Dreams are strange. They sometimes come true
On the 30th anniversary of the Slovenian independence referendum, the National and University Library prepared an online exhibition consisting of the documents from that era that should help us better understand the mentality behind the striving for independence as well as all of the major events that led to its fruition. One of such key moments during the independence process was the foundation of new political parties (called associations) that came about for the first time after the Second World War at the end of 1980's. The first two parties founded 33 years ago were Slovenska kmečka zveza (Slovenian Farmers' Association) and Zveza slovenske kmečke mladine (Slovenian Farmers' Youth Association).
You are kindly invited to visit the exhibition Dreams are strange. They sometimes come true
Photographic archive of the daily Jutro
After conservation/restoration treatments and digitization of the archive of photographic negatives of the daily Jutro, kept in the National and University Library, the identification of 2203 silver gelatin negatives on glass plates and 35 nitrocellulose negatives started last year.

After digitization, the negatives have been safely stored in archival envelopes and protective boxes that are kept in the appropriate climatic conditions of the depot. The library restricted access to material, but enabled unlimited research and identification, and gradual publication of negatives with relevant data on the Digital Library of Slovenia. Through photographic lens, the access to insight of high-profile and great stories of that time, is now available. You can also follow reports from sports events, recordings of trivial moments and portraits of unknown inhabitants of our country, as well as other documentary images that complement and enrich the words written in the newspaper Jutro.

We invite you to explore the first set of published negatives created in 1926, 1928, 1929, 1930 and 1931, or to browse the newspaper Jutro in which the negatives were published.
Collection of Publications of Slovenski dom, Zagreb
Recently, a new collection was published on the dLib.si portal, which includes 18 monographic publications and the Novi odmev journal. All publications were published by the Cultural and Educational Association Slovenski dom Zagreb, the oldest association of Slovenes in Europe, operating uninterruptedly. The collection is available at this link.

The University of Ljubljana is Celebrating! Congratulations!
A hundred years ago, Dr France Ramovš, a slavist, gave his first lecture on the historical grammar of the slovenian language at the newley founded University. The National and University Library congratulates the University of Ljubljana on its jubilee and invites you to read more than 1200 digitized dissertations written by doctoral candidates of the Ljubljana University, among them the first PhD degree awarded on 15 July 1920 to Ana Mayer for her thesis on the Effect of Formalin on Starch.
Baron Žiga Zois’ Library: Centre of the Enlightenment Culture on the Slovenian territory
Among book collections of the second half of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century, the library of Baron Žiga Zois (1747–1819) was outstandingly prominent in view of the importance of its content and the library’s direct involvement in the development of science and culture on the Slovenian territory, and beyond its borders. Zois was a landowner, an entrepreneur, a merchant, a natural scientist, a linguist and an enlightened patron and a mentor. Today, his library is kept at the National and University Library.

Zois closely and systematically followed contemporary spiritual movements and was engaged in the development of natural, technical, applied, humanistic and other sciences, both in Carniola and the Habsburg Monarchy as well as throughout Europe. Therefore, his Ljubljana Palace became a centre of erudition and a gathering place of the provincial and the European scientific and cultural community, too.

His literary salon, along with the library that Zois generously opened to intellectuals of his time, was a juncture of scientific and cultural events in Carniola. Nowadays, the baron's key role in the cultural revival on the Slovenian territory at the turn of the18th to the 19th century is still widely known and recognisable.
Slovenia’s Neighbours – Slovenes in Croatia
Slovenes emigrated from their motherland during different historical periods, leaving traces everywhere they settled. They preserved their culture, language, customs and the written word.

Today, one-fifth members of the Slovenian nation live outside their motherland, the majority in Slovenia's four neighbouring countries. In Croatia, more than ten thousand inhabitants are of the Slovenian nationality, nine thousand speak Slovenian as their mother tongue.

From July 4 to October 5 2019, you are invited to visit the exhibition in the NUK Exhibition Room. On the dlib.si portal, you can browse through digitized Slovenian emigrant heritage, and the heritage of Slovenian national minority living in the neighbouring countries.
A new functionality was added to the Periodicals Section on the dLib.si portal - a calendar that shows all daily newspapers according to the day of their publication. In the calendar, each date has links to daily newspapers on the portal published on a specific day.

It is possible to display a specific month or week, while arrows enable navigation forward or backward through a year, a month or a week. Publications in blue are freely accessible on-line, while others in red only by using computers in the NUK premises.

You are invited to use and research the rich collection of our newspapers.
Cankar's Universe
We invite you to use a new digital educational resource that offers a complete insight into Ivan Cankar’s life and work. Cankar's universe is intended to support learning process in elementary schools; it is also useful for anyone who, in addition to Cankar’s literary heritage wants to know more about his personality and circumstances affecting his life.
The teaching resource brings together Cankar’s life , photos, articles, books and material presenting his lifestyle, political activities, love and the spirit of the time in which he worked. More is seen in the video.
It is a joint project of the National and University Library, the Kašelj Primary School (Osnovna šola Kašelj), the Grammar School Vič (Gimnazija Vič) and the Department of Geography of the Faculty of Arts – the Ljubljana University.
Beautiful Missal from Slavina Digitised
A number of people wrote the manuscript in different handwritings. It has eight beautiful initials, one of which is threadlike, the rest are painted in the South German style and are probably a work of a Stuchs master.
The content consists of masses for the holidays from Christmas to feast of Corpus Christi, consecration of the church, Gloria, Mary's Mass, Credo, canticles (Praefatio), Calendar, canon of the Mass, records on Saints holidays and name days, and records on the purchase of the missal.

And Yet They Read Them - Banned Books in the Early Modern Age
During all periods, individuals and communities communicating their knowledge, findings, ideas, principles and visions encountered forces that wanted to control, direct and limit the flow of knowledge and ideas through various pressures: they demanded changes in texts, confiscated and burned books, and in some cases, also convicted, extradited and executed the authors of books. Irrespective of various rigorous censorship policies and lists of illicit literature, readers had always found the way to disputed books.
The exhibition And Yet They Read Them to be seen from July 17 to September 15, is a joint project of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) and NUK. It represents the background, structure, significance and history of the Pope's index and other censorship lists. On view are selected works from the NUK collection, in the past marked as religiously, morally or politically controversial, thus put on the censorship lists.
Most of the exhibited books are also available on the dLib.si portal in a special digital collection.

Tracking our Missionaries
In the 19th century, many Slovenes worked in African missions; already in 1848, Ignacij Knoblehar founded the first missionary station in Khartoum (Sudan). After his death in 1858, Italian Daniele Comboni continued Knoblehar’s work by setting up new missions; in Europe, he was arousing interest in evangelization of Africa and fight against slavery. After his death, Comboni's missionaries were officially recognized as the Order of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. In 1898, the German branch order began publishing the »Stern der Neger« monthly that reported on the work of missionaries; many Slovenian members of the Order also published their articles the journal.
"Stern der Neger" remains a herald of activities of Slovenes in African missions; it gives an insight into the incorporation of the Slovenian lands into the wider Central European cultural space, and their activities in in distant lands. On the initiative and with the support of Dr Aleš Musar, all issues of the »Stern der Neger« are now available on the dLib.si portal.
Ljubljanski dnevnik
Nearly seven decades ago, the first issue of Ljubljanski dnevnik (Ljubljana journal) was published. It was aimed at readers of the broader Ljubljana basin. In the early fifties, it was a kind of successor of the Slovenski narod daily (1873-1945), a pre-war journal published by Slovenian liberals. It was also more "commercial" than its contemporaries. It published different contents, more and larger photos, sometimes also comic books and sport topics, too.
Goodbye, Master Muster!

Miki Muster, the most esteemed Slovenian cartoonist, has died.

Numerous generations grew up with his comic books - his works marked the visual image of a certain time.

In the fifties of the last century, the Tedenska tribuna newspaper published his famous Zvitorepec comic strip; it is available also in NUK.
Cultural and Natural Heritage of Places along Rivers Kolpa and Čabranka
Beautiful and mysterious places along the Kolpa and Čabranka rivers have been home of Slovenian people for centuries. In his books, Marko Smole is preserving rich cultural and natural heritage of the region on both sides of the border. In the border village of Plešce in Croatia, he maintains the Palčava šiša grange, a cultural monument, a private home, and at the same time, a publicly accessible museum collection. He is the initiator of listing local speeches in the register of intangible heritage in both countries, and he encourages integration of cultural heritage into development projects. He also promoters linking of cultural with natural heritage and cross-border cultural, research and tourism integration.
Aldrovandi’s Encyclopedias
An early-modern natural science encyclopaedia has returned to NUK. It was taken out of Ljubljana together with the rest of the library of the Counts of Auersperg after the 1895 earthquake. This year, we repurchased it with the help of sponsors, donors and patrons. The book completes the collection of Aldrovandi's works from the Wolfgang Engelbert Auersperg’s (1610-1673) collection, which have remained in the Slovenian territory despite the different historical circumstances. Auersperg’s encyclopaedias of fish, cloven four-hoofed quadrupeds, viviparous quadrupeds with fingers, snakes, dragons, and other bloodless animals, which were most probably donated to the predecessor of the National and University Library, the Lyceum Library by the Auersperg family are now completed with the “History of Unnatural Beings, with the Cases, Previously Omitted in the History of All Animals". All six books also contain a hand-written ownership inscription of the Carniola’s General Governor Wolfgang Engelbert, Count of Auersperg.
The Pasijonski Doneski Publication
The Škofja Loka Passion Play is the oldest preserved Slovenian dramatic text. For twenty years already, the Pasijonski Doneski Publication has been published – it compromises information on old and new facts about the rich Slovenian passion tradition. Due to its inclusion on the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage, the Passion has become internationally known.
Booklet of Slovenian Songs
The National and University Library acquired a valuable gift – a tiny notebook of Slovenian songs. Justina Marolt (later married Kolman), at the age of sixteen, wrote down the songs during the Second World War, while imprisoned in the Schwäbisch Gmünd labour camp. Her family was musically talented: at home, they had been singing every day; in the camp, Slovenian songs were forbidden. The booklet is of high value for its songs so far unknown.
World Poetry Day
Within the Europeana.eu, a new campaign entitled #AllezLiterature starts today, on the World Poetry Day. In the coming month, poetry from around the world will flood social networks. The power of poetry will point to its amusement and diversity, and its close connection or interlinking with our lives. We are particularly proud that Simon Gregorčič’s poem Soči (To the River Soča) launched the campaign: Filip, a three-year old boy, tells the poem - it is available on Facebook and Twitter.
Old Postcards of Ljubljana
The Digital Library of Slovenia - dLib.si - has been digitizing old Ljubljana postcards carrying the magic of nostalgia and the historical awareness of the past. We invite you to browse them and go back to time without rush hours and the pace of modern life. Get to know Ljubljana during the time of the salon atmosphere, more about developments in street naming and history of some important buildings, today the principal Slovenian institutions.
Happiness is Books
A four-leaf clover was found in Jurij Japelj ‘s Catechism published in 1789. According to popular superstition, a four-leaf clover kept between a book’s covers, brings happiness and success. During the pre-festive days, we are sharing our good luck, letting you know that happiness and success are undoubtedly hiding it in the books.
With a poem by Srečko Kosovel we wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2017 hopping it would be enriched with a wealth of new knowledge and a great success!
New dLib
The Digital Library of Slovenia has launched a newly redesigned website with the aim to provide an easier access to everyone. It is important to offer numerous and diverse ways of access. You may type the material you are looking for in the search bar, or you can explore the following six categories: books, periodicals, manuscripts, pictures, music and maps. There will be more thematic collections as well, so the most interesting material would make a meaningful whole, and present a material with a comprehensive story on material.
The renewed page visually follows current tendencies; its goal is to be optimally available on all electronic devices, also on mobiles.
As your opinion is important to us, you can contact us by the following e-mail address dLib@nuk.uni-lj.si.

The Maribor Theatre Festival (Festival Boršnikovo srečanje)
The Maribor Theatre Festival, the major theatre event in Slovenia bringing together Slovenian theatres has just finished. The FBS festival bulletin reflects events of the 51st Boršnikovo srečanje. In addition to the best Slovenian theatre productions of the year, Swedish performances within the Focus programme were also on the stage; each year, this programme presents a different country. Two topics were discussed on meetings – the 150th anniversary of the Dramatic Society in Ljubljana and the radio drama. Veteran actor Dare Valič was the recipient of this year's Borštnik Ring for lifetime achievements, the most prestigious accolade in theatre acting.
Ten years ago, the Republic of Slovenia adopted a new Law on Legal Deposit (ZOIPub, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Num.: 69/0, 86/09), which embraces new forms of publishing or publications. According to this Act, the National and University Library is the authorized public institution that collects, preserves and provides access to all publications defined as national cultural heritage. Besides collecting and preserving books, newspapers, maps, sound and video recordings, music and ephemera and other formats of records; since 2008, the Library also captures and preserves online publications, and from 2015 web sites under the si. domain as well as.

Online publications obtained as legal deposit can be read and viewed on our web site - they are marked as online publications of legal deposit. Versions of captured web sites are accessible on the portal Web Archive of the National and University Library.

As the Library will mark the anniversary with series of events, you are kindly invited to join us.

A transcription of music scores of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6, also known as the Pastoral Symphony with the composer’s handwritten correction, is now available on the dLib.si.
The Ljubljana Philharmonics performed the symphony in 1818, on February 28. As it hadn’t been printed yet, they had to ask the composer for handwritten music scores. He complied with their request and sent them a transcripted copy with his handwritten corrections – the copy is kept in the Music Collection of the National and University Library.
Matthias von Tuscher, the Vienna Magisterial Councillor, enabled the philharmonics to give the composer a diploma of the Philharmonic Society (Philharmonische Gesellschaft) honorary member (dated 15 March 1819), the Society statute and the membership list. Beethoven thanked them in the letter dated 4 May 1819; he wrote that he appreciated the recognition for his "not great" merits in the musical arts confirmed by the Ljubljana Philharmonic Society. Letter was originally kept in the archives of the Philharmonic Society, but immediately after the First World War, the cultural society Glasbena matica, Ljubljana sold it to Switzerland. Since 1956, the letter is kept in the Beethoven House in Bonn.
The Digital Library of Slovenia has been digitizing important documents of the past. Digital copies of the war material are most necessary due to the poor condition of many documents created in difficult conditions. The journal Slovenka (Slovenian woman) of the Anti-Fascist Women's Association of Primorska was published in various illegal partisan printing-houses: "Nanos", "Čaven", "Porezen", "Grmada", "Špik", "Snežnik", "Matajur", "Krn", "Sabotin", "Javornik", "Žena", in the "Slovenija" printing-house and many others. A lot of important authors like Ive Šubic contributed their illustrations. During the Second World War, the Propaganda section covered all segments of the society trying to persuade every Slovenian. The introduction of the first issue editorial addresses all Slovenian women: "In these difficult times, the journal wants to be the voice of your wishes, hopes and expectations, and also your aspirations and efforts!" During the Second World War, many women took part in the fight against the occupier. The journal (1943-1945) does not stress typical female roles of mother and wife, as it is the case with others, the so-called women journals – it also spurs fighting spirit and encourages activism.

Two Prešeren’s manuscripts discovered this year in Cleveland are available on the dLib web page. The manuscript of the poem Slovo od mladosti (A Farewell to Youth) was written in the Bohorič alphabet, thus the manuscript dates between 1830 (it was first published in the Krajnska čbelica (The Carniolan Bee, the almanac of poetry in the Slovene), and 1843 when the Gajica alphabet replaced the Bohorič alphabet thanks to the newspaper Kmetijske in rokodelske novice (Agricultural and Artisan News) edited by Janez Bleiwes. The second manuscript - the poem Dohtar (Doctor) in the Gajica alphabet - is supposed to be written between 1833 (the fourth edition of the Kranjska čbelica) and 1864, the time of the first censored manuscript of Prešeren’s collection Poezije (Poetry).
Evgen Favetti donated the manuscript to the Slovenian Museum and Archives in Cleveland. His father had received it as a gift when he had worked in the Stritarjeva Street bookshop in Ljubljana. After World War II, the family moved to the United States, and with them also Prešeren's manuscripts.
Ever since its discovery, the North America has been regarded as the Promised Land - it attracted a large number of emigrants looking for better living conditions.
Slovenians massively emigrated to America in the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century; after 1945, a new wave of emigrants followed. In the early 20th century emigrants born in Slovenia represented a majority of this community; nowadays, the leading role has been taken over by generation born in the USA, so the American-born descendants of emigrants represent more than ninety percent of the Slovenian emigrant community.
The exhibition To the Promised Land: Slovenian Women in the USA presents the history of emigration and settlement areas, the situation in certain Slovenian centres nowadays and the most important persons of the past and today. The common thread of the exhibition is a typical Slovenian emigrant story of a girl named Micka; she went into the world at the age of fourteen, and became Mary in the distant land.
The exhibition to be seen in the NUK Exhibition Room until November 26 2016, presents stories of some Slovenian women who gave the emigration story the character.

Slovenians emigrated from their motherland during different historical periods, leaving traces everywhere they settled. They cultivated their culture, language, customs and written word. One-fifth of the Slovenian population is living outside the borders of the Republic of Slovenia. A part of its rich “production” is now available on the dLib.si portal, so you can browse through various journals and numerous books.

During the Slovenian national liberation, fine arts as part of the political propaganda section, developed into an exceptional example of graphic images, even nowadays considered masterpieces of art. In the time of their creation, they were primarily a powerful weapon against the occupier. By showing the enemy dehumanized, defeated and ridiculed, propaganda graphics strengthened morale of our forces. The Library has digitized a part of Janez Vidic-Janez legacy; he masterly depicted phantoms of the war. Vidic joined the partisan forces in 1944. In the regional TRILOF Davča printing house, he created the most prominent propaganda graphics of the National Liberation. His handbills, flyers and linocuts are now on display on the dLib web page. Some graphics are also included in bibliophile edition of Prešeren’s Zdravljica on the occasion of its centenary.
Here we also represent the first digitization of a rare graphic printed on textile created by Vidic.
The Digital Library of Slovenia is pleased to announce that all wartime issues of the Slovenski poročevalec newspaper have been digitized in the framework of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the end of the World War II. The first issue of the Slovenski poročevalec was published in 1938; after an interruption, it began to be published in 1941. Since then, the editorial board was part of the propaganda section; the newspaper was subtitled Informacijski vestnik Osvobodilne fronte (the Information Gazette of the Liberation Front).
Dr. France Škerl-Bregar, one of the editors of the Slovenski poročevalec during the war remembers the importance of the newspaper for the OF: "Taking up the editorship of the core newspaper of our liberation movement was first-of-all assuming a heavy responsibility; however, it was an even greater obligation towards our national liberation movement: the Slovenski poročevalec was supposed to point the way, encourage, strengthen, mobilize and organize in the fight for national and social liberation of the Slovenian nation." The newspaper played an important propaganda role in the national liberation struggle during the Second World War on the Slovenian territory. The occupying forces even killed a person possessing the newspaper, as it was the case with young Vida Pregarc. Nevertheless, the newspaper increased its circulation; it was available not only in the liberated territory and Ljubljana but also in Primorska, Štajerska and Gorenjska regions.
In 1959, the Slovenski poročevalec and the Ljudska pravica newspaper merged into the Delo daily.