Azijske študije
Asian studies

  1. 2013

  2. 2014

    številka: 1 (2014)
    številka: 2 (2014)
    Faith and Politics (številka: 1, 2014)
    Dangdai xinrujio "Rujia kaichu minzhulun", de lilun yihan yu xianshi yiyi (številka: 1, 2014)
    'A special zone for Confucianism'? (številka: 1, 2014)
    The unity of body and mind in Xu Fuguan's theory (številka: 1, 2014)
    Šanghajski geto in zgodovinsko ter politično ozadje judovskih beguncev iz Tretjega rajha v letih 1933-1945 (številka: 1, 2014)
    The philosophical sinification of modernity and the modern Confucian paradigm of immanent transcendence (številka: 1, 2014)
    Huang, Chun-chieh: Humanism in East Asian Confucian contexts. Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, 2014, 165 pages (številka: 1, 2014)
    Filial piety (xiao) in the contemporary and global world (številka: 1, 2014)
    Confucianism vs. modernity (številka: 1, 2014)
    Introduction (številka: 1, 2014)
    Huang Chun-chieh ..., ed.: The study of East Asian Confucianism: retrospect and prospect ... (številka: 1, 2014)
    What's wrong with the study of China/countries (številka: 1, 2014)
    Examination of disputes between the National Library of Korea and the National Assembly Library (številka: 2, 2014)
    The Taiwanese perspective in investigating Korean Confucianism (številka: 2, 2014)
    The teaching and study of Islam in Western Universities ... London and New York, Routledge, 2014, pp. 196 (številka: 2, 2014)
    Fang Dongmeijeva filozofija ustvarjalnega kozmosa (številka: 2, 2014)
    Joseonui gukga changeopgwa gyeong (številka: 2, 2014)
    Museums, manga, memorials and Korean-Japanese history (številka: 2, 2014)
    Koreans in Japan (številka: 2, 2014)
    Pindola in Korea and Japan (številka: 2, 2014)
    Philosophical interactions between "East and West" (številka: 2, 2014)
  3. 2015

    številka: 1 (2015)
    številka: 2 (2015)
    Japonski jezik med nacijo in imperijem (številka: 1, 2015)
    Japanese martial arts as popular culture (številka: 1, 2015)
    Imperialna nostalgija na Japonskem (številka: 1, 2015)
    Shaping darkness in hyakki yagyô emaki (številka: 1, 2015)
    Poročanje o sporu glede otočja Diaoyu/Diaoyutai/Senkaku v izbranih slovenskih medijih (številka: 1, 2015)
    Nakamura Ryutarô's anime, serial experiments, Lain (1998), as an expository anime (številka: 1, 2015)
    A Male transformation into a female character on the Noh stage (številka: 1, 2015)
    Budistična ikonografija in simbolizem chana v Su Shijevi pesmi "Sliki Wang Weijia in Wu Daozija" (številka: 2, 2015)
    Mitja Saje (ed.): A. Hallerstein - Liu Songling -The Multicultural Legacy of Jesuit Wisdom and Piety at the Qing Dynasty Court 2014, Maribor, Kibla, 380 pages (številka: 2, 2015)
    The Importance of Ferdinand Augustin Hallerstein for cultural and political relations with China and Korea (številka: 2, 2015)
    Su Shi in razcvet tem v poeziji ci - na primeru pesmi na melodijo "Mesečina na Zahodni reki" (številka: 2, 2015)
    Ferdinand Augustin Hallerstein on Giuseppe Castiglione's Art (številka: 2, 2015)
    Wang Huiqin: Ferdinand Auguštin Hallerstein - Slovenec v prepovedanem mestu ... Ljubljana, Mladinska knjiga, 2014, 17 str. (številka: 2, 2015)
    Podoba in vloga Matere Zahodnega kraljestva v grobni umetnosti dinastije Han (številka: 2, 2015)
    Introduction (iss. 1, 2015)
    Karel Slavíček, SJ and his correspondence from China with European astronomers and scholars (issue 2, 2015)
    Intruduction (issue 2, 2015)
    Central-European Jesuit scientists in China, and their impact on Chinese science (issue 2, 2015)
    A preliminary study on the first selected translation of The book of poetry into French (issue 2, 2015)
    The rebirth of the moral self (issue 1, 2015)
    Social context of the fujo (issue 1, 2015)
    Phenomenon of life and death by Dogen and Heidegger (issue 1, 2015)
    The crisis of Japanese identity in the 21st century and Watsuji Tetsuro's ethics (issue 1, 2015)
  4. 2016

    številka: 1 (2016)
    številka: 2 (2016)
    Modern Confucianism and the concept of "Asian values" (številka: 1, 2016)
    Buddhism between Asia and Europe (številka: 1, 2016)
    Buddhism and cognitive (neuro)science (številka: 1, 2016)
    The concept of self in Buddhism and Brahmanism (številka: 1, 2016)
    Ponovno ovrednotenje Webra na Japonskem in nekatera izhodišča za obravnavo religije v povezavi s potrošništvom (številka: 1, 2016)
    The role of religion in the life of Zainichi Koreans in Japan (številka: 1, 2016)
    Mindfulness as a path of women's empowerment (številka: 2, 2016)
    Situating the concept of mindfulness in the Theravâda tradition (številka: 2, 2016)
    Introduction (številka: 2, 2016)
    Sitting with the demons - mindfulness, suffering, and existential transformation (številka: 2, 2016)
    Izvori temeljnih principov vede fengshui skozi pojem korelativne kozmologije (številka: 2, 2016)
    Contribution of Buddhist mindfulness to the transformation of conflict - dependent origination (paticca-samuppada and deconstruction of identity (številka: 2, 2016)
    Literarni liki v Kim Dong-inovih delih (številka: 2, 2016)
    Sanjski grad vsakega umetnika (številka: 2, 2016)
    Mindfulness and its absence - the development of the term mindfulness and the meditation techniques connected to it from Daoist classics to the sinicized Buddhism of the Chan School (številka: 2, 2016)
    Parallels between mindfulness and first-person research into consciousness (številka: 2, 2016)
    Medkulturna problematika vzhodnoazijskih študij ter vprašanje tradicije in modernosti (številka: 2, 2016)
    Applications of mindfulness in psychotherapy (številka: 2, 2016)
    Mindfulness and self-deliverance to pure presence (številka: 2, 2016)
    The neo-confucianism of the Joseon dynasty (issue 1, 2016)
    Bodhisattva Jizo and folk religious influences (issue 1, 2016)
    What is time? (issue 1, 2016)
    Progress and free will (issue 1, 2016)
    On the simplest reading of Bartol's Alamut (issue 1, 2016)
    Special features of the popularization of Bodhidharma in Korea and Japan (issue 1, 2016)
    The significance of "mushin" (issue 1, 2016)
    The logic of "Mutual transmission" in Huayan and Zen Buddhist philosophy - toward the logic of co-existence in a globalized world (issue 2, 2016)
    Introduction (issue 1, 2016)
  5. 2017

    številka: 1 (2017)
    številka: 2 (2017)
    A tale of two utopias (issue 1, 2017)
    Struggle for the right to cover up for family members (issue 1, 2017)
    Introduction (issue 1, 2017)
    Yearning for the lost paradise (issue 1, 2017)
    The distance of Heaven (issue 1, 2017)
    Yang Zhu - enfant terrible filozofskega daoizma in njegov koncept privatizma (issue 1, 2017)
    The embodiment of Zhuangzi's ecological wisdom in Chinese literati painting (wenrenhua Wénrén hua) and its aesthetics (issue 1, 2017)
    Why an upright son does not disclose his father stealing a sheep (issue 1, 2017)
    The early Zhou Period (issue 1, 2017)
    Metodološki problemi Xu Fuguanove primerjalne analize Zhuangzijeve estetike in zahodne fenomenologije (issue 1, 2017)
    Kant, Xunzi and the artificiality of manners (issue 1, 2017)
    Ko bom velik, bom umetnik (issue 1, 2017)
    Skilful practice in the Zhuangzi (issue 1, 2017)
    In the shadow of the decay (issue 1, 2017)
    Confucianism and education (issue 2, 2017)
    Lessons from Zhu Xi's views on inquiry and learning for contemporary advanced humanities education and research (issue 2, 2017)
    Following the way of the ancient kings (issue 2, 2017)
    Between tradition and modernity (issue 2, 2017)
    Analiza in kritično ovrednotenje Xu Fuguanove interpretacije koncepta qiyin shengdong (issue 2, 2017)
    Confucius' embodied knowledge (issue 2, 2017)
    Confucian learning and literacy in Japan's schools of the Edo period (issue 2, 2017)
    The collections of old Japanese postcards in Republic of Slovenia (issue 2, 2017)
    Moral education and ideology (issue 2, 2017)
    A report on the "Global Integration of Ancient Chinese Books" project (issue 2, 2017)
    A Vietnamese reading of master's classic (issue 2, 2017)
    Explicit and implicit aspects of Confucian education (issue 2, 2017)
  6. 2018

    številka: 1 (2018)
    številka: 2 (2018)
    Ulice kot prostor skupnostnega povezovanja (številka: 2, 2018)
    Aesthetics of the classical period of the Islamic Mughal empire in India through a portrait of Abu al-Fath Jalal al-Din Muhammad Akbar (iss. 1, 2018)
    Cutting off the queue for faith, preserving the queue for face (issue 1, 2018)
    Strukturna zveza zavesti ter zunanjega sveta v kitajski tradiciji (issue 1, 2018)
    Guest editor's foreword (issue 1, 2018)
    The time factor - Toshihiko Izutsu and Islamic economic tradition (issue 1, 2018)
    Prostorje kot kulturni proizvod (issue 1, 2018)
    Medkulturni pristop k Li Zehouhevi teoriji sedimentacije - primerjava z Jungovimi arhetipi (issue 1, 2018)
    The dynamics of Islamic ideology with regard to gender and women's education in South Asia (issue 1, 2018)
    Relacijsko sebstvo in moderni subjekt v klasični in sodobni kitajski filozofiji (issue 2, 2018)
    Role of the sword Futsunomitama-no-tsurugi in the origin of the Japanese bushido tradition (issue 2, 2018)
    The way of which warriors? (issue 2, 2018)
    Invented histories (issue 2, 2018)
    Pure spirits (issue 2, 2018)
    The evolution of the ancient way of the warrior (issue 2, 2018)
    Bushido as a hybrid (issue 2, 2018)
    Women's education at Meiji Jogakko and martial arts (issue 2, 2018)
    Bushido and the legacy of "samurai values" in contemporary Japan (issue 2, 2018)
    Guest editor's foreword (issue 2, 2018)
    Lives and afterlives of bushido (issue 2, 2018)
    Poetic deception (issue 2, 2018)
    Proto-historic background of martial arts schools in Eastern Japan (issue 2, 2018)
    Islamic and comaparative philosophy (številka: 1, 2018)
  7. 2019

    številka: 1 (2019)
    številka: 2 (2019)
    Mao's conception of the revolutionary subject (issue 1, 2019)
    Geir Sigurdssson : Confucian propriety and ritual learning: a philosophical interpretation, Albany, State University of New York Press. 2015, 177 pages. ISBN 978-1-4384-5441-2. (no 2, 2019)
    Hegel and Chinese Marxism (issue 1, 2019)
    From religion to revolution --- and nationalism (issue 1, 2019)
    Marxist theories of ideology in contemporary China (issue 1, 2019)
    Beyond murderous dialectics (issue 1, 2019)
    The transformations of PRC academic philosophy (issue 1, 2019)
    Mao's Marxist negation of Marxism (issue 1, 2019)
    Li Zehou and his rocky relationship with Marx (issue 1, 2019)
    Mao Zedong, Sinicization of Marxism, and traditional Chinese thought culture (issue 1, 2019)
    Harmony as an ethical and political idea (issue 1, 2019)
    Guo Moruo on Marx and Confucius (issue 1, 2019)
    Equ(al)ity and community in China after forty years of economic reform (issue 1, 2019)
    Žad iz gore Kun (issue 1, 2019)
    Editor's foreword (issue 1, 2019)
    Modern confucian objection against Communism in China (issue 1, 2019)
    Deleuze and Zhuangzi (issue 1, 2019)
    The master said (issue 2, 2019)
    Filozofija na Tajvanu: nadaljevanje tradicije ali ustvarjanje novih teoretskih paradigem? (issue 2, 2019)
    Guest editor forword (issue 2, 2019)
    Representation of heaven and beyond (issue 2, 2019)
    The meaning of birds on hunping (spirit jars) (issue 2, 2019)
    Chinese-Buddhist encounter: synthesis of Fuxi-Nüwa and Cintamani in Early Medieval Chinese Art (issue 2, 2019)
    Integration and transformation: A study of the Sun and the Moon depicted in the imagery of Fuxi and Nüwa (issue 2, 2019)
    The representation of military troops in Pingcheng tombs and the private houshold institution of buqu in practice (issue 2, 2019)
    Dual portraits of the deceased in Yangqiaopan M1, Jingbian, Shaanxi (issue 2, 2019)
    Cliff tomb burial and decorated stone sarcophagi from sichuan from the Eastern Han dynasty (issue 2, 2019)
    Transmission of Han pictorial motifs into the Western periphery: (issue 2, 2019)
    Raziskovanje izvora kamna za črnilo iz Zbirke Alme Karlin (issue 2, 2019)
  8. 2020

    številka: 1 (2020)
    številka: 2 (2020)
    številka: 3 (2020)
    Special issue dedicated to Li Zehou on his 90th birthday - ethics and the beauty of human becoming (Str. 7-11, 2020)
    Hisaki Hashi: Das Paradoxon in der Philosophie - Zum Aufbau der humanistischen Welt (iss. 1, 2020)
    Li Zehou's ethics and the structure of Confucian pragmatic reason (iss. 1, 2020)
    Different approaches to modern art and society (iss. 1, 2020)
    Šest budističnih simbolov (iss. 1, 2020)
    Hozonkai - fenomen ohranjanja ljudske glasbe in uprizoritvenih umetnosti na Japonskem (iss. 1, 2020)
    Nebeški mandat in dve vrsti resnice (iss. 2, 2020)
    A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step (iss. 2, 2020)
    Qinghua school of logic and the origins of Taiwanese studies in modern logic (iss. 3, 2020)
    Review and prospects of Taiwanese philosophy scholarship in South Korea (iss. 3, 2020)
    Chinese philosophy, "postcomparative" approaches and transcultural studies (iss. 3, 2020)
    Modern and Contemporary Taiwanese Philosophy (iss. 3, 2020)
    Modernizing the philosophy of creative creativity (iss. 3, 2020)
    Different approaches to Chinese aesthetics (iss. 3, 2020)
    Huang Chun-Chieh and comparative philosophy (iss. 3, 2020)
    Confucian post-liberalism (issue 1, 2020)
    Li Zehou's "Harmony is higher than justice" (issue 1, 2020)
    "Yu jiyuan Yú jiyuán and retrofitting 'metaphysics' for Confucian philosophy: human 'beings' or human 'becomings'?" (issue 1, 2020)
    Imprints of the thing in itself (issue 1, 2020)
    Zhang Junmai's early political philosophy and the paradoxes of Chinese modernity (issue 1, 2020)
    Li Zehou's reconception of the classical Confucian concepts of autonomy and individuality (issue 1, 2020)
    Behind harmony and justice (issue 1, 2020)
    When the sage becomes a "god" (issue 2, 2020)
    From Confucianism to nationalism (issue 2, 2020)
    Philosophical transmission and contestation (issue 2, 2020)
    The last Confucians of mid-20th century Vietnam (issue 2, 2020)
    The Vietnamese Confucian diplomatic tradition and the last Nguyen precolonial envoys' textual communication with Li Hongzhang (issue 2, 2020)
    The origins of contemporary moral education and political ideology in Confucian-Marxist Hô Chí Minh's Vietnam (issue 2, 2020)
    Diversifying academic philosophy (issue 2, 2020)
    Chinese philosophy and universal values in contemporary China (issue 2, 2020)
    Five visions of Yang Zhu (issue 2, 2020)
    Deleuzian (re)interpretation of Zhu Xi (issue 2, 2020)
    Vietnamese and Chinese movies about royalty (issue 2, 2020)
    Dissemination and reterritorialization (issue 3, 2020)
    Women on the threshold in the first chapter of Liu Xiang's Lienü Zhuan (issue 3, 2020)
    Thomé Fang's pursuit of a cultural ideal (issue 3, 2020)
    Connecting East and West through modern Confucian thought (issue 3, 2020)
    The "learning of life" (issue 3, 2020)
    The heritage of Taixu (issue 3, 2020)
    Within the spinning stillness of the present (issue 3, 2020)
  9. 2021

  10. 2022

    številka: 2 (2022)
    številka: 1 (2022)
    številka: 3 (2022)
    COVID-19, digital tracking control and Chinese cosmotechnology (iss. 1, 2022)
    Japanese artists’ responses to COVID-19 (iss. 1, 2022)
    The relationless Japanese society and the practices of belonging during the COVID-19 pandemic (iss. 1, 2022)
    “Praying for the Cure” (iss. 1, 2022)
    COVID-19 in North Korea and its effect on the cooperation of North and South Korea in the field of health care (iss. 1, 2022)
    COVID-19 in Asia – changing life as we know it and the new normal (iss. 1, 2022)
    The ethical foundations of Buddhist cognitive models (iss. 1, 2022)
    Anxiety, “concerned consciousness” and their manifestation in the COVID-19 pandemic in China (iss. 1, 2022)
    Chinese national health commission’s reporting strategies on COVID-19 (iss. 1, 2022)
    Comparing logical paradoxes through the method of sublation (iss. 2, 2022)
    Between philosophy and mathematics (iss. 2, 2022)
    70 years of logic in China, 1949-2019 (iss. 2, 2022)
    Chinese research on mathematical logic and the foundations of mathematics (iss. 2, 2022)
    Heritagization of Chinese migration (iss. 2, 2022)
    Asian studies and the history of Chinese logic (iss. 2, 2022)
    New developments in Chinese studies of contemporary inductive logic (iss. 2, 2022)
    Chinese studies on informal logic and critical thinking (iss. 2, 2022)
    History of logic in contemporary China (1949–2021) (iss. 2, 2022)
    Introduction (iss. 3, 2022)
    Looking back on problems of transcultural methodology in Asian studies (iss. 3, 2022)
    Sublating Sinic relationism (iss. 3, 2022)
  11. 2023

  12. 2024