COBISS: 1.01 wHAT DOES THE DISTRIBUTION OF STyGOBIOTIC COPEPODA (CRUSTACEA) TELL US ABOUT THEIR AGE? KAJ NAM POVE RAZŠIRJENOST STIGOBIONTSKIH CEPONOŽNIH RAKOV (CRUSTACEA: COPEPODA) O NJIHOVI STAROSTI? David C. CULVER1 & Tanja PIPAN2 Abstract UDC 595.3-15 Izvleček 591.5:595.3 David C. Culver & Tanja Pipan: What Does the Distribution of Stygobiotic Copepoda (Crustacea) Tell Us About Teir Age? Geographic distribution of stygobionts is ofen used to estimate age of a group by assuming vicariant speciation with little or no subsequent dispersal. we investigated the utility of using distri-butional data for Slovenian stygobiotic copepods by assuming that dispersal is a way to measure age of a species. we list some species of Copepoda that, on the basis of their range and fre-quency of occupancy within their range, should be older. Body size is not predictor either of range or frequency of occupancy. Key words: Speleobiology, Copepoda, stygobionts, dispersal biogeography. UDK 595.3-15 591.5:595.3 David C. Culver & Tanja Pipan: Kaj nam pove razširjenost stigobiontskih ceponožnih rakov (Crustacea: Copepoda) o njihovi starosti? Ob predpostavki, da je nastajanje novih vrst posledica vikari-ance, brez naknadne disperzije, se za ocenjevanje starosti živalskih skupin pogosto uporablja geografska razširjenost sti-gobiontov. Ob domnevi, da je disperzija merilo za določanje starosti vrst, smo proučevali primernost podatkov o razširjenosti stigobiontskih kopepodov v Sloveniji. Na osnovi analize obsega naselitve in pogostosti naseljevanja znotraj območja smo v prispevku priložili seznam nekaterih vrst ceponožnih rakov, ki naj bi bile evolucijsko starejše. Telesna velikost ne določa obsega naselitve in pogostosti pojavljanja. Ključne besede: speleobiologija, Copepoda, stigobionti, dis-perzijska biogeografja. INTRODUCTION Te distribution of stygobionts has ofen been used to infer the age of a fauna. Te general procedure has been to assume that little or no migration has occurred, and that the extant distribution represents the site of original colonization and isolation in subterranean habitats. Te vicariance biogeographic view, now dominant in modern biogeography (e.g., Crisci, Katinas, and Posadas 2003) largely supplanted the old idea of centers of origin with species dispersing out from this central place (Matthew 1915). Given the reduced opportunities for dispersal of subterranean animals, it is not surprising that there have been a number of studies that show a correspondence between ancient shorelines and current distributions, especially Tethyan and Paratethyan distributions (Culver and Pipan in press). In some cases, it has been possible to match distributions to historical events and to obtain support from molecular clock data (see Verovnik, Sket, and Trontelj 2004). However, not all subterranean dis- 1 Department of Biology, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave., Nw, washington D.C., U.S.A.; e-mail: 2 Karst Research Institute ZRC-SAZU, Titov trg 2, SI-6230 Postojna, Slovenia; e-mail: Received/Prejeto: 27.11.2006 TIME in KARST, POSTOJNA 2007, 87–91 DAVID C. CULVER & TANJA PIPAN tributions can be explained solely by vicariance. A par-ticularly interesting example is the cirolanid isopod An-trolana lira Bowman. In general, subterranean cirolanids are found near to marine shores (Botosaneanu, Bruce, and Notenboom 1986), suggesting a marine ancestor with vicariant isolation. But, A. lira is found in caves in the Appalachian Valley of Virginia and more than 200 km from not only the present ocean shore, but from any ocean dating back at least to the Paleozoic (Holsinger, Hubbard, and Bowman 1994). In this contribution, we take a dispersalist rather a vicariance view of subterranean biogeography. we con-sider a model of colonization and isolation as follows. A species colonizes and is isolated in a subterranean site. As adaptation occurs, the species occupies more sites in the vicinity of the colonization. Tat is, the frequency of occupancy of subterranean sites increases. In the next stage, the species expands its range, with a high occupan- cy of suitable sites in its range. Finally, as other species also evolve, the original species may be out-competed or it may become specialized in response to competition. In this scenario, it will then occupy a lower frequency of sites within its range. Tus, we can rank the ages of spe-cies in increasing age as follows: 1. Species with small ranges and occupying few (sometimes only one) sites 2. Species with small ranges but occupying a high frequency of sites within its range 3. Species with large ranges and occupying a high frequency of sites within its range 4. Species with large ranges and occupying a low frequency of sites within its range. we examine this hypothesis using distributional data of subterranean copepods from Slovenia (see Pipan 2005), and make assess the utility of this approach. METHODS AND MATERIALS From information in Pipan (2005) and Culver, Pipan, and Schneider (in press) we generated list of stygobiotic copepods from seven Slovenian caves, with information on ranges, frequency of occupancy of well-sampled caves, and average body size. Ranges were categorized into three groups: 1. Slovenian endemics 2. Balkan endemics 3. European endemics 4. Cosmopolitan species To measure frequency of occupancy, we used data from Pipan (2005), which was intensive enough that it is likely that most species were found (Pipan and Cul- ver in press). Body sizes were taken from original species descriptions and direct measurement by T P. Data were available for 37 species. Analysis was done by grouping ranges into two cat-egories (Small—categories 1 and 2 and Large—categories 3 and 4), frequency of occupancy into two categories (Low—1 to 3 caves and High—4 to 7 caves), and size into two categories (Small—less than the overall mean of 0.61 and large—greater than or equal to the overall mean of 0.61). Te resulting 2x2 contingency tables were analyzed for independence using Fisher’s Exact Test in JMPTM (Sall, Creighton, and Lehman 2005). RESULTS Available data for the 37 species of stybobiotic copepods are shown in Table 1. In Table 2, all species are categorized into four groups based on range and occupancy. Tere was no signifcant diference between observed and ex-pected although there was a small excess of species with large ranges that were also found in a high frequency of caves. Tose species hypothesized to be the oldest (large ranges, low occupancy) were: • Acanthocyclops kieferi • Acanthocyclops venustus stammeri • diacyclops clandestinus 88 TIME in KARST – 2007 • dicyclops languidoides • Elaphoidella elaphoides • morariopsis scotenophila Te group hypothesized to be the next oldest are those with large ranges and high occupancy: • Elaphoidella jeanneli • bryocamptus balcanicus • Acanthocyclops venustus • Parastenocaris nolli alpina wHAT DOES THE DISTRIBUTION OF STyGOBIOTIC COPEPODA (CRUSTACEA) TELL US ABOUT THEIR AGE? tab. 1: Stygobiotic copepod species found in seven well-sampled caves in Slovenia. See Pipan (2005) and Culver et al. (in press). Species Name/Taxonomic Authority Mean Body Size No. Caves Occupied Range Acanthocyclops kieferi (Chappuis, 1925) 0.73 2 3 Acanthocyclops venustus (Norman & Scott, 1906) 1.07 1 3 Acanthocyclops venustus stammeri (Kiefer, 1930) 1.07 5 3 Bryocamptus balcanicus (Kiefer 1933) 0.40 4 3 Bryocamptus borus Karanovic & Bobic, 1998 1 2 Bryocamptus pyrenaicus (Chappuis, 1923) 0.80 7 3 Bryocamptus sp. 2 1 cf. Stygepactophanes sp. 0.35 3 1 Diacyclops charon (Kiefer, 1931) 1.00 7 2 Diacyclops clandestinus (Kiefer, 1926) 0.40 3 4 Diacyclops hypogeus (Kiefer, 1930) 0.50 2 1 Diacyclops languidoides (Lilljeborg, 1901) 0.80 3 4 Diacyclops slovenicus (Petkovski, 1954) 0.68 3 1 Echinocamptus georgevitchi (Chappuis, 1924) 0.70 1 2 Elaphoidella cvetkae Petkovski, 1983 0.75 4 2 Elaphoidella elaphoides (Chappuis, 1924) 0.60 1 3 Elaphoidella franci Petkovski, 1983 0.64 1 1 Elaphoidella jeannelli Chappuis, 1928 0.60 4 3 Elaphoidellakarstica Dussart & Defaye (1990) 1 1 Elaphoidella sp. A 2 1 Elaphoidella sp. B 2 1 Elaphoidella stammeri Chappuis, 1936 0.62 4 1 Maraenobiotus cf. brucei 0.60 1 1 Metacyclops postojnae Brancelj, 1990 >0.61 1 2 Moraria sp. A 2 1 Moraria sp. B 1 1 Moraria stankovitchi Chappuis, 1924 0.55 2 2 Morariopsis dumonti Brancelj, 2000 0.39 2 1 Morariopsis scotenophila (Kiefer 1930) 0.49 3 4 Nitocrella sp. 0.50 2 1 Parastenocaris cf. andreji 0.40 2 1 Parastenocaris nolli alpina (Kiefer, 1938) 0.42 5 3 Parastenocaris sp. A 0.40 2 1 Parastenocaris sp. B 0.40 4 1 Parastenocaris sp. C 0.40 2 1 Speocyclops infernus (Kiefer 1930) 0.47 6 2 Troglodiaptomus sketi Petkovski, 1978 0.88 3 2 we investigated whether there was a body size bias pan and Culver 2006). In any case, there was no relation-for occupancy or range size. Smaller copepods might be ship between frequency of occupancy and body size and able to disperse more easily but they may also be more no relationship between range and body size (Table 3). subject to the vagaries of water movement in epikarst (Pi-TIME in KARST – 2007 89 DAVID C. CULVER & TANJA PIPAN tab. 2: Number of species of stygobiotic copepods in categories of large and small range and high and low frequency of site occupancy. Numbers in parentheses are the expected numbers. Observed and expected numbers do not signifcantly difer (p=0.21, Fisher’s Exact test). High Occupancy Low Occupancy Large Range 4 (2.4) 5 (6.6) Small Range 6 (7.6) 22 (20.4) tab. 3: Number of species of stygobiotic copepods in categories of high and low frequency of site occupancy (A), large and small range (b) and body size. Numbers in parentheses are the expected numbers. Neither association was statistically signifcant (p=0.71 for A, p=0.71 for b, Fisher’s Exact test). A. High Occupancy Low Occupancy Large Body Size 5 (4.3) 8 (8.7) Small Body Size 5 (6.7) 12 (11.3) B. Large Range Small Range Large Body Size 5 (4.5) 8 (8.5) Small Body Size 5 (5.5) 11 (10.5) Finally, we investigated the taxonomic position of the putative older species, i.e., those with larger ranges. Of the ten species listed above, fve are cyclopoids and fve are harpacticoids. Tere is an excess of large ranged cyclopoids but the diference was only signifcant at p~0.10 (Table 4). Acanthocyclops is especially notewor-thy. All three stygobiotic species (A. kieferi, A. venustus, and A. venustus stammeri) had large ranges. In contrast none of the three species of Moraria (m. stankovitchi, sp. A, and sp. b) have large ranges. Te lone calanoid species (troglodiaptomus sketi) also has a small range. tab. 4: Relationship between range and taxonomic group (Cyclopoida vs. harpacticoida). Expected numbers are given in parentheses. Te relationship was marginally signifcant (p~0.10, Fisher’s Exact test). Large Range Small Range Cyclopoida 5 (2.8) 5 (7.2) Harpacticoida 5 (7.2) 21 (18.8) DISCUSSION we have created a list of copepod species that, according to the hypothesis outlined in the introduction, should be older than other stygobiotic copepod species discussed in this study. Unfortunately, we know of no detailed phy-logeny that would allow for such a comparison but we think that it would make for a very interesting study to do so. what is known about copepod phylogeny is that the Cyclopoida seem to be a more recent group than the Harpacticoida, accoding to the phylogeny of Huys and Boxshall (1991). Te fact that cyclopoids are over-repre-sented among species with large ranges (Table 4) contra-dicts the hypothesis put forward. Of course, just because cyclopoids as a group are younger does not mean that the species are all younger than harpacticoids. Alternatively, it may be that harpacticoids are in general being outcom-peted by cyclopoids, and this has resulted, not only in reduction in occupancy frequency, but also in range con-traction. we think that examination of the kinds of distribution patterns (range size and occupancy) discussed here will yield interesting results. Tis analysis would enrich phylogeography studies as well as provide additional hy-potheses about the origin and evolution of subterranean groups. ACKNOwLEDGEMENTS Te authors were supported by funds from the Center tute and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and for Subterranean Biodiversity of the Karst waters Insti- Technology of the Republic of Slovenia. 90 TIME in KARST – 2007 wHAT DOES THE DISTRIBUTION OF STyGOBIOTIC COPEPODA (CRUSTACEA) TELL US ABOUT THEIR AGE? REFERENCES Botosaneanu, L., N. Bruce, & J. Notenboom., 1986: Isopoda: Cirolanidae, pp. 412-421, in L. Botosanea-nu [ed.] Stygofauna mundi. E.J. Brill, Leiden, Te Netherlands. Crisci, J.V., L. Katinas, & P. Posadas., 2003: historical bio-geography. An Introduction. p. 250, Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge. Culver, D.C., T. Pipan., & K. Schneider., in press: Vicari-ance, dispersal, and scale in the aquatic subterra-nean fauna of karst regions. Freshwater biology Culver, D.C., & T. Pipan., in press: Subterranean ecosys-tems. In S.A. Levin [ed.] Encyclopedia of biodiver-sity, second edition. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Holsinger, J. R., D. A. Hubbard, Jr , & T. E. Bowman., 1994: Biogeographic and ecological implicationd of newly discovered populations of the stygobiont iso-pod crustacean Antrolana lira Bowman (Cirolani-dae). journal of Natural history 28, 1047-1058. Huys, R., and G. Boxshall., 1991: Copepod evolution. p. 468, Te Ray Society, London, Matthew, w.D., 1915: Climate and evolution. Annals of the New york Academy of Sciences 24, 171-318. Pipan, T., 2005: Epikarst – a Promising habitat. 100 p. Karst Researach Institute at ZRC-SAZU, ZRC Publishing, Postojna. 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