VESTNIK 2022 | VESTNIK 2022 | 155 VESTNIK 2022 | 157 VESTNIK 2022 | 159 Ce si nekoliko bolj svobodno ogledujemo prizor iz Razodetja o Kristusu, ki v roki drži sedem zvezd, lahko na simbolni ravni presojamo bogoslužno branje današnje nedelje, ki nam prikazuje Kristusa, kako nam ponuja tri zvezde kot vodnice v vec-krat temni hoji našega bivanja. Prvo zvezdo nam predstavljajo Apostol-ska dela v vsem njenem sijaju: »Ostati trdni v veri«. Tu gre vsekakor za zvezdo, ki prodira skozi goste oblake. Vendar pa morata Pavel in Barnaba »navdušiti« kristjane in jih spomniti, da je treba »iti skozi veliko stisk, da pridemo v božje kraljestvo«. Kakor je moral Jezus prehoditi mracno pot trpljenja in križa, tako se mora tudi ucenec napo-titi na zahtevno, s kamenjem posuto in trnovo pot preizkušenj in prega-njanja. Ko je hotel Jezus orisati bistveno podobo svojih ucencev, se je takole izrazil: »Vi ste vztrajali z menoj v mojih preizkušnjah. Prepušcam vam kraljestvo, kakor ga je meni prepustil moj Oce«. »Vi boste žalostni, vendar se bo vaša žalost spremenila v veselje ... in nihce vam ne bo mo-gel odvzeti vašega veselja.« Jezusove besede ob zadnji vecerji nam dajejo razumeti, da njegova navzocnost in naša vera zmoreta raztopiti led naše malodušnosti. Kris-tjan se mora veseliti tudi takrat, ko je dan temacen. Sedaj lahko dopustimo, da zasveti druga zvezda, tista, ki ji pravimo upanje. Ta se blešci na svodu nebeškega Jeruzalema; pred naše oci se prikazuje v cudoviti upodobitvi, ki nam jo ponuja današnje drugo bogo-služno branje; gre za fresko, ki se zacenja na nebu in zaobjema vso zem-ljo, tako, kot je bila v jutranji zarji stvarjenja, ko je bilo premagano pr-votno morje, ki predstavlja znamenje nereda. Oko se ustavlja na podobi mesta, ki v megleni prepoznavnosti dobiva obrise srecne neveste, ki se na porocni dan privija k ženinu. Znotraj tega mesta miru gospoduje navzocnost Boga samega, Emanuela, ki ostaja vedno z nami. Iz tega mesta so izgnane vse stvari »od prej«. Nastal je nov svet in nova zgodovina. In to je tisti nacrt, ki ga je imel Bog na zacetku svojega velikega stvariteljskega podviga; je nacrt, ki ga je clovek s svojim grehom in svojo sebicnostjo onecastil; to je nacrt, ki ga hoce Bog na novo sestaviti in podariti cloveku. V tem nacrtu clovek, napolnjen z upanjem, sodeluje, ceprav mu ljudje okrog njega postavljajo ovire. »Nikoli naj se ne navelicamo pricakovanja bož-jega Jeruzalema, nikoli naj se ne utrudimo pri po-nujanju svojih rok pri njegovi izgradnji, pri sodelo-vanju z Bogom, velikim in prvim mojstrom,« nas opominja že sv. Avguštin. Judovski izrek pravi, da si je pred stvarjenjem Bog dolocil deset delov lepote; devet jih je namenil Jeruzalemu in enega preostalemu svetu. Tako je naredi tudi z desetimi deli modrosti. Ko je prišel do bolecin, jih je tudi devet namenil Jeruzalemu in eno samo ostalemu svetu. Bolecina ima svojo težo, torej je zemeljski Jeruzalem tudi danes zaznamo-van s krvjo: je znamenje za vsa naša mesta in vse naše cerkve. Vendar nas oznanilo upanja vabi, da presojamo ta Jeruzalem kot tistega, ki ni dokon-cen, ceprav je del božjega nacrta ljubezni in clove-ške ljubezni, pac Jeruzalem Razodetja. Ljubezen pa je zadnja in najbolj sijoca zvez-da, ki nam jo predstavlja današnje besedno bogo-služje. Ta je skoraj kot zvezda severnica vseh zna-menitih Jezusovih govorov pri zadnji vecerji, kot jih omenja Janez in so navedeni v tem evangelj-skem odlomku. Jezus se obrne k svojim ucencem, jih nežno poklice kot »otrocice« in jim ponudi svo-jo »novo zapoved«. Ta je »nova«, ker je temeljno dolocilo in edina v »Novi zavezi«, napovedani že pri Jeremiju in je bila razglašena z Gospodovim vstajenjem. V tej ljubezni ne gre vec, da bi ljubili bližnjega kot sami sebe, kot je ucila že Stara zave-za, temvec »kot sem vas jaz ljubil«, z isto celovitos-tjo in popolno podaritvijo kot Kristus, Božji Sin. Ljubezen tako postaja edina kartica prepoz-navnosti glede pripadnosti Kristusovi skupnosti. (Prim. Oznanjevalec - leto C_2006/7, štev. 3) 5. VELIKONOCNA NEDELJA 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 20/58 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 15.5. 2022 Fr. Drago Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL hallrental@ VESTNIK TRI ZVEZDE VODNICE 154 | VESTNIK 2022 156 | VESTNIK 2022 158 | VESTNIK 2022 160 | VESTNIK 2022 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER Response: I will bless your name for ever, my king and my God. First Reading Acts 14:21-27 The first Christians were badly treated, but Paul and Barnabas lifted their spirits. We all go through many hardships, they said, on our way to glory. Second Reading Apocalypse 21:1-5 There is to be no more suffering in God’s new creation. Heaven will no longer be remote when God comes to dwell among humankind. Gospel John 13:31-35 Jesus helped his disciples to understand true glory. Selfless love was to be their rule of life. “Just as I have loved you, you also must love one another.” Illustration “All You Need Is Love” is one of the most fa-mous songs by The Beatles. It was written in 1967 for a television programme called Our World, the first to be broadcast live to a global audience. Over 400 million people from twenty-five coun-tries tuned in to watch it. The Beatles had been asked for a song that people of every nation could understand, which is why the lyrics are sim-ple and repetitive: “All you need is love, love. Love is all you need…” The song’s writer, John Lennon, was not the first to offer that message to the world. Almost two thousand years earlier, another John had uttered similar words to the Christians of his day. He was St John the Evangelist, thought to have been the author of today’s second reading and Gospel. By tradition, St John lived to a very great age. When he became too frail to walk, his disciples would carry him to church. By now his voice was weak, but people kept begging him for a few words, because he was the last living link with the Lord Jesus. So St John would raise himself up on his stretcher. “Little chil-dren, love one another!” he would say. It was always the same thing and people started to tire of it. “Teacher, why do you always say this?” they complained. And the old man would reply, “Because the Lord commanded it, and if you keep that commandment, even if you do noth-ing else, it is sufficient.” Gospel Teaching Today’s Gospel recalls the moment when the Lord gave that commandment to his fol-lowers. They were a diverse group, these disci-ples of Jesus, often at odds with one another. Jesus seems to have deliberately chosen people unlikely to form natural bonds of affection, as though their differences somehow commend-ed them as champions of his way of love. “Love one another,” he urged them, “just as I have loved you.” He called this his “new” command-ment, though there was already one very like it, for it was a requirement of the Jewish Law to love your neighbour as yourself. The new com-mandment, however, went much further. Jesus was asking his followers, not just to treat peo- ple as they themselves would like to be treated, but to treat people kindly at whatever cost to themselves. To love as Jesus loved was to love the unlovable; to forgive the unforgivable; to keep on loving and forgiving, wheth-er or not it might be reciprocated. The disciples struggled with this radical redefinition of neighbourly love. They did not always approve of the peo-ple Jesus embraced and forgave. They were dismayed to see what it cost him. When he stooped to wash their own feet, Peter objected. Jesus, it seemed, was ready to suffer any amount of humiliation, even to risk his own life – and now he was expecting them to do the same. Today’s Gos-pel, however, makes it clear: there is nothing shameful about serving others. On the contrary, it is a glorious thing. Application In that so-called “Summer of Love” of 1967, The Beat-les’ song “All You Need Is Love” became something of an anthem. Many young visionaries of that post-war genera-tion dreamed of a new world, of not only a peaceful socie-ty, but a more permissive one. “Make love, not war!” they protested. Self-indulgence, however, was not what Jesus had in mind. Citizens of the kingdom of God were to share their lives in mutual fidelity, reverence and service. In-deed, when Jesus commanded people to love one another as he did, he was asking his followers to emulate God. That meant reaching out to people who were marginal-ised and stigmatised, welcoming home the sinner, feeding those who were hungry and caring for those who were sick. It made Jesus an outcast. Yet divine love knows no bounds: it is all grace, and whenever any of us imitate that seemingly impossible way of loving, God is seen in us and honoured. We live in an exciting age of rapid change, an age in which many have begun to embrace diversity and value people equally. Yet our Lord is still commanding us, his disciples, to go beyond the social norms of our day. He commands us, not just to love, but to love as he loves; to treat people well, whoever they are, and even if it creates difficulties for ourselves. We need not worry what other people will think. It is at such selfless moments that, in God’s eyes, we appear not foolish, but glorious. Na racunu »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« - »One Heart, One Soul« za našo sloven-sko župnijo sv. Gre-gorija Velikega je on April 21, 2022: $128,543. - Pledged $105,343. - Paid Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. AGING WITH WISDOM AND GRACE Aging with Wisdom and Grace is the title of the upcoming webinar being of-fered on line by the Diocese. You can register for this event, which happens this Wednesday, May 18th at 7:00 p.m., on the Diocese of Hamilton website and look under Upcoming Events. GRIEF RELIEF Has someone you cared about died? Are you grieving the loss of the person’s pres-ence in your life? Are you looking for relief from the feelings associated with the loss of this loved one? You are not alone! The Diocese of Hamilton will be offering a four week online grief program on Tues-day evenings from 7 – 8:30 p.m. May 17, 24 & 31, and June 7, 14 & 21st. Find out more on the Diocesan website and register to receive the zoom link at, or call Teresa at 905-528-7988 ext. 2250. Delavnica rezancev je v torek znova spravila v po-gon stroje - dobro, da v dveh letih niso zarjaveli. Hvala vsem, ki ste priskocile in poprijele za delo. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV PO DRUŠTVIH: - May 20-23, 2022 - Slovenski park - Victoria Day long Weekend: Mass & Procession, Sunday May 22nd at 1:00 p.m. - May 28, 2022 - Bled - Spring Pig Roast - May 29, 2022 - St. Gregory the Great - First Communion and Confirmation - Mass with bishop Douglas Crosby at 10:00 a.m. - June 4, 2022 - Slovenski park - Golf tourna-ment - Cambridge Golf Club - June 5, 2022 - St. Gregory the Great - Late spring Banquet - Mass 10:00 a.m. - Dinner in upper hall - June 12, 2022 - Lipa Park - Open House-Folk arts Picnic - June 12, 2022 - London - Mass & procession - 3:00 p.m. - St. John the Divine Church - June 18, 2022 - Bled - Fathers Day Picnic - June 25, 2022 - Slovenski park - Slovenski Dan CIŠCENJE CERKVE - CLEANING OF THE CHURCH May 28th - Lojzka Novak team June11th - Lukežic, Volcanšek June 25th - Jožica Vegelj and team GIFT BEARERS Now that we are able to worship together in person, without restrictions, we will restart the Gift Bearer tradition at St. Gregory’s on Palm Sunday at the 9:30am Slovenian Mass. If you would like to volunteer, please sign up on the chart in the foyer, or give your name to Pamela. KRST - BAPTISM V nedeljo, 8. maja 2022, je zakrament sve-tega krsta prejela deklica Oliveira Mija Moze-tic. Starša deklice sta oce Dejan Mozetic in mati Heather, roj. Cowie. Iskrene cestitke star-šema ob krstu deklice. Naj ju spremlja priproš-nja nebeške matere Marije in božji blagoslov. DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: Toni in Marija Franc sta darovala $50 v spomin na pokojno Milko Ferko in $50 v spo-min na pokojnega Franka Mramor. Olga Peternel je darovala $30 v spomin na pokojno Susan Gentilcore. Family Letnik je darovala $50 v spomin na pokojnega Ivana Žižek. Hvala za vse vaše darove. HOLY FATHER WILL VISIT CANADA THE VATICAN HAS CONFIRMED that the Pope Francis will visit Canada July 24th to 29th and will have three hubs for his visit: Ed-monton, Quebec City, and Iqaluit. Given his age, the limited time frame, and the size of the country, the host communities will minimize travel for the Pope and allow for events to take place in close proximity to the hub cities. The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops is committed to ensuring Indigenous partici-pation from across the country and will be working with Indigenous partners on pro-gramming and other key elements of the visit. We pray for improved health for the Holy Fa-ther. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. (Slovenian-English - For the time of Covid-19 it is only one Mass on Sundays) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFES-SIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Kolenc Mirko May 16, 2000 Ipavec Maria Katarina May 16, 2011 Obal Ivan May 16, 2012 Zrim Sidonia May 19, 1990 Soboc an Ivan May 20, 2012 Novak Paul Richard May 21, 2015 Horvat Jož ica May 22, 2008 Mesec maj hitro tece. Ta teden, kot ste vi-deli iz slik, so naše pridne delavke zopet zace-le s pripravami na »Pozni spomladanski ban-ket«, ki bo prvo nedeljo v juniju, t.j. 5. junija. Do takrat bodo nekaj rund »nudlcev« naredi-le, da si jih boste lahko kupili. Te dni tecejo tudi priprave na birmo in pr-vo obhajilo, ki bo zadnjo nedeljo v mesecu maju. Takrat bo samo ena sveta maša ob 10h s škofom Crosbijem Douglasom. Okoli hiše tudi pocasi urejamo. Te dni smo dobili mojstra, da je popravil naprav za hlaje-nje pri dvorani in pregledal ostale enote za cerkev in župnišce. Potrebno je, preden se zacne sezona, da bo vse nared ko jih bomo rabili. Prav tako župnijski svet ureja in »cisti« v dvoranah, da bomo pocasi lahko zaceli dvora-ne tudi oddajati. Marsikaj je potrebno posto-rit, v dveh letih se je marsikaj nabralo. Tako, da dela nam tu okoli cerkve ne zmanjka. Ta teden smo posadili v loncke nekaj rož, da ne bo prevec pusto. SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 15. 5. 2022 - 22. 5. 2022 5. VELIKONOCNA NEDELJA 5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER 15. MAJ ZOFIJA (SONJA), MUCENKA † †† †† † † † † †† † Za žive in rajne župljane Avgust Curic Bratje in sestre Marinic Marija in Martin Markoja Ifko Marija Branko Bukovac Ivan Glavac Ivan Glavac Ivan in Maria Augustin Peter Augustin 9:30 A.M. SLOVENIAN MASS & 11:00 A.M. ENGLISH MASS - - - - - - - - Olga Glavac z družino Družina Raduha Družina Raduha Regina Halas Družina Majzelj Rozalija Cule Jože in Albina Antolin Sin Zdravko z družino Brat Zdravko z družino PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 16. MAJ Janez Nepomuk, duh-muc. † † Milka Ferko Po namenu Slava Gomboša 7:00 P.M. Terezija Sarjaš z družino Ivka Pašalic Terezija Kralj TOREK - TUESDAY 17. MAJ Jošt, pušcavnik † † † † Ivan Žižek Ivan Žižek Ivan Žižek Frank Mramor 7:00 P.M. Rozika in Slavi (Montreal) Žena Rose z družino Olga Culig Društvo sv. Jožefa (1) SREDA - WEDNESDAY 18. MAJ, Janez I., pp-mucenec †† † Franc in Verona Korošec Franc Litrop 7:00 P.M. Marija Korošec z družino Vera Gonza CETRTEK - THURSDAY 19. MAJ, Urban I., papež † † Frank Pinter Milka Ferko 7:00 P.M. Jožica in Ivan Vegelj Ana Gergyek PETEK - FRIDAY 20. MAJ, Bernardin, duh. † † † † Alojz Joželj, obl. Ivan Sobocan, obl. Ivan Sobocan Obl. Ivan Sobocan, obl. 7:00 P.M. Hci Sonja Langenfus Žena Cecilija John in Milka Sobocan z druž. Marija Hocevar SOBOTA - SATURDAY 21. MAJ Krištof in mehiški mucenci Mancij, mucenec † †† †† † †† †† † † †† Matija Vlašic Paul Richard, obl. & Pavel Novak Terezija in Anton Kremesec Emil Miklavcic, obl. Marija in Jože, obl. Rajter Frank in Slavka Mramor Milka Ferko Maja Saje Jože in Marija Zelko 5:30 P.M. Žena in otroci Helena Špiler Družina Malveic Družina Kodarin Družina Mes Družina Kosednar Ivan Nedelko z družino Lilijana Jesenik Lilijana Jesenik 6. VELIKONOCNA NEDELJA 6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER 22. MAJ MARJETA, REDOVNICA NEDELJA TURIZMA †† † † † † † † †† † †† Za žive in rajne župljane Ivan in Veronika Obal Hilda Žigon Milka Ferko Stanko Bratuž Jože Raduha Josie Gimpelj Alojz Lesica Pokojni clani društva John Zakrajšek Janko in Veronika Broz 9:30 A.M. SLOVENIAN MASS & 11:00 A.M. ENGLISH MASS 1:00 P.M. - - - - - - - - Toni in Marija Franc Toni in Marija Franc Manja Erzetic Žena Matilda Jože in Albina Antolin Family Lesica Žena z družino Slovenski Park Branko Gašpar z družino Družina Kuzma