Q. DAI et al.: A SCREEN-PRINTED PIEZOELECTRIC ENERGY HARVESTER USING ZnO TETRAPOD ARRAYS 231–234 A SCREEN-PRINTED PIEZOELECTRIC ENERGY HARVESTER USING ZnO TETRAPOD ARRAYS SITOTISK PIEZOELEKTRI^NEGA ZBIRALCA ENERGIJE Z UPORABO ZnO TETRAPODNIH MATRIC Quili Dai1,2, Peng Pan1,2, Ruifeng Zhang1,2, Jun Liu2, Zhengcun Yang2, Jun Wei2, Qiping Yuan1,2 1Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Film Electronic and Communicate Devices, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tianjin 300384, China 2Tianjin University of Technology, Advanced Materials and Printed Electronics Center, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tianjin 300384, China 13072219279@163.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2017-09-25; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2017-10-20 doi:10.17222/mit.2017.157 In this work, for the first time, we combine electronic printing technology, electrostatic spraying technology and the new 3D structure of ZnO. The new structure was prepared with a simple, low-cost and massive method that was not successfully applied before. The ZnO tetrapods/PET composite device exhibits an output open-circuit voltage of ~20 V and a short-circuit current of ~300nA under repeated hand pressing. It is demonstrated that the output power from the PENG can directly drive the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and charge a capacitor. But a typical flexible polymer produces an output voltage of 3.3 V and cannot power light-emitting diodes. Keywords: ZnO tetrapods, wearable electronics, nanogenerator, screen-printed V tem ~lanku avtorji prvi~ opisujejo kombinacijo tehnologije elektronskega tiska, tehnologije elektrostati~nega napr{evanja in nove 3D-strukture ZnO. Novo strukturo so pripravili z enostavno, ceneno in produktivno metodo, ki do sedaj {e ni bila razvita. Kompozitna naprava sestavljena iz ZnO tetrapodov in polietilen tereftalata (PET), ima v odprtem tokokrogu napetost ~ 20 V in kratkosti~ni tok ~ 300 nA pod vplivom ponavljajo~ega ro~nega stiskanja. Avtorji so v raziskavi dokazali, da je izhodna mo~ piezoelektri~nega nanogeneratorja (PENG) dovolj velika, da lahko neposredno poganja svetlobne diode (LEDs; angl.: light-emitting diodes) in polni kondenzator. Toda tipi~ni upogljivi (fleksibilni, tisti ki se prilagajajo telesu) polimerni proizvodi imajo izhodno napetost 3,3 V in ne morejo proizvajati svetlobe z LED-icami. Klju~ne besede: ZnO tetrapodi, nosljiva elektronika, nanogenerator, sitotisk 1 INTRODUCTION In various renewable and sustainable energy environ- ments, mechanical energy is the largest widely distri- buted resource1,2 with a variety of energy types and scales, such as pressure, sound, rolling tires, vibration, and tides. In order to solve the problem of increasing energy crisis and realize the low-energy-consumption electronics of power supply, various methods have been developed to convert mechanical energy into electricity, including the piezoelectric effect, electrostatic3,4 etc. In practice, each kind of generator has its own shortcoming, i.e., it can simultaneously mass produce, and popularize multi-type generator5 to improve energy production har- vester. In the previous work, the simulation analysis of the coupling between the piezoelectric friction and elec- tronics have been promoting the output performance of a piezoelectric–triboelectric hybrid nanogenerator can be achieved through proper structural design and the direc- tion of the polarization enhancement.6 In this work we fabricated a novel structured piezo- electric nanogenerator (PENG) based on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polydimethysiloxane (PDMS) film that was printing carbon paste with screen-printed and electrostatic spraying ZnO tetrapods.7,8 In the demonstration, the ZnO tetrapods four of the three legs are arranged on the substrate below, and look like a tetra- hedron. These ZnO tetrapods were synthesized through a simple, low-cost, low-temperature hydrothermal me- thod,9,10 which can facilitate large-scale production and preparation. The electrical output of a PENG with surface modification of the ZnO tetrapods could reach 20 V at low frequency, about 2.3 times higher than that without any ZnO materials. This clearly suggests that this kind of surface modification can dramatically enhance the electrical output of the PENG, providing a unique microstructured material for the PENG. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Materials The graphite used in the experiments was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polydimethysiloxane (PDMS) film, 99 % pure Zn powder, ethanol and acetone were obtained from Sigma- Aldrich. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 2, 231–234 231 UDK 621.38:620.3:681.6-33 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 52(2)231(2018) 2.2 Preparation of ZnO nanotetrapods ZnO nanotetrapods were synthesized with 99 % pure Zn powder by a thermal evaporation and oxidation method in air. An induction-heating device with a maxi- mum output power of 60 kW and a constant frequency of 60 kHz was used as a heating source. The induction coil made of a copper tube was processed into a shape of planar polyring. First, the Zn powder was paved evenly onto a sheet of graphite paper. The graphite paper was parallel to the induction coil and the distance between them kept at 30 mm. In order to investigate the effect of the output power on the morphologies of the ZnO nano- tetrapods11,12 the applied value of output power varied from 20 kW to 40 kW. After a few seconds from starting the induction-heating device, white cotton-like product filled the space between the induction coil and the graphite paper. 2.3 Fabrication of piezoelectric nanogenerator films The white products of ZnO nanotetrapods were obtained in the crucibles and were collected for the next step to use. Before the in printing carbon paste, the substrates were cleaned ultrasonically in acetone, ethanol and deionized water. Then the substrates were dried at 60 °C for 0.5 h and printed with carbon paste using screen-printing technology. Finally, the ZnO tetrapods on the basis of printing carbon paste by electrostatic spraying and oven for half an hour at 110 °C in the air at atmospheric pressure. The schematic diagram of the PENG manufacturing process is introduced in Figure 1a. The PENG were manufactured by covering the top PDMS with graphite as electrodes and bottom surfaces of graphite paste on a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrate. The particu- lar information about the manufacturing process is described in the Experimental details. The dimension of the fabricated PENG is the rectangular area of mm2 show in Figure 1b. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 2 shows typical scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images (Figure 2a and 2b) of the as-synthesized Q. DAI et al.: A SCREEN-PRINTED PIEZOELECTRIC ENERGY HARVESTER USING ZnO TETRAPOD ARRAYS 232 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 2, 231–234 Figure 2: Representative SEM images shown up view: a) and b) of ZnO nanotetrapods, c) Rietveld-refinement analysis of XRD spectra of ZnO nanotetrapods Figure 1: a) Schematic diagrams of the PENG fabricating process, b) photograph of the ZnO-PET composite film contact by wires products prepared under different magnifications. The SEM image shows that the products are composed of four-dollar ZnO crystals and extends four legs from the center. Figure 2c is the XRD mode of ZnO, while the sharp diffraction peak indicates good crystal quality. All the 12 diffraction peaks can be associated with ZnO crystals (JCPDS 36-1451) of hexagonal fiber structure, indicating that ZnO crystals have a high purity.13 The pattern is a vertical contact-separation mode of PENG. The detailed working principle is shown in Fig- ure 3a. When the PENG is pressed, the two friction materials contact. According to the previous works, due to the different electron-attracting ability, is transported from one material to another electrons14 so there will be a net negative charge of the surface layer and attract electron ability and net positive charge Figure 3b. Two tribo-materials, independent of the interface area of the tribo-materials earlier separation, this will lead to the interface area being saved, so the electronic connection induction electrode will drive the flow from one side to to another (creating a current cycle, Figure 3c). In the process, the electron lasts until the PENG is fully re- leased, shown in Figure 3d. At this point, both the induces the potential difference and the transfer charge of the maximum.15,16 As these two tribo-materials disso- ciate,17,18 the potential differences will decrease and the electrons will also appear and Returns even fade away (Figure 3a). Therefore, the whole process will produces an optional current pulse output. When two thin films are exposed and separated, the replacement potential will drive the electrons in the external load to move back and forth. But typical flexible polymer produces an output voltage of 3.3 V and cannot power light-emitting diodes. Open-circuit voltage (Voc) and short-circuit current (Isc) are measured to characterize the PENG electric performance when it is coated with graphite.19 With a repeating finger imparting (pressure amplitude ~8.43 kPa, online supplementary data) the Voc is presented in Figure 4a. Furthermore, the AC output could be trans- ferred to the pulse output in the same direction simply by introducing a full-wave rectifying bridge (Figure 4d). At an applied pressure of 8.43 kPa, the PENG is able to produce a Voc up to 20 V and the short-circuit current Isc is 300 nA. When the force decreases, (pressure am- plitude ~3.45 kPa) the output voltage decreases as the Voc is 6 V (Figure 4b). This is attributed to the in- creased contact area between the electrode and the PDMS with a larger applied pressure amplitude. The PDMS shows an elastic property; the larger force PDMS can fill more vacant space, thus leading to a larger contact area. As a result, the electric output voltage and current increase until all of the vacant spacing is completely filled by the PDMS,20 reaching an enhanced output. Different values of the resistors are connected as a PENG to further investigate the effective electric power of the PENG. As demonstrated in Figure 4c, the in- stantaneous current drops with increasing load resistance due to ohmic losses, while the voltage builds up.21,22 Con- sequently, the instantaneous power output (W = I2peak R) reached the maximum at a load resistance of 0.6 M . At a contacting force of 8.43 kPa, an power output of 0.4 μW was achieved (Figure 4d).To confirm the energy storage application of the PENG, a capacitor was connected to the NG using a full-wave bridge rectifying circuit.23 The electric power generated by the PENG is directly used for the opening of commercial LEDs lights.24 In the process of finger tapping, 9 commercial LEDS are driven Q. DAI et al.: A SCREEN-PRINTED PIEZOELECTRIC ENERGY HARVESTER USING ZnO TETRAPOD ARRAYS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 2, 231–234 233 Figure 4: a) and b) under different finger pressures rectified output voltage of the PNG, c) fitted curve of the current and voltage output on different external load resistance, d) dependence of the power output on the different external load resistance, e) equivalent bridge rectifier circuit diagram for the DC voltage measurement, capacitor charging and LED lighting performance, f) the LEDs were driven successively by output generated from hand pressing Figure 3: Working mechanism of the sandwich-shape PNG. Sche- matic illustration of the charge-generating process of the PNG. Pushed by the external force from the linear motor, the device will be switching back and forth between the separated state and the contacted state, and there will be an alternating flow of electrons in the external circuit driven by the induced priboelectric potential. The electric charges move for neutralization after the separation, forming a cycle. by the resulting output voltage (Figure 4f), which does not require external energy-storage devices (inset of Fig- ure 4e). 4 CONCLUSIONS In summary, we have successfully provided a simple, low-cost and massive production method to fabricate ZnO tetrapods electrets film based on nanogenerator, e.g., PENG. The mechanical energy-harvesting ability of the PENG is demonstrated by powering 9 light-emitting diodes (LEDs) by a simple finger touch. For the tradi- tional energy-harvester flexible polymer produces an output voltage of 3.3 V and cannot power light-emitting diodes (LEDs). 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