Sigmund von Herberstein

Diplomat and travel writer Baron Sigmund von Herberstein (1486–1566) became a member of the imperial council in 1515, and in the same year started his long and successful diplomatic career. By 1553, he had made almost seventy trips abroad, mainly to Switzerland and Spain, and to Denmark, Bohemia, and Hungary. Between 1516 and 1526, he visited the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy oy Moscow on several occasions and became ambassador to the Moscow Grand Duke Vasily III. Ivanovich. In 1541, he successfully concluded negotiations on a ceasefire with the Ottoman Sultan Sulejman.

The collection presents Herberstein's works from the collections of NUL, the Ivan Potrč Library, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and from other collections. It includes the famous Moscow notes, other travelogues and memories written or published during Herberstein's life, studies dealing with his life and work, and his portrait.

Number of hits: 94

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1930 (94)odstrani
"Mirim", tvornica čokolade i kakaoa (1)
= Poštna hranilnica Kraljevine Jugoslavije (1)
Adrija (1)
Aloma comp. (1)
Bossard (1)
Delavska založba (1)
Domači prijatelj (1)
Dr. A. Oetker (1)
Društvena nabavna zadruga (1)
Družba sv. Mohorja (4)
Družba Sv. Mohorja (1)
Eigenverlag M. Gross (1)
Festausschuss der Gottscheer 600-Jahrfeier (1)
Free Royal Town (1)
Goričar & Leskovšek (1)
Goriška matica (3)
Goriška Mohorjeva družba (1)
Goriška Mohorjeva Družba (1)
Hachette (1)
Higijenski zavod Kraljevine Jugoslavije v Ljubljani (1)
J. Steinbrener (1)
J. Urbas (1)
Jugoslovanska knjigarna (3)
Jugoslovenska sokolska matica (1)
Katoliška knjigarna (1)
Katoliška Tiskarna (1)
Književna družina 'Luč' i. e. Edinost (1)
Konzorcij revije Svoboda (2)
Ljubljanski oblastni odbor Rdečega Križa (1)
Merkur (2)
Ministerium für Industrie, Handel und Gewerbe (1)
Misijonska pisarna (1)
Mladinska matica (1)
Mohorjeva tiskarna (2)
Muzejsko društvo za Slovenijo (1)
Poštanska štedionica Kraljevine Jugoslavije (1)
Prodajalna K. T. D. (1)
Progres, zavod za pospeševanje mednarodnih trgovskih zvez (1)
prosveta (1)
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R. Rother (1)
samozal. (3)
samozal. J. Mravljak (1)
Slovenska matica (2)
Slovenska šolska matica (1)
Slovenski zmaji (1)
Škofijska založba (1)
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Tiskarna sv. Cirila (1)
Tiskovna zadruga (2)
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Tujskoprometni odbor Mestne občine (1)
Turistični klub Skala (1)
Učiteljska Tisk. (1)
Učiteljska Tiskarna (1)
Uprava Ljubljanskega velesejma (1)
Uršulinski samostan (1)
v Banovinski zalogi šolskih knjig in učil (1)
W. Köhler (1)
Združenje geometrov in geodetov kraljevine Jugoslavije, Sekcija Dravske banovine (1)
Znanstveno društvo (1)
Znanstveno društvo za humanistične vede (2)
Search in (94)