NEW EDGE / WINTER 2015 g 3$fHSpi PROMISING / VISION / FASHION / ALTERNATIVE / CULTURE NEW EDGE 2 #02 - NEWEDGE NEW EDGE #02 # 02 / NEW EDGE / WINTER 2015 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Anja Korošec E WEB: COVER PHOTO Anja Korošec LAYOUT DESIGN Anja Korošec #02 - NEWEDGE 3 NEW EDGE NEW YEAR, NEW BEGINNING, NEW THINGS, NEW EDGE. Welcome to the second issue of New Edge magazine. This is a free magazine that promotes, and draws attention to, all the good things in our environment. All beginnings are difficult and success is not self-evident or guaranteed, but with the right vision and working with the right people, it is always possible to achieve it. And because it is necessary to continue the work we started and insist on our chosen path, here is the new issue of the New Edge magazine, which maintains our primary editorial philosophy. We added the English translation of its contents, and with minor cosmetic adjustments, the new issue of the magazine is here to please you again. It seems to me that it is important to selflessly promote the good things around us and in our life. Good things over time tend to show and prove themselves as successful, rather than to only gain the quick and instant 15 minutes of fame. ''Per aspera ad astra'', as they say, each path is hard, but it leads us to a beautiful view of the stars. New Edge Magazine symbolizes people with remarkable interests and innovative view of the world. In the social context, the magazine points out that things have more sides than we see at first glance, and that it is often necessary to look at life from another perspective. Thank you for staying with us. —Anja Korošec 4 #02 - NEWEDGE CONTENT CONTENTS WINTER 2015 6 Photography-Matej Počervina Music - Miha smirnov Oštir Fashion -Tina verbi Idea-Rent a Kitchen Editorial -Morning glory, Unconscious yellow Column - Miha Kürner Poetry - Pieces Music - Kormorana Cartoon - Cipercoper 34 Animation - Visoska Kronika Shop - Katja Koselj Food -ZaZajtrk Bowtie -Slovenski Metujček #02 - NEWEDGE 5 PROMISING PHOTOGRAPHY #02 - NEWEDGE 6 PROMISING Tell me something about yourself? I am Matej, I come from Jurka vas. In my spare time I skate, play music and I photograph. Why photography? I started taking pictures due to my injury, which lasted one year, and because of it I couldn't skate. Injury wasn't caused by skateboarding and in my 'Medical Journal' it's written: "he fell on the dance floor" :-). Because of this I had to undertake some new things, and so I started to make photos of skateboarding and nature, therefore of the environment that surrounds me and affects me. Motifs? The motifs from nature, because I'm surrounded by it and it's what's closest to me, and as well because I have not yet managed to get used to photograph people, because it seems to me that you have to be a little intrusive to do that. I feel that I haven't yet acquired the nerve for this, since I don't even live in such an environment, namely in the city, where it is more natural to do that, that is to take pictures of people and city events. I also photograph skateboarding, which is an interesting combination of opposites , skateboarding and nature, maybe I should try and combine them. How did it all begin? Skateboarding began in elementary school, while my habit for photography began due to my idle time after injury. I wanted to buy something and because I always followed skateboarding magazines and photographic layouts in them, since with colleagues we were filming skate films, I've gotten used to how the scene is laid out and sequenced, so I started with that. And then I quickly became quite good at it and I liked it, and so now I'm doing both. What kind of camera do you use? I have a digital and an analog camera. Analog one is for special occasions and sometimes I have a film in it for almost a year before I get it developed, so that in the meantime I've already forgotten what I photographed and when I finally see developed images, they surprise me. What would you like to do if you had all the opportunities open for you? I would like to work in the skateboard industry. I'd like to manage skateboarding team, and I was also thinking to have my own 'brand' or skate shop, but one that focuses on 'design', that therefore adds something more and is not an ordinary skate shop with products from selected brands. It seems to me that there is a need for something like this in slovenia, as it is a small market that lacks recognition. In the field of photography, I would like to experiment and try to expand to other photographic areas. But skateboarding will always affect my way of thinking, since even when you go abroad, you'll always look more closely at the stairs in front of some museum than at museum itself, and think about how you could 'drive over' these steps. I have more than 10 years of skate experience and I can't imagine not to do this anymore. I do a lot of things, I like to draw, and I'm currently working on a project of painting skateboards. I'm also interested in music and I play in a band "Kormorana". I'm getting offers from magazines, but otherwise I work in marketing, where I'm responsible for marketing in tourism. I also write poetry. In find inspiration, for example, in love and ordinary everyday events. I am writing songs for the band Kormorana, and I also sing. What differentiates you from others? ... I'm doing what makes me happy, and I give a part of myself into the product, I think this is the biggest difference you can make as a man. I always try not to do something that someone else does, but something that makes me happy, and I look at role models with a thought: "let them do it their way, but I will do it my way". If you take over some element from others, you must do it even better than them, you must add "a touch" of your own. ™ #02 - NEWEDGE 7 PROMISING MUSIC MIHA t v i ♦ * V/ ♦♦ : - • - Duo brothers Smirnov Oštir #02 - NEWEDGE 8 PROMISING How did you get involved with music? Since I was a kid I was always accompanied by music, not only classical but also other forms of music. My mother is engaged in education and she is a school class teacher, along with being engaged as a choirmaster and leading a pair of choirs, so that we have simply, since our young age, been living in the spirit of music that always accompanied us. I started to go to the music school with 6 years of age, which was still in those times that you first have to learn block flute for a year, and then you could opt for one instrument, and I opted for the piano. My mother played the piano and at home we had an upright piano and so I always thought it was a beautiful instrument. so I started with playing piano in music school in Velenje, then continued with it in musical high school. When time came for me to go to a musical academy, I decided to go to Ljubljana, because I liked it as a city, and it had good energy, good mannered people, and a good study program. I enlisted in musical education study, later I added a parallel piano study, and now I'm just prior to graduation. Would you like to go abroad? Of course, I was just in London to perform the entrance exam for postgraduate studies, which I will begin in September at Trinity Conservatory of Music and Dance. Your professional development advancing? My piano playing is develop slowly but with quality. I started my professional performances half time through my Music High School, when I started to perform live in Slovenia from Ljubljana, Velenje to Maribor, etc. I perform abroad as well, and I'm often accompanied by my brother who plays the violin, and who is also studying in London. We are very successfully colaborating as a duo named "Duo Smirnov Ostir". We perform concerts in Slovenia and abroad, pretty regularly. Last one was in the Slovenian Embassy in London. I hope we will be as successful in the future as well. Each year, I participate at various professional seminars at home and abroad, in Velenje, Ljubljana, Budapest and London. Music is in my opinion difficult to objectively evaluate. In my opinion music cannot be adequately evaluated, as is done in various competitions, since each musician has an interpretation of his own, his own emotions and understanding of music and the song he is playing. What is your specialty? What differentiates you from others? My musicality and capacity to integrate emotions in my play, and a good interpretation. When you engage in a creative art, the beginning is always difficult, at least its technical side, but when you master this, then comes the moment when you can start enjoying it and playing with pleasure. I very much enjoy in music. Any thought for the conclusion? Music is the meaning of life, without it we almost cannot imagine our lives. Music accompanies us everywhere, even there where we are not even aware of it. In everyday life we are everywhere accompanied by the sounds of music, and therefore I think it is right for us to think about it, and to look at things that surround us in life. Your expectations for the future? To finish my studies and to be a good teacher, from pedagogical point of view, and a 'repetitor' - who accompanies or 'plays along' pupils on various instruments. So far I see myself working in London, because there are a lot of opportunities there, as well as people who appreciate and respect music and musicians and have them in high regard. I do not play only classical music, I'm also fluent in different musical styles and genres, like variants of pop, jazz and blues. I would like to, for example, cooperate with Sam Smith, in his live acoustic performances and variants. ™ #02 - NEWEDGE 9 PROMISING FASHION DESIGN TINA VERBIC How did you start, how did you become interested in fashion? I always found it interesting how clothes can change you and then you feel better, it could be enough just to give a piece of cloth on, to achieve this. And with this piece of cloth you can highlight your own attributes, you can be seductive and trendy. I was attracted to fashion because as a little girl I sew clothes with my grandmother, but she never let me sew by myself, and so I sat next to her and I was watching her as she sewed my tracksuit and a skirt with the shape of a circle. That I was always very amused. That's why I continue in this direction. You received some awards for your work? I received an award at the high school and at the college for a "full-grown wearable minimalism", which I was awarded by now deceased professor Zoran Garevski. I respect all the professors at our college, and out of respect for them I'm trying to do my best when I'm creating my products and at each of my tasks I try to add to it something more. Even then I wanted to do something without a seam. Since I don't understand why it should be so self-evident that the cloth should have some sews, since clothes can be done without stitching as well. I was able to glue Neoprene nicely and with precision, so that the parts were nicely merged together. I love to explore new shapes and sewing patterns, and to discover new ways of producing clothes. What is your latest project? "COLLECTION WITHOUT STITCH" is a sustainable collection, because it eliminates all intermediate processes of manufacturing clothes, since the production of ordinary 10 #02 - NEWEDGE PROMISING piece of clothing demands more than 100 different intermediate stages, from tailoring to ironing, the insertion of seams and sew-ins, sewing buttons and zippers. This collection eliminates all these processes and basically does not require any labor force, and is therefore an organic, ecological and sustainable concept of cloth production. How did you get this idea? I invented this concept myself, I because I've always wanted to produce garments without seams. Why, for example, are we, for over 100 years, wearing clothes that are sewn in basically the same way, as in our footwear? It's allways the same, but why shouldn't we now do something different, since we have new technologies and better materials? It is important to pursue sustainable design, due to environmental problems around us, as for the production of garments we are using fossil fuels as the main energy source, and then by burning of these fuels we accumulate CO2 and other greenhouse gases in our environment. For production of clothing we need energy, and with this concept of clothing I wanted its consumption to be reduced. As designers we have to pursue sustainability and choose it over other things, in the first place with our selection of materials, as this is an established way of how we can make changes and also offers us guidelines that suggest how something could be sustainable and useful at the same time. In clothing and fashion industry there's a whole series of problematical issues, especially with the expansion of 'fast fashion', which has taken hold recently. This fashion is offered to a mass population for a low price, but at the expense of people who produce it, and at the expense of environment, since it only offers the cheapest materials, which are also the most dangerous for our environment. Fashion needs to 'slow down', because we have no control over it, and since consumer habits have changed, they buy too much, we produce too much and then these slowly degradable cloth-in are deposited on landfills and discarded. Today's clothes are poorly manufactured and after a few washes their quality already significantly degrades. Such clothing is thrown away because we have no respect for the product we bought for 1 euro. Therefore, the durability of clothes is important. It's clever for us not to follow fashion trends too closely, otherwise we have to deal with all of the mentioned problems. You are preparing New Collection? In designing this collection, I have started from the circle, because it seems to me that it is such a perfect form, that starting from it presents a challenge, since it is an infinite, timeless figure and pattern ... so I laid my patterns into a circle and out of it I formed folds out of a circle and I created and made a lot of prototypes and then chosen the most convincing ones, the classical ones, but they are somewhat different. The collection includes a jacket, a coat with a collar, a skirt, tops and a little black dress, all starting from the circle. All designs therefore start from the perfect starting point of the circle. The silhouette down to the knees, 100% wool biodegradable, since it can be dismantled and degraded. I chose colors for autumn and winter 2015 and also for the following seasons, since I created eternal pieces. Your slogan? Less is more. Someone once said, "always put up one thing of clothes more, but I'm the one who always gives one of the things away. I very quickly end up with too much of something, and although I appreciate art, I became very rational with regard to unnecessary things. ~ Non-stich Collection #02 - NEWEDGE 11 VISION RENT A KITCHEN Idea of renting a kitchen in a big city to have a chance and make yourself a healthy meal. "Rent a Kitchen" is a kitchen in a big city where people have a chance to cook themselves a healthy meal. We can use it when have an hour of free time in a big city, but not enough time to go home and cook a healthy meal according to our tastes and at a price that is acceptable. It is the kitchen that you can use without going back home, if you live far away and outside of the city, and so you can spend your free time to prepare the same meal as you would prepare at home. Basic appliances and supplies such as kitchen containers and utensils and eating ingredients are always available for use, but under condition that everyone cleans up behind themselves and enables the others to use the kitchen too. The kitchen is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The target audience are busy people who love to cook and to live healthily healthy living, since the fast food you can buy in cities is usually unhealthy. "Rent a kitchen" is trying to promote healthy food and to offer people an opportunity to eat food according to their tastes. Therefore such a food as they wish themselves, without inconvenient additives in their food. ™ 12 #02 - NEWEDGE VISION rent a kitchen offers you to rent a kitchen & make a meal by your choice " I ! 1H = 1£ leave the kitchen the way you wanna use it LONDON #02 - NEWEDGE 13 FASHION jffi/wftfJwjttgpwaiq?) PHOTO Anja Korošec & Anže Ermenc CREATivE DiRECTOR Anja Korošec & Anže Ermenc STYLiNG Anže Ermenc Model Andreja Slavič @ immortal model managemnet MAKE uP Gox Miljic HAIR Anže Ermenc LOCATiON AND SPECiAL THANKS Ina Klanšek TOp Sabina Špilak SHORTS Matic Veler 14 #02 - NEWEDGE FASHION WHAT'S STORY EED A LITTLE TIME #02 - NEWEDGE 15 K.-Í3É FASHION SHIRT Ivan Rocco BLAZER Barbara Vrbancic (Squat) 18 #02 - NEWEDGE "v tri ¿¡fHir-: :. vj,':!'''.:^ M m- 'm;. m -m ' 1 c FASHION TOP Sabina Špilak SHORTS Matic Veler #02 - NEWEDGE 21 FASHION TOP Nika Batista SHORTS Ana Jazbec #02 - NEWEDGE 23 FASHION TOP Ivan Rocco TROUSERS Sabina Spilak #02 - NEWEDGE 26 FASHION #02 - NEWEDGE 27 UNCONSCIOUS YELLOW PHOTO Anže Ermenc CREATiVE DiRECTOR Anja Korošec MODEL Ajda Auer FASHION #02 - NEWEDGE 31 BAG ACCESSORiES Nika Batista K18 «H ;> ItpÉ® '^mm ALTERNATIVE COLUMN / MIHA KURNER MIHA KURNER My name is Miha. I like to ski. T34emgf4a5pm.s, rydgjvzc $= =G>€»= Z ««s : 42 #02 - NEWEDGE INVITATION 43 #02 - NEWEDGE