnes Jeric, Jr. | fectly vvell SSPZ evening. It is vvith this Tuletide špirit i Audito rs: Jean Snyder, Sophie things they need and gifts for those vvho are dear to them. Of : ( „ - , - course, vve’d like very much for people to keep that “Christmasy” tbat we a PP eal to ali Balkan , j a p e j and Elsie Maple. Admin- feeling or, at least, get it oftener, but the make-up of the vvorld rnerrbers and lb eii friends to J j s t ra tri X to Vrtec 171: Marge being vvhat it is, “topsy-turvy” most of the time, and our minds * attead tbis evening of gi eat ie-j j er j c _ dazed vvith constant fluctuation betvveen desire, fear, hatred, ! • 1 " cdc ^ ng ' er-, Pecia y m ge you Noses for Nevvsi to bring the youngsters along, deserve, and with your presence make this affair a financial suc cess. Lest you forget: Plače—Tivoli Hall, 5th National Avenue. doubt, jealousy, etc., it can’t be othervvise, and vvont be so long as the PRINCIPLES of FRATERNALISM, vvhich prompt the | špirit of giving, are forgotten or shunned to the background by , the POWERS WHO RULE THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD —the very povvers vvho are responsible for the bloodshed and shadovvs of starvation and death hovering over the homes of in- : nocent men, vvomen and children in Europe ,today, vvhile vve in America are PERMITTED to enjoy this Christmas in peace. We don’t say vve are free of misery or the shadovvs of vvar in this ! country, but compared vvith that vvhich is so prominent every- vvhere in the vvarring nations and those bordering on them, our Date—Saturday troubles are as nothing. Indeed vve are fortunate to be living here cember 23rd, 1939. on this continent away from the threatening shells of cannons, Time—7:30 p. m., sharp. of air attacks and blackouts, and government imposed diets . . . And in closing this Christmas article of mine, I vvant to add my GREETINGS and WELL WISHES to those you have or vvill receive from your friends and neighbors. I WISH YOU ALL A VERY JOYFUL CHRISTMAS AND A NEW YEAR FILLED WITH GOOD HEALTH, FRIENDS, HAPPINESS AND OPPORTUNITIES TO DO A GOOD DEEI) FOR SOM E ON E EACH DA Y. The regular meeting vvill con- tinue to be held the second Wed- thus not on!y give Vrtec 33 the i , „ ,, . „ . , , ,, , nesday of the month m Room encouragmgmoral supportthey S Nq g g o’clock. and night, De- John Maren EVENING STARS WHITE VALLEY, Pa,— Eve¬ ning Starš regular monthly N. D. at eight j meeting vvas held on Sunday ; December 10 at the White Val- - !ey Slovene Hall. The meeting NOTICE — More English vvas opened by our president at vvill be found on page 5. '2:00 p.m. This being the an- j nual meeting, election of Offi¬ cers took plače. The officers I elected for the year 1940 are I as follovvs: President, Frank A Gift To SSPZ SSPZ Ladies’ Bovvl- ing League This Sunday’s firing tighten- i Michael Vrhovnik ! ed the race in the ladies league ’ “ - --- - -— — -' Three teams are nov/ tied for WINNERS OF 1939 LITERARY AWARDS the lead, namely the Spartans, The Literary Contest Rules provide our literary program and Vrtec Sec- ^lashes and Flyers. that ACHIEVEMENT trophies shall be tion. Many of them vvrote articles and The first plače Spartans avvarded to the TVVO Vrtec llnits show- poems which, I'rn sure, must have been rjrnnned ali hren o he TTtoninn ing the greatest amount of activity as appreciated by every reader. Some wrote ‘ ° 1V ^ Z \ P to quality and quantity of material vvith brilliance giving promise of a Flyers. Mary Krevic had a 4ol contributed to the Vrtec Section. Win- brighter future in this field if they con- j Series. She VVaS very COllsistent, j ners of the 1939 achievement trophies tinue vvriting. Thanks, congratulations | bovvling games of 140, 151 and arp! and better lučk next year to ali of , , 1A , them! In this HONORARV GROUP 140 ’ Ann Madey had E 410 f ° r are mentioned only the names of Vrtec ! three games. For the losers i vvriters vvho have contributed three or j Rose Hočevar VVaS high with more geod articles or poems during the rm. tv n n \ eleven preceeding months. They are:- ?A °’ lhe R ° llerS WOn 2 gaKleS marie ermenge, Florence j from the Flashers, Al Gruden i KMET, RUDOLFU MILHARČIČ, EL- had 122, 134, 154 for a 410 The rules further prov^e that TWO SIE OHOJAK. ANDREVV ELERSICH, , „ V, 1 ’ 1 V, 1 oqo trophies, each emblematic of the highest JUHA KRAMZER, JOSEPHINE KO- j UeDeljaK nad ooz. individual literary achievement of the VIC, AGNES TEKSTAR. F.LEANOR Elsie* Maple VVaS high for the year, shall be avvarded to the boy and STER, MARTIN DRAGAN, MARGA- Flashes VVith games Of 119 144 the girl shovving superior knovvledge and RET OHOJAK, and ANGELINE RO- 1 - & ’ I —lst PLAČE— VRTEC NO. 11 (OUTLOOKERS), CLEVELAND, OHIO 2nd PLAČE VRTEC NO. 33 (BALKAN JRS.) MILVVAUKEE, \VIS. abllity as vvriters for the Vrtec Section. KAVEC. For these outstanding honors have been chosen tvvo members, both recently —- transferred to the Adult Department and both repeaters from last year (and On Safetv one, also, the year previous), each of whom deserves the piaudits of ali mera- The harvest season is over. bers. They are VALERIA ARTEL and FREDY BASHEL, vvho earned these — Hut not the harvest of hu- distinctive honors as members of Vrtec man ]ives tha t are reaped each OUTLOOKERS. CONGRATULATIONS to the vvinning Vrtec Units and our tvvo ye&r in traffic acCidentS. Let honored members! i us work and pray — that this And novv vve come to that group vvhich harvegt mjght SQon be ended is most numerous in every contest, the members vvho did not vvin a final Bureau f p ubUc Re l at ions, stcBtevefnent avvard, but vvithout vvhom _ ’ it wouid have been useiess to carry on Cleveland Police Department. and 134 for a 397 series. Jo Zakrajšek had 385. SCHEDULE DEC. 24 S. S. Aces vs S. S. Flashes Spartans vs Utopian Rollers Utopian Flyers bve. Christmas holidaijs are again amongst us and the usual gift-giving špirit is in full siving. Our Societg received form its member- ship an important gift in a large humber of new mem¬ bers in both department. But the SSPZ expects to re¬ ceive another gift ivhich (can be presented by its logal members before the conclusion of the current gear. And this gift is — promptness in paging the monthlg assessment. Most of gou already have at least a part of gour assessment paid though the dividend distributed by the Societg at the beginning of this month. Would it be asking too much to pa g the re¬ mainder bifore December 30th? In this manner gou will enable gour Secretarg to fortvard the assessment to the Home Office in time provided for in the Bg- Laivs. If gou ivill cooper- ate, gou ivill present the Societg ivith a rare gift ivhich ivill be especiallg ap¬ preciated in the Home Of¬ fice. I lierebg extend to the entire membership best ivishes for A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! MIRKO G. KUHEL, ' Supreme Treasurer SX5Xs)®«X5XSXsX5)<5X5X5)®®(5X5>!«X2XSxS)€XS® Ylovchan; vice-president, Julia Kosmach; secretary, Frank Sen- some other guy serve the people j “I am from the Department of after that Senator? We wilL Revenue,” the stranger contin- take čare of the chickens.” ; ued. I have a \varrant for your “Mike, we have had a lot of arrest.” experience, dealings and fun to-■ , . 1TTM gether, havenT we?” The Senator flushed, ; Why, Mike aoreed y0U— y0U Can 1 d ° thls to me ‘ You have no right, what for?” “And Mike,” he continued, i “It seems that in the last few “we didn’t fare so bad at the! vears you have made a great last session, and the reason I; deal more than your salary per- called you was to give you a mits, and you owe Uncle Sam little bonus for your faithful | considerable income tax money. Service. Maybe you can buy that | We are arresting you for the chicken farm with it . . . Mike,” he paused. “Some day things might not be so rosy, and you never can teli, the people might catch up with us.” “Quit your kiddin’, Senator. j chur; rec. Sec., Mary Cappa;,|« Why they > n never catch up ! treasurer, Elisio Noca. These officers with the co- j operation of the members will : Vje able to start the new year | out right. I mean have dances, ; parties, and socials of ali kind. j Let’s ali of us members try our best and have the Evening Starš j on top again, as they have been. j With a large membership like ! ours we can be successful in ali with us. Take for instance that utility bili deal, the liquor bili deal, and that income tax„ and Corporation tax bills, j ust to mention a few. Why, were so evasion of the income tax la\v. So come along peacefully.” “But, after tomorrow is Christmas. You can’t do this,” Mike pleaded. “We \vill give Un¬ cle Sam his income tax, but wait.” “Come along!” the stranger said firmly to Brighton. “Where are you taking him,” said the bewildered Mike. “To jail!” was the terse reply. Spartan News ways. Our secretary gave us a sum- mary of the last federation meeting held in Pittsburgh. Un¬ der this topič came the discus- By Ann Opeka The month of December al- ways plays an impoi-tant part of each year. We have two gay holi- days we look forward to, but \ve also have an annual lodge meet¬ ing that we can’t forget and it’s sion of organizing an English j ever so urgent that you attend Speaking Federation in Western Penna. Their are quite a few English speaking lodges and I think that we would be able to organize a strong federation. j Ali lodges are requested to send ; delegates to the conference in th near future to organize this federation. This vvill be a great help to the members that can- ; not speak Slovene and novv they will be able to attend an Eng¬ lish speaking federation. Beginning 1940 our first meeting vvill be held on Janu- I ary 14. I vvish to remind a fevv j members that our meetings are held upstairs in the Slovene hali : at 2:00 p.m. Julia V. Kosmach, Vice-Pres., Lodge 218 this meeting, it’s the date that should be in big red numerals on your calendar. Lodge Spartans, 198 SSPZ, udll hold their annual meeting on Saturdag, December 23 at 7:30 p. m. in Sokol’s hali (room 1, main bldg.) S. N. H. on St. Clair A ve. First, the meeting vvill be of regular procedure, the presi¬ dent vvill call the meeting to or- program, and, you knovv, it is your dutg and privilege as a member of th lodge, to voice your opinions and čast your vote so vvith your presence at this meeting you vvill assure a suc¬ cessful year for Spartans. It isn’t necessary, I hope, for me to go into more details about the importance of this meeting, especially the election of offi¬ cers, j ust remember to attertd 100 per cent, there’s plenty of room for everyone. Immediately after the meet¬ ing refreshments vvill bq served, and Krištoff’s orchestra vvill furnish the mušic for dancing. To add a bit of Christmas špirit der the recording secretary i to our affair I am asking each lea s the minutes, lodge offi -1 member to bring a lOc gift and cers give their reports for the ; we’ll have loads of fun exchang- year, many vital items need [ ing them. I hear that a mem- your decisions and then last but! ber of Hoosier Pals from Indi- no east election of officers for | anapolis will join us! the ensumg year vvill take plače. ] A Very Merry Christmas to Novv doesiTt that sound like an 1 ali Spartan and SSPZ members! important and yet interesting Continued on page 5