Slovenian veterinary research
Slovenski veterinarski zbornik

  1. 2004

    številka: 1 (2004)
    številka: 2 (2004)
    številka: 3-4 (2004)
    Treatment of subclinical staphylococcal mastitis (številka: 1, 2004)
    The oestrus cycle in the bitch (številka: 1, 2004)
    The role of Aeromonas hydrophila bacterium as a causative agent of septicaemia in dogs (številka: 1, 2004)
    Using oxalic acid for varroa mite control in honeybee colonies during the beekeeping season (številka: 1, 2004)
    Clinical analysis of recurrent airway obstruction in horses (številka: 1, 2004)
    Treatment of scrotal hernia in foals (številka: 1, 2004)
    Changes in the clotting times and fibrinogen concentrations in horses during a showjump (številka: 1, 2004)
    Morphometrical analysis of gastrin cells in the gastric mucosa of three-week-old pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) and copmarison with other gastric enteroendocrine cells (številka: 1, 2004)
    Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) in Slovenia (številka: 2, 2004)
    Scrapie-susceptibility-linked polymorphisms of the prion protein gene in Istrian Pramenka sheep (številka: 2, 2004)
    Enrofloxacin-the meta analysis of the efficacy of disease treatment for domestic animals (številka: 2, 2004)
    Ectoparasites: Otodectes cynotis, Felicola subrostratus and Notoedres cati in the ear of cats (številka: 2, 2004)
    Experimental aflatoxin B1 toxicosis in young rabbits - a clinical and patho-anatomical study (številka: 2, 2004)
    Isolation of cathepsin B from canine disease-free liver and its charcterization (številka: 2, 2004)
    Influence of colostrum quality on the health status and growth of calves (številka: 2, 2004)
    Introduction and modification of a microbiological method for indentifying flumequine in meat (številka: 3/4, 2004)
    Mast cells in the subepidermal layer of the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) during moulting (številka: 3/4, 2004)
    A meta-analysis and systematic review of the efficacy of enrofloxacin - infections with the bacterium Escherichia coli in pigs (številka: 3/4, 2004)
    In vivo evaluation of the influence of various drug carriers with incorporated hyperaemic drug to changes in the partial pressure of oxygen in rat oral mucosa using EPR oximetry (številka: 3/4, 2004)
    Bronchocutaneous fistula in a dog (številka: 3/4, 2004)
  2. 2005

  3. 2006

    številka: 1 (2006)
    številka: 2 (2006)
    številka: 3 (2006)
    številka: 4 (2006)
    Pulpitis and pulp necrosis as a sequel to periodontal disease in dogs (številka: 1, 2006)
    An update on uterine infections in dairy cattle (številka: 1, 2006)
    Inherited disorders of cattle (številka: 1, 2006)
    Paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) in ruminants - an ongoing story (številka: 1, 2006)
    Surgery of umbilical cord remnants in calves (številka: 1, 2006)
    High milk production and good fertility in modern dairy cows (številka: 1, 2006)
    Comparison and optimization of two PCR tests for identification of Salmonella in poultry feed - stuffs, liver and faeces (številka: 1, 2006)
    Staphylococcus aureus - do we really have to live with it? (številka: 1, 2006)
    Chlamydophila felis infection in cats - clinical cases (številka: 2, 2006)
    Electrogene therapy in cancer treatment (številka: 2, 2006)
    Effects of processing procedures after flow sorting to sex bovine spermatozoa and cryopreservation on sperm quality and fertility (številka: 2, 2006)
    Enzootic nasal adenocarcinoma of sheep (številka: 2, 2006)
    Veterinary parasiticides - are they posing an environmental risk? (številka: 2, 2006)
    Endocrine and metabolic responses of Marwari sheep in arid tract (številka: 3, 2006)
    Case report of a pseudorabies (Aujeszky's diseases) in a bitch (številka: 3, 2006)
    Canine lymphoma: cytologic study and response to therapy (številka: 3, 2006)
    Longevity of lasting specific immunity after primary vaccination against rabies - comparison of ELISA and FAVN tests (številka: 3, 2006)
    Dystocia in a free-living roe deer female (Capreolus capreolus) (številka: 3, 2006)
    Microbiological 5-plate screening method for detection of tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, cephalosporins and macrolides in milk (številka: 4, 2006)
    Reduced seminiferous tubule diameter in mice neonatally exposed to perfume (številka: 4, 2006)
    Damage caused by large carnivores on domestic grazing animals in Slovenia (številka: 4, 2006)
    Real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction techniques: usefulness as an animal viral disease diagnostic (številka: 4, 2006)
  4. 2007

    številka: 3 (2007)
    številka: 4 (2007)
    številka: 1-2 (2007)
    Application of computer assisted three-dimensional visualization techniques in histology, medical computer tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Comparative morphofunctional organization of the enteric nervous system in mammals (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Evaluation of G protein-mediated actin cytoskeleton rearrangement pattern using confocal microscopy (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Differences in skin components inside reptilian and amphibian groups (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    The sensa cow, a haptic model for rectal exploration to bridge the gap between anatomy and clinical work: presentation of the work of the cowboys emma project group (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Study of the wild fauna of French zoological gardens (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Morphometric study of interphalangeal joints in ardenner horses with juvenile osteoarthropathy (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Confocal microscopy: principles and applications (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Laser scanning confocal microscopy in cell cytoskeleton and apoptosis studies (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Medcial ! image analysis (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Flourescent immuncytochemistry - a method for studing gene expression in a mouse brain (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Echocardiographic diastolic indices of the left ventricle in normal doberman pinschers and retrievers (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Axolotl - a supermodel for tissue regeneration (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Epidermal sheets - preparation, quality control, imunohistochemistry and visualisation by confocal microscopy (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Elements of the anatomy of two sturgeons (Acipenser stellatus pallas, 1771 and Acipenser baerii brandt, 1869): osteology and radiology (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Morphological differences between the kidneys of sheep and dog (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Confocal microscopy - a tool to study 7TM receptor chimeras of ghrelin receptor with GABAB receptor tail-swap (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Mutation of MDR1 gene associated with multidrug sensitivity in Australian shepherds in Slovenia (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    The source of contamination of ground meat for production of meat products with bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Microbiological screening method for detection of aminoglycosides, ß-lactames, macrolides, tetracyclines and quinolones in meat samples (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Mitochondrial triggering of cell death and confocal microscopy (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Demonstration of connexins in cell cultures of bovine placenta (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    The influence through feeding on the fat pads in the bovine digital cushion (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Morphology of the stifle menisci in dogs: preliminary study (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Differences of the initial part of the urinary organs (pelvis renalis with recesses) and a. and v. renalis, with their branches in the kidneys of sheep and dog (številka: 1/2, 2007)
    Plasma pyruvic acid changes in Zebu cattle experimentally infected with Clostridium chauvoei (številka: 3, 2007)
    Dermatophytoses in domestic animals and their zoonotic potential (številka: 3, 2007)
    Determination of malachite green and leucomalachite green in trout and carp muscle by liquid chromatography with visible and fluorescence detection (številka: 3, 2007)
    Retinoic acid as a therapy for coushing's disease in dogs (številka: 3, 2007)
    The use of animals in biomedical research (številka: 3, 2007)
    Generalized symmetric alopecia and hyperoestrogenism associated with concurrent lymphoma, Sertoli cell tumour and seminoma in a samoyed (številka: 4, 2007)
    Nosocomial Klebsiella oxytoca infection in two dogs (številka: 4, 2007)
    Large scale outbreaks of peste des petits ruminants in sheep and goats in thar desert of India (številka: 4, 2007)
    Prof. dr. Milan Pogačnik - doctor honoris causa (številka: 4, 2007)
    Constraints of blackleg control in Nigeria (številka: 4, 2007)
    Advanced periodontal disease in a Yorkshire terrier with concurrent nasal cavity malignancy (številka: 4, 2007)
  5. 2008

    številka: 1 (2008)
    številka: 2 (2008)
    številka: 4 (2008)
    Profile of steroid hormones during oestrus and early pregnancy in Arabian mares (številka: 1, 2008)
    Diagnostic methods of cardiomyopathy in dogs - old and new perspectives and methods (številka: 1, 2008)
    Some morphological aspects of the cremaster muscle in brown hare and domestic rabbit (številka: 1, 2008)
    Development of an animal health surveillance infrastructure in Bosnia and Herzegovina - case report (številka: 1, 2008)
    Humoral immune response to bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi in dairy cattle after experimental exposure (številka: 1, 2008)
    Reproductive performance and viability of newborns in buffaloes treated antepartum with viteselen and/or ultra-corn (številka: 2, 2008)
    Helminthic and protozoan internal parasitic infections in free ranging small ruminants of Bangladesh (številka: 2, 2008)
    Antioxidative effect of oregano supplemented to broilers on oxidative stability of poultry meat (številka: 2, 2008)
    Retrospective study of canine parvovirosis in Slovenia (številka: 2, 2008)
    Fluid therapy in haemorrhagic shock (številka: 3, 2008)
    Impaired expression of FoxA3 is not a common cause of Sertoli cell-only syndrome in human infertile patients (številka: 3, 2008)
    Seven transmembrane receptors (7TM) in the view of dimerization and experimental methods to study their dimerization and cross-talk (številka: 3, 2008)
    Development and evaluation of monoclonal antibody-based enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for Borrelia garinii antigen detection in urine (številka: 3, 2008)
    Yersiniosis in captive capybaras (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris) (številka: 4, 2008)
    Janez Bleiweis - on the 200th anniversary of his birth (številka: 4, 2008)
    Ambient temperature associated variations in serum hormones and interrelated analytes of broiler chickens in arid tract (številka: 4, 2008)
    Dr Janez Bleiweis, his contribution to the evolution of the Slovene professional terminology (številka: 4, 2008)
    Use of plasma gastrin and pepsinogen levels as diagnostic markers of abomasal dysfunction in Marwari sheep of arid tract (številka: 4, 2008)
    Editorial (številka: 4, 2008)
    Forensic medicine - an unknown side of dr. Janez Bleiweis (issue 4, 2008)
  6. 2009

    številka: 1 (2009)
    številka: 2 (2009)
    številka: 3 (2009)
    številka: 4 (2009)
    Porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC) - a meta-analysis and sistematic review of the efficacy of enrofloxacin (številka: 1, 2009)
    Erythrocyte surface sialic acid depletion as predisposing factor to erythrocyte destruction in sheep experimental model of African trypanosomosis (številka: 1, 2009)
    The efficacy of antihistamine fexofenadine versus methylprednisolone in the treatment of atopic dermatitis in dogs (številka: 1, 2009)
    Impact of feeding of flaxseed and probiotics on meat quality and lipid oxidation process in pork during storage (številka: 1, 2009)
    Records on the use of animals in experiments in the republic of Slovenia and in other EU member states within a 15-year period (številka: 2, 2009)
    Enzyme-immunohistochemical aspects of muscle fiber type classification in mammals (številka: 2, 2009)
    Influence of gradual change in feed, use of acidifier and prebiotic on rabbits in the period of weaning (številka: 2, 2009)
    The occurrence of corticotrophinoma in cross-breed and breed dogs (številka: 3, 2009)
    Is male brain different from female brain? (številka: 3, 2009)
    Inactivation of Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis in sheep manure (številka: 3, 2009)
    24-hour follow-up study of plasma coenzyme Q10, total antioxidant capacity and selected blood parameters after a single oral dose of water-soluble coenzyme Q10 in healthy beagle dogs (številka: 3, 2009)
    Association of plasma stress markers at slaughter with carcass or meat quality in pigs (številka: 4, 2009)
    High prevalence of Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis in a batch of quarantined pigs in Croatia (številka: 4, 2009)
    Hydrometra in a sheep after oestrus synchronization and insemination in the anoestral season (številka: 4, 2009)
    Aortic stenosis in dogs (številka: 4, 2009)
  7. 2010

    številka: 1 (2010)
    številka: 2 (2010)
    številka: 3 (2010)
    številka: 4 (2010)
    Models of simple cell aggregates (Str. 183, 2010)
    Susceptibility of the vascularization in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus to altered GABA receptors signaling, endogenous sex hormones, and prenatal stress (Str. 182, 2010)
    A multi-disciplinary research and teaching program in biomedical engineering for discovery and understanding of cell communication (Str. 147, 2010)
    Mathematical modeling of biological events and cell-cell communication (Str. 181, 2010)
    Endocrine disrupting chemicals and domestic animals (številka: 1, 2010)
    Pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus and its relationship with obesity in cats (številka: 1, 2010)
    Molecular characterization of Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium from animals in Croatia using IS901 RFLP and MIRU-VNTR typing (številka: 1, 2010)
    Levamisole increases leukocyte count and immunoglobulin levels in young boars (številka: 1, 2010)
    Outbreaks of blackleg of cattle in northern Nigeria (1964-2003) (številka: 2, 2010)
    Effect of immunocastration (Improvac) in fattening pigs (številka: 2, 2010)
    Detection of Salmonella in poultry faeces by molecular means in comparison to traditional bacteriological methods (številka: 2, 2010)
    Effect of immunocastration (Improvac) in fattening pigs (številka: 2, 2010)
    The welfare assessment of tied dairy cows in 52 small farms in north-estern Transylvania using animal-based measurements (številka: 3, 2010)
    The presence of smooth muscle cells and elastic fibers in the bull vesicular gland (številka: 3, 2010)
    Validation of Twinsensor sup BT, screening test for the detection of beta-lactams and tetracyclines in milk, and comparison to Delvotest sup R SP-NT (številka: 3, 2010)
    Detection and molecular characterization of a pigeon variant of avian paramyxovirus type 1 virus (PPMV-1) from a blackbird (Turdus merula) (številka: 3, 2010)
    Taste perception (številka: 3, 2010)
    Light and scanning electron microscopic study of the tongue in the zebra finch Carduelis carduelis (Aves: Passeriformes: Fringillidae) (številka: 4, 2010)
    Social isolation during puberty affects social behaviour in adult mice (številka: 4, 2010)
    Gonadal hormone independent sex differences in steroidogenic factor 1 knockout mice brain (številka: 4, 2010)
    Behavioral characterization of steroidogenic factor-1 knockout mice (številka: 4, 2010)
    Transcriptome analysis of brain from steroidogenic factor 1 knockout mice (številka: 4, 2010)
    Pesticides as endocrine disruptors (številka: 4, 2010)
    Can prolactin be a measurable marker of stress in dromedaries? (številka: 4, 2010)
    Potential applications of dopamine D1 agonist and D2 antagonist LEK-8829 (številka: 4, 2010)
    Low noise signal processing for MEMS/NEMS based chemical/biological sensors (številka: 4, 2010)
  8. 2011

  9. 2012

    številka: 1 (2012)
    številka: 2 (2012)
    številka: 3 (2012)
    številka: 4 (2012)
    Blood leukocytes in carthusian mares with endometriosis or endometritis in comparison with healthy mares (številka: 1, 2012)
    Effects of organophosphate chlormephos on development and function of testes and brain (številka: 1, 2012)
    The effect of thyme oil on the shelf life of chicken balls during storage period (številka: 1, 2012)
    Somatic cell counts and total bacterial count in bulk tank milk of small ruminants (številka: 1, 2012)
    Improvement of sperm sorting efficiency and fertilizing capacity employing two variations of a new bull semen extender (SexcessR) (številka: 1, 2012)
    No evidence of avian influenza viruses in backyard poultry from risk areas in R. Macedonia (številka: 1, 2012)
    Determination of sex hormones in rat hair after administration of testosterone propionate and estradiol valerate (številka: 1, 2012)
    Canine leishmaniosis (Leishmania infantum) in Slovenia (številka: 2, 2012)
    The effect of different dilution rates on post-thaw quality of ram semen frozen in two different egg-yolk free extenders (številka: 2, 2012)
    The preservation of triclabendazole in baits for free-living red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) during the pre-consummation period (številka: 2, 2012)
    Detection of six honeybee viruses in clinically affected colonies of Carniolan gray bee (Apis mellifera carnica) (številka: 2, 2012)
    Pyrethroids influence on fish (številka: 2, 2012)
    Bovine tuberculosis in cattle during the implementation of official control measures in republic of Macedonia for the period 2007-2009 (številka: 2, 2012)
    Effect of treatment with Tris-EDTA/chlorhexidine topical solution on canine Pseudomonas aeruginosa otitis externa with or without concomitant treatment with oral fluoroquinolones (številka: 3, 2012)
    Occurrence and effects of the bivalve-inhabiting hydroid Eugymnanthea inquilina in cultured Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) in Slovenia (številka: 3, 2012)
    Effect of three-day ACTH administration on concentrations of cholesterol, cortisol, progesterone, testosterone and LH in the boars (številka: 3, 2012)
    Prevalence of Campylobacter species in fecal samples from cats and dogs in Iran (številka: 3, 2012)
    Analysis of conformation traits of the Posavje horse in Slovenia (številka: 3, 2012)
    Virulence properties of shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli isolated from iranian raw milk and dairy products (številka: 4, 2012)
    Detection of Chlamydia psittaci in cage birds in Slovenia by real-time PCR (številka: 4, 2012)
    Content of five trace elements in different honey types from Koprivnica-Križevci country (številka: 4, 2012)
    Bone metabolism markers and blood minerals concentration in dairy cattle during pregnancy and lactation (številka: 4, 2012)
    Comparison of morphological characters between wild and cultured sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus L.) (številka: 4, 2012)
  10. 2013

    številka: 1 (2013)
    številka: 2 (2013)
    številka: 3 (2013)
    številka: 4 (2013)
    Study on immune efficacy of genomic expression library vaccines against avian Pasteurella multocida (številka: 1, 2013)
    Cloning of basic fibroblast growth factor from Chinese small tail han sheep and its effects on proliferation of murine C2C12 myoblasts (številka: 1, 2013)
    Bacteriological quality and safety of raw cow's milk and fresh cream (številka: 1, 2013)
    Concurrent scrapie and chronic coenurosis in two chios sheep (številka: 1, 2013)
    Anogenital cleft in a bitch - a case report (številka: 1, 2013)
    Associations between the fat to protein ration in milk, health status and reproductive performance in dairy cattle (številka: 2, 2013)
    Malignant mesenchymoma of the aortic valve in a dog (številka: 2, 2013)
    Post-mortem findings in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Slovene sea (številka: 2, 2013)
    Expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms in longissimus muscle of domestic and wild pig (številka: 2, 2013)
    Campylobacters in broiler flocks in Bosnia and Herzegovina (številka: 2, 2013)
    Clinicopathological survey of 56 canine malignant mammary tumours in Slovenia (številka: 3, 2013)
    Divergent selection experiments in poultry (številka: 3, 2013)
    Comparative study of iron, magnesium and zinc and daily intakes in certain meats and meat products (številka: 3, 2013)
    Fertility of gilts with prolonged preinsemination anestrus after progestagen-eCG treatment (številka: 3, 2013)
    Epizootiological, clinical and pathological characteristics of sheep flocks infected with Brucella ovis in the republic of Serbia (številka: 3, 2013)
    Animal models of human pathology - our experience (številka: 3, 2013)
    Doramectin degradation and bacterial community during sheep manure composting (številka: 4, 2013)
    The effect of a petide inhibitor of cysteine peptidases produced by the dermatophyte Trichophyton mentagrophytes on a mouse immune system (številka: 4, 2013)
    Geographical distribution of sheep and goat breeds in Slovenia (številka: 4, 2013)
    Estimation of Yersinia enterocolitica prevalence in slaughtered pig tonsils in Slovenia by using three cultural isolation procedures (številka: 4, 2013)
    An attempt to eliminate porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) by serum inoculation on small pig farm (številka: 4, 2013)
    Productivity of milk and milk composition of Istrian sheep in Croatia and Slovenia (številka: 4, 2013)
  11. 2014

    številka: 1 (2014)
    številka: 2 (2014)
    številka: 3 (2014)
    številka: 4 (2014)
    Thyroid hormones levels and morphometric specifics of thyroid gland in ApoE deficient (ApoE KO) mice (številka: 1, 2014)
    Morphological adaptations for histotrophic nutrition in the placenta of West African Dwarf goats (številka: 1, 2014)
    The first detection of Acuaria spinosa in pheasants (številka: 1, 2014)
    Prevalence of antibodies against selected pathogens in wild boars (Sus scrofa) in Slovenia (številka: 1, 2014)
    The effect of Equex STM(R) in freezing media on post thaw motility, viability and DNA integrity of frozen - thawed ram spermatozoa (številka: 1, 2014)
    First detection of Schmallenberg virus infections in Slovenia, 2012 (številka: 1, 2014)
    Effect of dietary extruded linseed, verbascoside and vitamin E supplements on selected serum biochemical parameters and plasma oxidative status in Lacaune ewes (številka: 2, 2014)
    A retrospective study of canine testicular tumours in Slovenia (številka: 2, 2014)
    Monensin - a review of factors influencing its presence in the environment and recommendations for safe storage and use of monensin-contaminated manure (številka: 2, 2014)
    Influence of prolonged treatment protocols on maximum residue levels of amoxicillin concentrations in bovine milk (številka: 2, 2014)
    Comparison of the chemical composition and nutritional values of fresh and frozen rainbow trout (številka: 2, 2014)
    Copper, iron, selenium, zinc and magnesium concentrations in oysters (Ostrea edulis) from the croatian adriatic coast (številka: 3, 2014)
    Oxidative stress response in liver of broiler chickens supplemented with N-3 PUFA-rich linseed oil (številka: 3, 2014)
    Changes in blood antioxidant, biochemical and haematological parameters in police horses on duty (številka: 3, 2014)
    Seasonal variations of four honey bee viruses in pupae, hive and forager bees of carniolan gray bee (Apis mellifera carnica) (številka: 3, 2014)
    Melamine-induced nephrotoxicity in weaned piglets in Serbia (številka: 3, 2014)
    Malassezia, mites and bacteria in the external ear canal of dogs and cats with otitis externa (številka: 3, 2014)
    Effects of lactational exposure to non-planar PCB-155 and planar PCB-169 on body weight gain and craniofacial growth in rat offspring (številka: 4, 2014)
    Content of macro- and microelements in the milk of Croatian Coldblood mares during lactation (številka: 4, 2014)
    Retrograde jejunal intussusception in one year old cat after treatment with metoclopramide and menbutone (številka: 4, 2014)
    Sex-specific behavioral effects of fluoxetine treatment in animal models of depression and anxiety (številka: 4, 2014)
    Cytokeratin expression in mouse mammary gland during first five weeks post-partum (številka: 4, 2014)
  12. 2015

    številka: 1 (2015)
    številka: 2 (2015)
    številka: 3 (2015)
    številka: 4 (2015)
    Ultrastructural study of the trachea in experimentally infected broilers with IBV serotype 4/91 (številka: 1, 2015)
    Integrated use of different fish related parameters to assess the status of water bodies (številka: 1, 2015)
    The usefulness of two molecular methods for the detection of persistently infected cattle with bovine viral diarrhea virus using oral swab samples (številka: 1, 2015)
    Treatment of acariasis with ivermectin and evaluation of different sampling techniques in mice (številka: 1, 2015)
    Enterococcus cecorum infection in two critically ill children and two adult septic patients (številka: 1, 2015)
    Elemental concentrations in different tissues of European perch and black bullhead from Sava Lake (Serbia) (številka: 2, 2015)
    Effect of carbon black nanomaterial on canine erythrocyte and platelet shape (številka: 2, 2015)
    Characteristics of hypopharyngeal glands in honeybees (Apis mellifera carnica) from a nurse colony (številka: 2, 2015)
    Efficacy of potential atypical antipsychotic lek-8829 on behavioral effects in rat model of catalepsy and inhibition of amphetamine induced psychomotor stimulation (številka: 2, 2015)
    Peracute alpha-naphthylthiourea intoxication in a cow-calf herd (številka: 2, 2015)
    Genome-wide association study for dairy traits in Slovenian Brown swiss breed (številka: 2, 2015)
    Molecular characterization of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, ST398 (LA-MRSA), from human samples (številka: 3, 2015)
    Applicability assessment of a standardized microsatellite marker set in endangered Busha cattle (številka: 3, 2015)
    The effect of selected triazines on fish (številka: 3, 2015)
    Influence of sex, slaughter weight and season on carcass characteristics of Lika Pramenka lambs raised under semi-extensive production system (številka: 3, 2015)
    Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) - a risk to human health from exposure to lead shots contaminating the environment (številka: 3, 2015)
    Malignant catarrhal fever in American bison (Bison bison) in Slovenia (številka: 4, 2015)
    The detection of relative mRNA expression of cytokine in chickens after Enterococcus faecium EF55 administration and Salmonella enterica Enteritidis infection (številka: 4, 2015)
    The effect of sodium bentonite supplementation in the diet of mink (Neovison vison) on the microbiological quality of feed and animal health parameters (številka: 4, 2015)
    Distribution of Salmonella Enteritidis genotypes among selected broiler flocks in Bosnia and Herzegovina (številka: 4, 2015)
    Arthroscopic treatment of an incomplete avulsion fracture of the supraglenoid tuberosity in a dog (številka: 4, 2015)
    Effects of DGAT1 and GH1 polymorphism on milk yield in Holstein cows reared in Turkey (številka: 4, 2015)
  13. 2016

    številka: 1 (2016)
    številka: 2 (2016)
    številka: 3 (2016)
    številka: 4 (2016)
    supl. 17 (2016)
    Veterinary dentistry: its importance in veterinary education and interdisciplinary research (Str. 23-24, 2016)
    Virusne okužbe čebeljih družin (Str. 257-258, 2016)
    Novejše diagnostične metode v veterinarskem laboratoriju (Str. 140-141, 2016)
    Veterinarska onkologija v veterinarski medicini in njen pomen za translacijsko medicino (Str. 22-23, 2016)
    Zagotavljanje kakovosti v veterinarskih preskuševalnih laboratorijih (Str. 251-252, 2016)
    Veterinarska stroka in njeno mesto pri delu javne agencije republike Slovenije za zdravila in medicinske pripomočke (Str. 259-262, 2016)
    Vrednotenje hematokrita in srčnega utripa med medikamentozno in operativno zdravljenimi primeri kolik pri konju (Str. 279-280, 2016)
    Vpliv kulture zagotavljanja varnih živil na živilsko-prehransko-oskrbovalno verigo (Str. 134-136, 2016)
    The prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella species isolated from captive reptiles at Ljubljana ZOO (številka: 1, 2016)
    Antibacterial properties of non-thermal, atmospheric, Openair(R), plasma jet in surface decontamination of eggs in shell (številka: 1, 2016)
    Common carp response to the different concentration of linseed oil in diet (številka: 1, 2016)
    Study of trace and ultratrace elements in silage intended for cattle nutrition (številka: 1, 2016)
    Effects of oregano essential oil, grapefruit seed extract and their combination on the growth and survival of Salmonella Typhimurium and Listeria monocytogenes in poultry fillets under modified atmosphere packaging (številka: 1, 2016)
    Arterial supply of the cerebral cortex in cattle (Bos primigenius f. dom.) (številka: 1, 2016)
    Frequency of yeasts and filamentous fungi in the external ear canals of cattle in Iran (številka: 2, 2016)
    Post-mortem decrease in temperature in the orbit of dogs for use in determining time of death (številka: 2, 2016)
    Occurrence of anti Toxoplasma antibodies in owned dogs from Italy (številka: 2, 2016)
    Polymorphisms of the IGF1 gene in Russian sheep breeds and their influence on some meat production parameters (številka: 2, 2016)
    The heavy metal contents (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn) and its relationships with the size of the rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) from lake Cerknica, Slovenia (številka: 2, 2016)
    Metastasizing ovarian carcinoma in an Eurasian brown bear (Ursus arctos arctos) (številka: 2, 2016)
    Blinded placebo study of bilateral osteoarthritis treatment using adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells (številka: 3, 2016)
    Dynamics of some vaginal parameters in non-pregnant bitches after mid-luteal aglepristone treatment (številka: 3, 2016)
    Changes in the uterus and vagina of rats with experimentally induced diabetes and the effect of lycopene on the changes (številka: 3, 2016)
    The effects of two ways of storage on physicochemical changes in pheasant meat (številka: 3, 2016)
    Oestrogens and prolactin regulate mammary gland epithelial cell growth by modulation of the Wnt signal pathway (številka: 3, 2016)
    Use of ethnoveterinary medicines by the people living near Pak-Afghan border region (številka: 3, 2016)
    Microbiological monitoring of mastitis pathogens in the control of udder health in dairy cows (številka: 3, 2016)
    Brevundimonas vesicularis septicaemia in a kid with congenital goitre (številka: 3, 2016)
    Epidemiology and status of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome in the Western Balkan region: challenges and prospects (številka: 4, 2016)
    Evaluation of the conjunctival bacterial flora in 140 rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) farmed in Sicily Island (številka: 4, 2016)
    Radiological comparison of lumbosacral anatomy between German and Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) working dogs (številka: 4, 2016)
    Distribution of primitive endoderm and epiblast lineage specific factors in late stage blastocysts (številka: 4, 2016)
    Viral contamination in mussel production chain on the Slovenian coastline (številka: 4, 2016)
    Pentatrichomonas hominis coinfection in a puppy from a Slovenian animal shelter (številka: 4, 2016)
    Detekcija DNA predvidenega napadalca na kadavru ovce (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Primer polymelie pri telici križanki s cikastim govedom (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Veterinarska zdravila: nevarnost za zdravje in ocena tveganja (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Ugotavljanje prisotnosti virusa hepatitisa E v vzorcih blata poginjenih prašičev v letih od 2011 do 2015 v Sloveniji (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Genotipi gena za prionski protein pri ovcah z atipičnim praskavcem v Sloveniji (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Parazitoze pri drobnici (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Modeliranje širjenja kužnih bolezni: primer bolezni modrikastega jezika v Sloveniji (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Ugotavljanje subkliničnih presnovnih motenj krav molznic (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Spremembe v slovenski prašičereji po vstopu v Evropsko unijo (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Lejšmanioza: preliminarni rezultati seroprevalence pri psih v Sloveniji (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Prisotnost virusa PRRS pri poginjenih prašičih v obdobju od 2011 do 2016 v Sloveniji (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Dve leti izvajanja prostovoljnega programa za priznanje statusa čreda prosta BVD v Sloveniji (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Detection of tetracycline residues in bovine milk following mastitis treatment (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Ali timol v razmerah in vitro zavira kontrakcije tankega črevesa, povzročene z acetilholinom? (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Perinealne hernije - so vse zgolj šolski primeri? (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Spolno specifično znotrajcelično sporočanje v matičnih celicah samcev in samic psov po aktivaciji inzulinskega receptorja s pomočjo metode BRET2 (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Ugotavljanje petih virusov v odmrlih čebeljih družinah v letu 2015 v Sloveniji (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Prva ugotovitev rekombinantnih sevov virusov PED pri prašičih z drisko v Sloveniji (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Naravni načini zatiranja parazitov (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Določanje ostankov pomirjeval (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Evaluation of humoral immunity and production parameters after vaccination with live attenuated vaccines against newcastle disease in commercial broilers and layers (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Izvajanje monitoringa na prisotnost virusa in protiteles afriške prašičje kuge med leti 2014 in 2015 v Sloveniji (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Cink, napredek in raziskovalne perspektive (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Prva ugotovitev in genetska karakterizacija prašičjih bokavirusov v Sloveniji (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Validacija postopka ugotavljanja prisotnosti bakterije Clostridium difficile v vzorcih surovega mesa (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Bolezen modrikastega jezika v Sloveniji (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Psevdotuberkuloza (kazeozni limfadenitis) (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Študija primera: prašičja epidemična driska (PED) na farmi prašičev pitancev v Sloveniji (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Primerjava metod za opredelitev kakovosti in koncentracije knjižnic NGS (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Ugotavljanje prisotnosti bakterij Salmonella spp. - primerjava postopkov (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Pristopi k obvladovanju obporodne hipokalcemije pri govedu (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Novosti na področju sindroma zakopitnice (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Piometra pri psicah: sterilizirati ali ne? (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Določitev prevalence perzistentnih izločevalcev virusa BVD iz rutinsko testiranih serumskih vzorcev (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Ocena uspešnosti cepljenja lisic proti steklini (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Karakterizacija morfoloških sprememb celic HEK-293 transfeciranih z mutantnimi oblikami receptorja za grelin (GHS-R1a) z oslabljeno sposobnostjo vezave liganda ali aktivacijo sekundarnega sporočilnega sistema (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Sekvenciranje celotnega genoma virusa prašičje epidemične diareje s tehnologijo ion torrent (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Sekvenciranje naslednje generacije (NGS): testiranje vzorcev blata prašičev z drisko (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Določitev prvega celotnega genoma virusa bovine virusne diareje v Sloveniji (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Biomarkerji v semenski plazmi kot faktorji napovedi kakovosti kratkotrajno hranjenega merjaščevega semena (suppl. 17, 2016)
    Dokaz primerov obolelih živali z mukozno boleznijo v Sloveniji (suppl. 17, 2016)
  14. 2017

    številka: 1 (2017)
    številka: 2 (2017)
    številka: 3 (2017)
    številka: 4 (2017)
    Seroprevalence of Neospora caninum in cattle of Neishabour, northeast Iran (številka: 1, 2017)
    Quantitative analysis in canine cutaneous soft tissue sarcomas and reactive spindle cell proliferations on cytological smears (številka: 1, 2017)
    Evaluation of different chemical compositions in eggs of the hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni) (številka: 1, 2017)
    The effect of crude Nigella sativa oil against the acute toxicity of diclofenac sodium and ibuprofen on the liver of albino mice (številka: 1, 2017)
    Modulating effects of Mycoad on performance, mucosal ans systemic immunity in chicken aflatoxicosis (številka: 1, 2017)
    Assessment of circulating total and free iodothyronines patterns in adult ovine and caprine specimens: influences of endemic goitre area (številka: 2, 2017)
    Evaluation of antimicrobial effect of Iranian sumac on Bacillus cereus in a commercial barley soup (številka: 2, 2017)
    Telencephalon vascularity in common fox (Vulpes vulpes) (številka: 2, 2017)
    Effects of ceratin drugs on dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase enzyme purified from bovine liver (številka: 2, 2017)
    Association of number of artificial inseminations per pregnancy in Holstein dairy cows with polymorphism in luteinizing hormone receptor and follicle stimulating hormone receptor genes (številka: 2, 2017)
    Biochemical and chemical parameters changes in the blood of chickens following treatments with maduramycin, monensin and diclazuril (številka: 2, 2017)
    Detection of Lawsonia intracellularis DNA in ileal tissues of dead wild birds in the Republic of Korea (številka: 3, 2017)
    Guinea pig fetus does not change its presentation during second half of gestation (številka: 3, 2017)
    The prevalence of ten pathogens detected by a real-time PCR method in nasal swab samples collected from live cattle with respiratory disease (številka: 3, 2017)
    The influence of isoflurane anaesthesia on intestinal permeability in healthy dogs (številka: 3, 2017)
    The ORF5 variation of Vietnamese porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus strains (številka: 3, 2017)
    Molecular detection and seroprevalence of mycoplasmas in clinicaly healthy working dogs (številka: 4, 2017)
    Effect of Boswellia serrata supplementation in addition to insulin on glycemic control in a diabetic dog (številka: 4, 2017)
    Electrochemotherapy combined with standard and COsub2 laser surgeries in canine oral melanoma (številka: 4, 2017)
    Evaluation and comparison of DNA extraction kits for the detection of Clostridium difficile in spiked and field faeces from piglets by using real-time PCR (številka: 4, 2017)
    Cortisol concentrations in hair, blood and milk of holstein and busha cattle (številka: 4, 2017)
    Swine brucellosis caused by Brucella suis BIOVAR 2 in Croatia (številka: 4, 2017)
  15. 2018

    številka: 1 (2018)
    številka: 2 (2018)
    številka: 3 (2018)
    številka: 4 (2018)
    supl. 20 (2018)
    supl. 21 (2018)
    Effect of Garcinia cambogia extract on serum leptin, ghrelin, adiponectin and insulin levels and body weights in rats fed with high lipid diet (številka: 1, 2018)
    Effect of birth weight, weaning weight and preweaning weight gain on fertility of Holstein heifers under hot mexican conditions (številka: 1, 2018)
    Development and evaluation of antigen capture ELISA for detection of influenza virus A (številka: 1, 2018)
    Effects of bee pollen and propolis on performance, mortality, and some haematological blood parameters in broiler chickens (številka: 1, 2018)
    Modulation of systemic innate and adaptive immune parameters in weaned pigs by single oral application of immunobiotics (številka: 1, 2018)
    Assessing gastric ulceration in fattening pigs housed without or with straw and additional space (številka: 2, 2018)
    Potential application of lyophilization in commercial use of bacteriophage preparations in veterinary medicine (številka: 2, 2018)
    Sex differences in liver gene expression in WT and SF-1 knockout mice (številka: 2, 2018)
    Critical approach to the alternative treatment of chronic kidney disease in dogs and cats (številka: 2, 2018)
    Residual levels of organochlorine pesticides and heavy metals in shellfish from Egypt with assessment of health risks (številka: 2, 2018)
    Hormonal induction of abortion of a mummified fetus in a breeding Weimaraner bitch (številka: 3, 2018)
    Effects of synthetic and organic acaricides on honey bee health (številka: 3, 2018)
    Expression and biological activity of ghrelin, obestatin, and leptin in deferent ducts of the bull and ram (številka: 3, 2018)
    Hemato-biochemical and histopathological changes in mud loach, Misgurnus mizolepis experimentally infected with Aeromonas sobria (številka: 3, 2018)
    Salmonella typhimurium between 2000 and 2012 (številka: 3, 2018)
    Serotype-specific and haemadsorption protein of the african swine fever virus (številka: 3, 2018)
    Occurrence and transplacental transmission of Anaplasma marginale in dairy cattle (številka: 3, 2018)
    Antimicrobial activity and enzymes on skin mucus from male and female caspian kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum Kamensky, 1901) specimens (številka: 4, 2018)
    Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of avian pox virus isolated from pet birds and commercial flocks, in Iran (številka: 4, 2018)
    The effect of supraphysiological doses of vitamin E on performance of broiler breeders flock (številka: 4, 2018)
    Effects of humic acids on poultry under stress conditions (številka: 4, 2018)
    Molecular epidemiological study on peste des petits ruminants in Egypt 2015 (številka: 4, 2018)
    Trends in veterinary expert opinions on animals (številka: 4, 2018)
  16. 2019

    številka: 1 (2019)
    številka: 2 (2019)
    številka: 3 (2019)
    številka: 4 (2019)
    supl. 22 (2019)
    Molecular mechanisms of stem cell aging (številka: 1, 2019)
    Effect of metabolic cage housing on metabolic changes in the liver of young male laboratory rats (številka: 1, 2019)
    Antibacterial activity of clove essential oil and eugenol against fish pathogenic bacteria isolated from cultured olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) (številka: 1, 2019)
    Effects of feeding grains naturally contaminated with fusarium toxins on selected haematological parameters and lymphocyte subsets in primiparous sows (številka: 1, 2019)
    Detection of bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency, deficiency of uridine monophosphate synthase, and complex vertebral malformation in Hostein cattle (številka: 2, 2019)
    Mycobacteria in aquarium fish (številka: 2, 2019)
    Craniometric features of the population of European beaver ( Castor fiber L., 1758) (številka: 2, 2019)
    Hafnia paralvei isolated from an emphysematous pyometra in a bitch (številka: 2, 2019)
    Pseurotin A from Aspergillus fumigatus Fr. AUMC 8002 exhibits anticancer activity against hepatocellular carcinoma in vitro and in vivo (številka: 2, 2019)
    Milk quantity, composition and hygiene traits of routinely machine milked Lipizzan mares (številka: 3, 2019)
    Cardiac myxoma in a dog (številka: 3, 2019)
    Assessment of environmental pollution with metals in some industrial regions of Kosovo using chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) breast feathers (številka: 3, 2019)
    Determination of the in vitro effect of lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) oil against fish pathogenic bacteria isolated from cultured olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) (številka: 3, 2019)
    Histological and stereological study on the kidneys in sparrows living in wet and arid zones (številka: 3, 2019)
    A macroscopic study on the muscles and tendons of forepaws in the anatolian bobcat (Lynx lynx) (številka: 4, 2019)
    The influence of different molecular weight seminal plasma protein content on some fertility parameters in boar's ejaculates (številka: 4, 2019)
    Evaluation of intra- and inter-observer agreement of ultrasonographic findings after adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells treatment of superficial digital flexor tendon injuries in horses (številka: 4, 2019)
    Effects of mesenchymal stem cell transplantation into ischemic bile duct injury tissues of rats on the expression of vascular endothelial cell phenotype and the increase of vascular dentistry (številka: 4, 2019)
    The effect of tannin supplementation of mid-lactation dairy cows diets on metabolic profile parameters and production characteristics (številka: 4, 2019)
  17. 2020

    številka: 1 (2020)
    številka: 2 (2020)
    številka: 3 (2020)
    številka: 4 (2020)
    Genotypic characterization of a Trueperella pyogenes strain as a major causative agent of metritis, abortion and death in Bubalus bubalis (številka: 1, 2020)
    Participation and drug resistance of coagulase-positive staphylococci isolated from cases of pyoderma and otitis externa in dogs (številka: 1, 2020)
    Investigation of G+265C and G-1539A single nucleotide polymorphisms of Toll-like receptor 4 gene (TLR4) in some cattle breeds raised in Turkey (številka: 1, 2020)
    Egg weight affects hatching results, body weight and fear-related behavior in Japanese quails (številka: 1, 2020)
    Occurrence, molecular identification and antibiotic resistance profiling of Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae from chronic respiratory disease cases in poultry birds and farm environment (številka: 2, 2020)
    Cortical branches of the middle cerebral artery in european badger (Meles meles) (številka: 2, 2020)
    Reducing the number of bacterial colonies using Ecocid R S (potassium peroxysulphate based disinfectant) at small animal clinic (številka: 2, 2020)
    Efficacy of amoxicillin (AtcomoxR) and /or allicin on performance, haematological, biochemical, and histopathological changes in Clostridium perfringens infected chickens (številka: 2, 2020)
    Comparisons of the histological morphology and in vitro percutaneous absorption of caffeine in shed snake skin and human skin (številka: 2, 2020)
    Welfare assessment of commercial layers in Slovenia (številka: 3, 2020)
    Ameliorative effects of grape seed oil on chromium-induced nephrotoxicity and oxidative stress in rats (številka: 3, 2020)
    Acute and sub-acute toxicity studies on Combretum dolichopetalum Engl. & Diels leaves (številka: 3, 2020)
    Assessment of microbiological load of small ruminant carcasses, livers, some lymph nodes, tools and knife samples in slaughterhouse (številka: 3, 2020)
    Chicken anemija virus impairs nitric oxide production in HD11 chicken macrophages (številka: 4, 2020)
    Anti-ageing effects of dietary bee products and calorie restriction on semen production and oxidative damage in older broiler breeder males (številka: 4, 2020)
    Chemical composition of tualang honey and its effect on the lung surfactants and histology of male rats exposed to cigarette smoke (številka: 4, 2020)
    The efficacy of vaccination of layer chickens with inactivated fowl cholera bacterin prepared from local Egyptian strains of Pasteurella multocida (številka: 4, 2020)
  18. 2021

    številka: 1 (2021)
    številka: 2 (2021)
    številka: 3 (2021)
    številka: 4 (2021)
    The presence of putative virulence determinants, tetracycline and ß - lactams resistance genes of Aeromonas species isolated from pet turtles and their environment (številka: 1, 2021)
    Palliative jaw-sparing treatment of a non-resectable canine oral fibrosarcoma using combination of electrochemotherapy with bleomycin and IL-12 gene electrotransfer (številka: 1, 2021)
    Telencephalon vascularity in dog (Canis lupus f. familiaris) (številka: 1, 2021)
    Comparison efficacy of synthetic chemicals and plant extracts for tick control (številka: 1, 2021)
    Characterisation of coat colour in the Slovenian Posavje horse (številka: 2, 2021)
    First report of Paenibacillus cineris from a burmese python (Python molurus bivittatus) with oral abscess (številka: 2, 2021)
    The combined effect of sodium lactate, lactic acid and acetic acid on the survival of Salmonella spp. and the microbiota of chicken drumsticks (številka: 2, 2021)
    Genetic diversity of Egyptian arabian horses from El-zahraa stud based on 14 TKY microsatellite markers (številka: 2, 2021)
    Anti-diabetic effect of ethanol extract of Copaifera salikounda (HECKEL) against alloxan-induced diabetes in rats (številka: 2, 2021)
    The detection of Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Babesia vulpes in spleen samples of red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Slovenia (številka: 3, 2021)
    Osteomyelitis on the cervical vertebras of a free-living European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) by Paeniclostridium sordellii (številka: 3, 2021)
    Pharmacokinetics of the long-acting ceftiofur crystal-line-free acid in Arabian she-camels (Camelus Dromedarius) (številka: 3, 2021)
    Comparative evaluation of the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) and the Green Iguana (Iguana iguana) skull by three-dimensional computed tomographic reconstruction (številka: 3, 2021)
    First report of canine myiasis with sheep nasal bot fly, Oestrus ovis, in Slovenia (številka: 4, 2021)
    Morphology and histology of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) planum nasale (številka: 4, 2021)
    The first outbreak of viral encephalopathy and retinopathy in farmed sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in Slovenia (številka: 4, 2021)
    Isolation of live cells from different mice tissues up to nine days after death (številka: 4, 2021)
  19. 2022

    številka: 1 (2022)
    številka: 2 (2022)
    številka: 3 (2022)
    številka: 4 (2022)
    Antioxidant effect of Buchholzia coriacea ethanol leaf-extract and fractions on Freund's adjuvant-induced arthritis in albino rats: a comparative study (številka: 1, 2022)
    Avian cryptosporidiosis: a significant parasitic disease of public health hazard (številka: 1, 2022)
    Herniorrhaphy and surgical outcomes of diaphragmatic hernia in cats (številka: 1, 2022)
    Effects of selection in terms of meat yield traits on leptin receptor gene in Japanese quail lines (številka: 2, 2022)
    Regional epidemiology and associated risk factors of peste des petits ruminants in Asia - a review (številka: 2, 2022)
    Morphometrical features of the cave bear and brown bear head skeleton (številka: 2, 2022)
    Immunolocalization of HOXA11 and HLX proteins in cow placenta during pregnancy (številka: 2, 2022)
    Applicability of flow cytometry in identifying and staging lymphoma, leukemia and mast cell tumors in dogs (številka: 3, 2022)
    Use of cannabidiol products by pet owners in Slovenia: a survey-based study (številka: 3, 2022)
    Performance and Nosema spp. spore level in young honeybee (Apis Mellifera Carnica, Pollmann 1879) colonies supplemented with candies (številka: 3, 2022)
    Evaluation of commercial tortoise and turtle feeds (številka: 3, 2022)
    Pathological findings in an old female giant panda - a case report (številka: 4, 2022)
    Evaluation of trauma scoring and endothelial glycocalyx injury in cats with head trauma (številka: 4, 2022)
    Preclinical mouse models in adoptive cell therapies of cancer (številka: 4, 2022)
    Pectin improves hemato-biochemical parameter, histopathology, oxidative stress biomarkers, cytokines and expression of hepcidin gene in lead induced toxicity in rats (številka: 4, 2022)
  20. 2023

    številka: 1 (2023)
    številka: 2 (2023)
    številka: 3 (2023)
    številka: 4 (2023)
    Supl. 25 (2023)
    Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of a rhinosinusitis secondary to a dental abscess in a crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) (številka: 1, 2023)
    Suitability of alternatives to rectal temperature measurements in pet rodents, rabbits and ferrets (številka: 1, 2023)
    Characterisation of the haematological profile in the Posavje horse breed (številka: 1, 2023)
    The effect of specific chicken based renal diet as monotherapy on clinical, biochemical, urinary and serum oxidative stress parameters in cats with CKD stage 1 and 2 (številka: 1, 2023)
    Veterinary illustration: science and art telling a story together (številka: 1, 2023)
    Viviparity in snakes (številka: 2, 2023)
    Female gonadal hormones are a risk factor for developing atherosclerotic changes in C57BL/6J mice on atherogenic diet (številka: 2, 2023)
    Reviving the Alpine Ibex (številka: 3, 2023)
    Influence of feed restriction and zinc oxide nanoparticles supplementation on growth performance, blood biochemistry, intestinal morphology and cecal fermentation parameters of growing rabbits (številka: 3, 2023)
    First insight into genetic diversity of Apline ibex (Capra ibex) in Slovenia (številka: 3, 2023)
    An insight into veterinary strudents' perceptions on the use of 3D-printed bone biomodels in anatomy learning (številka: 3, 2023)
    In vitro effects of hydro-methanolic extract from Gliricidia sepium leaves on larvae of Haemonchus contortus (številka: 3, 2023)
    A 2023 Nobel prize in physiology or medicine (številka: 3, 2023)
    Retrospective analysis of extra-pelvic injuries verified at the first admission of cats with pelvic fractures (številka: 3, 2023)
    Can illustration help us understand our cats better? (številka: 4, 2023)
    Expression of insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide in the pancreas of the eurasian moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) (številka: 4, 2023)
    Reflecting and looking forward - the role of veterinary scientific journals in veterinary research and medicine (številka: 4, 2023)
    Identification of best growth curve model for Anatolian black cattle (številka: 4, 2023)
    The diagnostic accuracy of radiographic cardiac indices in the assessment of cardiomegaly and left atrial enlargement in rat with dilated cardiomyopathy: and experimental study (številka: 4, 2023)